
生於紐西蘭。初次赴美,是赴紐約大學Brook Stony分校攻讀碩士及博士課程,師從於Samuel Baron。


  • 中文名:阿麗克莎·斯蒂爾
  • 國籍:紐西蘭
  • 職業:第31屆美國國家長笛協會會議執行主席
  • 主要成就:定期赴美進行獨奏演出,並於1996年獲得Fullbright獎
生於紐西蘭。初次赴美,是赴紐約大學Brook Stony分校攻讀碩士及博士課程,師從於Samuel Baron。在此期間,又同時向Tommas Nyfenger求教,並贏得了無數賽事的勝利。之後,23歲的Alexa獲得了紐西蘭交響樂團首席長笛的位置。在家鄉的11年間,她被紐西蘭媒體稱為"國寶",與此同時,她定期赴美進行獨奏演出,並於1996年獲得Fullbright獎。1998年被聘為美國科羅拉多大學博爾德分校的長笛副教授後,頻頻舉行各種類型的音樂會、大師班,足跡遍及英國、德國、澳大利亞、墨西哥、斯洛維尼亞、加拿大、韓國及土爾其。曾與美國阿肯色交響樂團和長島交響樂團合作演出,2003年7月,她的第12張Koch品牌專輯出版發行。2004年1月,她又錄製了一張協奏曲唱片。
A native of New Zealand,Alexa's first visit to the Us was for graduate study at the State University of New York at Stony Brook studing with Bsamuel Baron and also independently with Thomas Nyfenger,gaining a Masters and Doctorate degrees and numerous competition successes.Alexa then won principal flute of the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra at the age 23,and returned home for 11 years.Described as "A national treasure" in New Zealand, she made regular tours to the Us for solo engagements , and in 1996, Fullbright Award.Since being appinted Associate Professor of Flute at University of Colorado at Boulder(1998) she has presentd recitals,concertos and master classes in England, Germany, Australia, New Zealand, Slovenia, Mexico, Canada, Korea, and Turkey.She has performed with the South Arkansas Symphony Orchestra and Long Island Philharmonic.Her 12th solo compact disc on Koch was released in July 2003 and she recorded another concerto disc in January of 2003.
She was program chair for the 31th National Flute Association Convention in 2003. She plays a silver flute made for her by Brannen Brothers of Boston with head joints by Sanford Drelinger of White Pains, New York.

