
閆統江,男,1973年生,博士後,教授,碩士生導師,加拿大滑鐵盧大學訪問副教授、中國密碼學學會會員、計算機學會會員、IEICE會員、國家科技計畫項目(課題)評審專家、教育部科技計畫評審專家、山東省科技計畫評審專家、青島市科技獎勵評審專家.1999年畢業於西北師範大學代數學專業,獲碩士學位,2007年畢業於西安電子科技大學密碼學專業,獲博士學位.主要從事流密碼和偽隨機序列設計等方面的研究工作。主持國家自然科學基金面上項目等國家級和省部級縱向科研項目4項、校級項目2項(詳見下表),主持完成國家級縱向科研項目1項,校級項目3項,曾參與完成了包括973課題和國家自然科學基金課題在內的多個重要科研項目.指導三名在讀碩士研究生.發表各級學術論文40餘篇,其中以第一作者在Information Sciences、Applied mathematics Letter、IEICE Transactions、數學進展等國內外著名期刊上發表了相關研究論文20餘篇(其中被SCI檢索或錄用7篇,被EI檢索17篇,被ISTP檢索2篇)。


  • 中文名:閆統江
  • 出生日期:1973年
  • 職業:教師
  • 畢業院校:西安電子科技大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士




  1. 國家自然科學基金面上項目,兩類新型偽隨機序列的構造與分析/在研,2012.1-2015.12 .1/9
  2. 中國博士後科學基金面上資助,基於割圓的偽隨機序列研究/在研 2011.4-2012.12. 1/1.
  3. 山東省自然科學基金面上項目,基於齊次函式的新型偽隨機序列設計算法研究/在研, 2011.1-2013.12. 1/8
  4. 中科院信息安全國家重點實驗室開放課題,d-次型序列與擴展d-次序列的偽隨機性質研究/結題,2010.1-2011.12 1/5
  5. 校自主創新科研計畫項目 新型擴頻序列的構造與分析研究/在研 2011.4-2013.3 1/6
  6. 中國石油大學教學改革項目 深化高等數學教學改革,加強大學生素質教育建設/結題 2008.9-2010.10 1/8
  7. 中國石油大學引進人才(博士)科研基金資助項目Y080806 d-型序列和擴展d-型序列的偽隨機性質研究 2007.12 -2009.12 1/6
  8. 中國石油大學基礎科研基金資助項目,割圓序列與廣義割圓序列的偽隨機性質研究2008.01- 2010.12 1/7
  9. 山東省優秀中青年科學家科研獎勵基金.束縛糾纏及量子態保真度的研究.2012.7-2014.12 2/6
  10. 中國石油大學(華東)自主創新科研計畫項目,複方程解的特性及其相關問題的研究/在研 2010.10-2012.10 3/6
  11. 中國石油大學(華東)校級一般教改項目.工科院校數學專業定位與培養模式研究/已結題 2010.11-2012.11 4/5
  12. 中國石油大學(華東)校級重點教改項目.數學專業核心基礎課程建設 2011.1-2012.12/已結題 5/6
  13. 山東省自然科學基金面上項目.m-序列的相關性質及其理論套用研究.2014.10-2016.10/在研 2/7


  1. 閆統江,范凱,杜小妮,肖國鎮.二元W-廣義割圓序列的線性複雜度.西安電子科技大學學報(自然科學版),33(4):617-621,(2006).(EI:064210184910)
  2. 閆統江,張寧,肖國鎮.8階二元廣義割圓序列的線行複雜度.中國石油大學學報(自然科學版),30(1):142-145,(2006).(EI:06209882464)
  3. 閆統江,張衛國,肖國鎮.修改的Jacobi序列的線性複雜度.中國石油大學學報(自然科學版),30(2):147-150,(2006).(EI:06229913613)
  4. 閆統江,李淑清.新的互素序列的跡表示和線性複雜度.計算機工程,36(5) (2011): 137-139. (EI:06209882464)
  5. 杜小妮,閻統江,石永芳.周期為 的廣義割圓序列的線性複雜度.電子與信息學報32(4): 821-824, (2010). (EI:20102112949912)
  6. Tongjiang Yan,Zhixiong Chen,Guozhen Xiao.Linear complexity of ding generalized cyclotomic sequences. Journal of Shanghai University (English edition),11(1):22-26,(2007).
  7. Tongjiang Yan,Rong Sun,Guozhen Xiao. Autocorrelation and linear complexity of the new generalized cyclotomic sequences. IEICE Transactions,90-A(4):857-864,(2007).(SCI: 000253184800009,EI: 20071710564568)
  8. Tongjiang Yan,Xiaoni Du,Enjian Bai,Guozhen Xiao.Some notes on form functions with difference-balanced property. WAIFI 11-17,2007.(ISTP: 000247854300002,EI: 2008041,1054262)
  9. Tongjiang Yan,Javed Ahsan,Xiangli Fei,Guozhen Xiao.Monoid characterized by their injectivity and projectivity classes. Advances in Mathematics,36(3):321-326,(2007)
  10. Tongjiang Yan,Xiaoni Du,Guozhen Xiao.Trace representations and multi-rate constructions of two classes of generalized cyclotomic sequences. International Journal of Network Security,7(2):269-272,(2008).(EI :20131216132507)
  11. Tongjiang Yan,Bingjia Huang,Guozhen Xiao. Cryptographic properties of some binary generalized cyclotomic sequences with the length . Information Sciences,178(4):1078-1086,(2008).(SCI: 0002531848000,EI: 20074910961270)
  12. Tongjiang Yan,Li Hong,Guozhen Xiao. The linear complexity of new generalized cyclotomic binary sequences of order four. Information Sciences. 178(3): 807-815,(2008),(SCI:000251621700017,EI: 20074510912943)
  13. Tongjiang Yan,Shengqiang Li,Guozhen Xiao.On the linear complexity of generalized cyclotomic sequences with the period . Applied Mathematical Letter, 21(2):187-193,(2008).(SCI:000252954600015, EI: 20074910961435)
  14. Tongjiang Yan,Xiaoni Du,Guozhen Xiao,Xiaolong Huang.Linear complexity of binary Whiteman generalized cyclotomic sequences of order . Information Sciences,179(7): 1019-1023,(2009)(SCI:000263385400012, EI:20090411873690)
  15. Tongjiang Yan,Li Hong.On constructions of some difference-balanced form functions. IEEE Fifth International Conference on Information Assurance and Security.IAS2009,I:635-638(2009)(ISTP: 000275852000145,EI: 20100312642517)
  16. TongjiangYan. New binary sequences of period with low values of correlation and large linear complexity. International Journal of Network Security, 10(2):153-157,(2010). (EI: 20131316154404)
  17. Tongjiang Yan, Xiaoni Du,Yuhua Sun,Guozhen Xiao.Construction of form sequences with ideal autocorreation. IEICE Transaction on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences,94-A (8) :1696-1700, (2011)(SCI,EI 20113214211789).
  18. Tongjiang Yan. Generalized injectivity S-acts on monoid. Advances in Mathematics (Chinese), 40(4): 421-432, (2011).
  19. Tongjiang Yan, Pan Xu,Yuhua Sun,Kai Fan.The k-error linear complexity of Whiteman generalized cyclotomic sequences of period pq of order 2. ICSPS, 473-476,( 2011 ).
  20. Tongjiang Yan,Yuhua Sun, ZilongWang, Bao Li.Cross-correlation of some extended d-form sequences. Proceedings of IWSDA 11:56-59 (2012). (EI 20121214883360 )
  21. Yan Tongjiang, Xu, Pan. Linear complexity of two classes of binary generalized cyclotomic sequences of any order. Journal of Convergence Information Technology, 7(14):98-106, (2012). (EI 20123415359800)
  22. Yan, Tongjiang ,Xiao, Guozhen.Divisible difference sets, relative difference sets and sequences with ideal autocorrelation. Information Sciences, 2013 (SCI, EI IP52653966)
  23. Xiaoni Du,Tongjiang Yan,Guozhen Xiao.Trace representation of some generalized cyclotomic sequences of length . Information Sciences,178(16): 3307-3316,(2008).(SCI: 000258052400014,EI: 20082611340815)
  24. Tongjiang Yan, Yanyan Liu. Linear Complexity of Binary Generalized Cyclotomic Sequencesof Order 6 over Zpq. International Workshop on Communications and Network Theory(CNT 2013).( EI源)
  25. Li Ming, Yan Tong-Jiang, Fei Shao-Ming,Entanglement detection and lower bound of the convex-roof extension of the negativity, J. Phys. A,(2012). (SCI)
  26. Sun, Yuhua; Yan, Tongjiang; Li, Hui. The linear complexity of a class of binary sequences with three-level autocorrelation..Source: IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, E96-A, 7, :1586-1592, (2013). (SCI, EI 20133116546319)
  27. Li, Xiaoping; Ma, Wenping; Yan, Tongjiang; Zhao, Xubo Linear complexity of binary whiteman generalized cyclotomic sequences of order 4. IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, E96-A(1):363-366, (2013), Cryptography and Information Security. (EI:20130215882812)
  28. Li Xiaoping; Ma Wenping; Yan Tongjiang; Zhao Xubo.Linear complexity of a new generalized cyclotomic sequence of order two of length pq. Source: IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, E96-A, 5:1001-1005, (2013).(EI:20132216383716)
  29. Yuhua Sun, Hui L,Tongjiang Yan, Crosscorrelation of m-sequences with decimation ,, ICSPS 428-430,(2011).
  30. Tongjiang Yan, Pan Xu.A New polyphase Generalized Sequence of Length pq and Its LinearComplexity. International Workshop on Communications and Network Theory (CNT 2013). ( EI源)
  31. Yuhua Sun, Zilong Wang, Hui Li, Tongjiang Yan. on the cross-correlation of a ternary m-sequence of period and its decimated sequence by . Proceedings of IWSDA’11:48-51. (EI 20121214883358)
  32. Niu Zhihua, Li Zhe, Chen Zhixiong, Yan Tongjiang.Computing the k-error linear complexity of q-ary sequences with period 2pn, IEICE Transactions, 95-A(9): 1637-1641 (2012). (SCI, EI:20123715417782)
  33. Zhao Xubo, Ma Wenping, Yan Tongjiang.The linear complexity of new generalized cyclotomic binary sequences of order two of length pq .Li Xiaoping, Journal of Computational Information Systems, 8(19): 8193-8200,(2012). (EI核心)
  34. 孫玉花, 李暉,閆統江.不同周期的p-元m-序列之間的互相關性質,西安電子科技大學學報,39(5):30-34,(2012).(EI20124715691809)
  35. Li, Xiaoping; Zhao, Xubo; Ma, Wenping; Yan, Tongjiang. The linear complexity of new generalized cyclotomic binary sequences of order two of length pq. Journal of Computational Information Systems, 8(19):8193-8200, (2012) (EI:20130215882812)
  36. Sun, Yuhua ;Li, Hui; Wang, Zilong; Yan, Tongjiang. A new decimation (pn/2)2/2+1 of Niho type: p-ary sequences with six-valued cross-correlation function. Journal of Computational Information Systems, 9( 4): 1361-1367, (2013) (EI 20131516191864)
  37. 李淑清,閆統江. 6 階W-廣義割圓序列的線性複雜度.計算機工程,36(4): 150-154 .(2011)
  38. 閆統江.審美觀照下的高等數學教學(教學論文)中國石油大學學報2009Z
  39. 閆統江.簡談高等數學教學中創新能力的培養(教學論文).讀與寫(教育教學刊),(2009)
  40. 閆統江.么半群的投射類刻畫,中國石油大學學報(自然科版).(2002)
  41. 閆統江,亓健. 多媒體教學的資訊理論分析與策略最佳化.中國石油大學學報(社會科學版).(2002)
  42. 李淑清,閆統江.如何提高學生的問題意識.中國石油大學勝利學院學報.2007
  43. Tongjiang Yan, Xiaoping Li,Some notes on the generalized cyclotomic binary sequences of length 2p^m and p^m. IEICE Transactions, 95-A,(2013) ,(SCI,EI源刊)


2001年獲大學生科技節課外活動優秀指導教師,2007年獲得中國石油大學(華東)科技教學成果二等獎,2009年獲全國計算機課件評比二等獎,2009年指導學生獲全國大學生數學建模競賽兩個山東省一等獎,2012年指導學生獲全國大學生數學建模競賽山東省二等獎, 2009年獲得校級優秀教師、中國石油大學(華東 )“十大傑出青年”提名.


