重力男孩Gravity Guy FREE

重力男孩Gravity Guy FREE

《重力男孩Gravity Guy FREE》是一款休閒益智類遊戲,支持Android 2.1。


  • 套用名稱:重力男孩Gravity Guy FREE
  • 套用平台:mobile
  • 套用版本:1.5.6
  • 運行環境:Android 2.1
Xbox上移植過來的界面較為華麗的動作類的遊戲,遊戲中你需要打破常規的重力法則,不斷的在各種迷宮中逃避重力軍團的追捕。遊戲中的重力小子必須要不斷的奔跑,他不能夠停下來,你的任務就是引導他逃離敵人的追捕,需要的時候你還必須要翻轉重力。遊戲一共有3個不同的世界,共30個極具挑戰性的關卡,能保證你長時間的遊戲樂趣。Gravity Guy支持單人模式和多人模式,在多人模式下,最多可以支持4名玩家同時進行遊戲。遊戲操作非常簡單,用戶只需要觸控螢幕來控制重力小子利用重力和反重力前進,而在前進的過程中會有許多的障礙物阻擋前進,用戶需要巧妙的利用重力和反重力 使重力小子飛過這些障礙,並且不會因為失去重力而飄出螢幕之外(因為飄出螢幕之外你就掛了),當然,你還要躲避邪惡的外星人的追擊,一旦被外星人追上,它 就有可能將你幹掉,那么你就只有重新開始 One of the best Miniclip games!Get it now for FREE!In a world where gravity laws were broken,a brave guy,was held captive for defying the rules。Not happy,he decided to escape,being the first one to run for his life flipping gravity at will。
He became known as the Gravity Guy
Being chased by Gravity troops,Gravity Guy can‘t stop,he has to keep running and it‘s your job to guide him through an impossible world of mazes,flipping gravity when needed。This fast paced and frustratingly addictive adventure features 30 challenging levels,and 3 different worlds,and guarantees you many long hours of fun!
Multiplayer mode up to 4 players
Two game modes Story and Practice。


