解剖4D Anatomy 4D

解剖4D Anatomy 4D

《解剖4D Anatomy 4D》是一款IOS平台的套用。


  • 軟體名稱:解剖4D Anatomy 4D
  • 軟體平台:IOS
  • 軟體大小:29.46MB


說明:4D解剖,讓觀眾理解,並以前所未有的輕鬆,速度,深度和複雜的信息互動。視覺震撼,完全的互動,增強現實技術是21世紀教育的完美車輛。 4D解剖人體內部的觀眾通過一個簡單的使用的3維的學習環境。非常適合在課堂上使用,或任何時候。 “如果你想成為一個革命性的進步年初,得到這個程式!這是最驚人的virtual/3-D的工具!可視化和學習的未來影響是顯而易見的,他說:“未來就是現在”最後終於有了意義!我已經想多“。 如何使用4D解剖: 1。下載4D解剖學從蘋果AppStore的應用程式。 2。一旦應用程式下載到設備上,點擊應用程式打開它。 3。使用AirPrint列印目標 點擊左上角的“選項”,在 點擊“列印” 點擊“選擇印表機” 選擇離你最近的印表機 選擇要列印的副本數 按“列印” 4。在平坦的表面上有足夠的照明目標奠定 5。目標點設備和模型應填充 6。放大和縮小 將兩個手指放在設備 “掐尖兒”將導致模型縮小 “拉”將導致模型放大 7。更改模型 點擊左上角的“選項”,在 點擊“男”或“女”性別切換 點擊“關閉”以關閉“選項”選項卡 Description: 4D Anatomy allows viewers to understand and interact with complex information with unprecedented ease, speed, and depth. Visually stunning and completely interactive, augmented reality is the perfect vehicle for 21st century education. 4D Anatomy takes viewers inside the human body via a simple-to-use 3-dimensional learning environment. Perfect for use in the classroom, or anytime. “If you ever wanted to be at the beginning of a revolutionary advance, get this app! This is the most amazing virtual/3-D tool ever! The future implications for visualizing and learning are obvious...the saying, "The future is now" finally has meaning! I already want more.” How to Use 4D Anatomy: 1. Download the 4D Anatomy App from the Apple Appstore. 2. Once the app has downloaded onto the device, tap the app to open it. 3. Print Target using AirPrint Tap“Options” in upper left hand corner Tap “Print” Tap “Select Printer” Select the printer nearest you Select number of copies to print Press “Print” 4. Lay Target on flat surface with sufficient lighting 5. Point device at Target and model should populate 6. Zooming In and Out Place two fingers on device “Pinching” will cause the model to zoom out “Pulling” will cause the model to zoom in 7. Changing the model Tap “Options” in top left hand corner Tap “Male” or “Female” to switch genders Tap “Close” to close the “options” tab


