


  • 中文名:袁學海
  • 籍貫:遼寧喀左
  • 性別:男
  • 民族:漢族
  • 國籍:中國
  • 出生年月:1960年
  • 職業:學者 教授
  • 代表作品:《模糊群的同態》


姓名 : 袁學海
任教專業 : 理學-數學類
在職情況 : 在職
性別 : 男
所在院系 : 數學學院
所教課程 : 模糊數學
研究方向 : 模糊數學


袁學海(1960-),男,遼寧喀左人,遼寧師範大學教授,碩士.碩士生導師 ,研究方向為模糊數學
1979.9-1983.7 北京師範大學 數學系 本科生
1983.7-1988.7 遼寧師範大學 數學系 教師
1988.8-1991.7 北京師範大學 套用數學專業 碩士研究生
1991.7-2007.9 遼寧師範大學 數學學院 教師,其中1998年8月起任教授
2002.4-2006.12 大連理工大學 運籌學與控制論專業 博士研究生
2007.10-至今 大連理工大學 控制科學與工程學院 教授


1. 現主持國家自然科學基金重大研究計畫(90818025)子課題項目和企業委託項目各一項
2. 曾主持遼寧省教育廳高校科研項目(A類)四項
3. 現參加國家自然科學基金項目(60774049)和教育部博士點基金項目(20090041110003)各一項


代表性著作 :
1. Yuan X H, Li H X, Sun K B. The cut sets , decomposition theorems and representation theorems on intuitionistic fuzzy sets and interval valued fuzzy sets. Sci China Inf Sci, 2011,54(1):91-110 (SCI)
2. 李洪興, 袁學海, 王加銀. 模糊系統的範數. 中國科學 信息科學, 2010,40(12):1543-1668
3. Li H X, Yuan X H, Wang J Y, et al. The normal numbers of the fuzzy systems and their classes. Sci China Inf Sci, 2010,53(11):2215-2229(SCI)
4. 袁學海,李洪興,孫凱彪. 直覺模糊集和區間值模糊集的截集,分解定理和表現定理. 中國科學 F輯:信息科學, 2009, 39(9):933-945
5. Yuan Xue-hai, Li Hong-xing, E.Stanley Lee. On the definition of intuitionistic fuzzy subgroups. Computer and Mathematics with Applications, 59(9)(2010)3117-3129 (SCI, EI)
6.Yuan Xue-hai, Liu Zeng-liang, E.S.Lee. The Center-of-gravity Fuzzy Systems Based on
the Normal Fuzzy Implications. Computer and Mathematics with Applications, 2011,61(9): 2879-2898(2011年5月)(SCI,EI)
7.Shang You-guang, Yuan Xue-hai, E S Lee. The n-dimensional fuzzy sets and Zadeh fuzzy sets based on the finite valued fuzzy sets. Computer and Mathematics with Applications, 60(3)(2010):442-463(SCI, EI)
8. Sun Kai-biao, Yuan Xue-hai, Li Hong-xing. Fuzzy hypergroups based on fuzzy relations.Computer and Mathematics with Applications,60(3)(2010):610-622(SCI, EI)
9.Yuan Xue-hai, Li Hong-xing, E S Lee. Three new cut sets of fuzzy sets and new theories of fuzzy sets. Computer and Mathematics with Applications, 57(5)(2009)691-701(SCI, EI)
10. Yuan Xue-hai, E S Lee. Comments on “Notes on triple I method of fuzzy reasoning”,Computer and Mathematics with Applications, 58(8)(2009)1604-1607(SCI, EI)
11. Li Xiao-shen, Yuan Xue-hai, E S Lee. The three-dimensional fuzzy sets and their cut sets. Computer and Mathematics with Applications,58(7),2009:1349-1359(SCI, EI)
12. Yuan Xue-hai, Li Hong-xing, Wang Xiaoning. Theoretical methods of Constructing fuzzy inference relations. Fuzzy Information and Engineering(Springer),1(4)(2009):385-399.
13.Yuan Xue-hai, Li Hong-xing, Zhang Cheng. The set-valued mapping based on ample fields. Computer and Mathematics with Applications,56(2008)1954-1965 (SCI,EI)
14. Lin Lin, Xue-hai Yuan, Zunquan Xia. Multicriteria fuzzy decision-making methods based on intuitionistic fuzzy sets.Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 2007, 73:84-88(SCI,EI)
15. Cheng Zhang, Xue-hai Yuan, E.S.Lee. Convex fuzzy mapping and operations of convex fuzzy Mappings Computer and Mathematics with Applications,Vol.47,PP143-152,2006(SCI,EI)
16.Xue-hai Yuan, E.S.Lee The category FGrp of fuzzy groups is not equivalent to the category Grp of  classical groups.Computer and Mathematics with Applications, Vol.49,PP1953-1956,2005(SCI,EI)
17. Cheng Zhang, Xue-hai Yuan, E.S.Lee. Duality theory in fuzzy mathematics programming problems with fuzzy coefficients.Computer and Mathematics with Applications, Vol.49,PP1709-1730,2005(SCI,EI)
18.Xue-hai Yuan, E.S.Lee. The definition of convex fuzzy subset.
Computer and Mathematics with Applications, Vol.47,No.1, PP101-113,2004(SCI,EI)
19. Xue-hai Yuan, E.S.Lee. Fuzzy group based on fuzzy binary operation.
Computer and Mathematics with Applications, Vol.47,No.4-5, PP631-641,2004(SCI,EI)
20.Xue-hai Yuan, Cheng Zhang,Yonghong Ren Generalized fuzzy groups and many-valuedImplications. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 138(2003)205-211(SCI,EI)
21.Xue-hai Yuan, Hongxing Li, E.Stanley Lee. Categories of fuzzy sets and weak topos.Fuzzy Sets and Systems,Vol.127,No.3(2002)291-297(SCI,EI)
22.Yuan Xue-hai, Shen Zheng-wei. Notes on “Fuzzy plane geometry I,II”.
Fuzzy Sets and Systems,Vol.121,No.3(2001) 545-547(SCI ,EI)
23.Yuan Xue-hai, Wang P Z, E S Lee. Factor space and its algebraic representation theory. J.Math.Anal.Appl. Vol.171, No.1 (1992) 256-276. (SCI).
24. Yuan Xue-hai, E S Lee. Categorical analysis of logic operators on fuzzy set .
J.Math.Anal.Appl..Vol.177, No.2 (1993) 600-607. (SCI,EI).
25. Yuan Xue-hai, Wang P Z, E S Lee. Factor Rattans, category FR(Y), and Factor space.J.Math.Anal.Appl..Vol.186, No.1 (1994) 254-264. (SCI,EI).
26. Yuan Xue-hai, E S Lee. Category Fuz, Wtopos, and Categoty FuzFuz.
J.Math.Anal.Appl.. Vol.201, No.2 (1996) 489-501. (SCI,EI).
27. Yuan Xue-hai, E S Lee. A fuzzy algebraic system based on the theory of falling shadows. J.Math.Anal.Appl. Vol.208, No.1 (1997) 243-251. (SCI,EI).
1. 1996年度遼寧省教委科技進步獎二等獎(排名第一)


