

蘇克和教授,1984年7月本科畢業於四川大學化學系化學專業,獲理學學士學位;1987年7月研究生畢業於四川大學化學系物理化學專業,獲理學碩士學位;1987年7月到西北工業大學任教至今;1993年3月-1994年6月被派往美國Eastern Illinois University進修;1996-1999年於西北大學現代物理研究所“理論物理”專業攻讀博士學位(在職),2001年獲理學博士學位。


  • 中文名:蘇克和
  • 國籍:中國
  • 出生日期:1962年生
  • 畢業院校:四川大學化學系化學專業


蘇克和,男,1962年生,理論物理博士,教授,博士生、碩士生導師。專業領域:物理化學、材料物理與化學。曾赴美國Eastern Illinois University進修,訪問學者。主持和主要參加的國家自然科學基金4項,主要參加國防973項目1項,主持其他國家級、省部級科學基金3項,發表科研論文80餘篇,其中SCI收錄30餘篇;獲得省部級科學技術一等獎1項,省部級教學成果獎2項;主持建設省級“精品課程”1門、省級實驗教學示範中心1個。主要科研方向為:物理化學,量子化學理論、方法與套用,套用量子化學與分子設計,材料物理與化學。


主講本科生《普通化學》、《物理化學》、《化學熱力學與動力學》;研究生《物質結構基本原理》、《量子化學》、《群論》;博士生《現代物質結構研究方法導論》等課程;參加國家級、省級和校級教學研究項目共5項;與胡小玲教授共同主編出版國防“十五”重點規劃教材《物理化學》、《現代化學分析技術》(高教出版社)、《現代儀器分析智慧型仿真》系列(7部,高教出版社)等教材;主持建成(2003年)陝西省精品課程–《普通化學》,擔任我校基礎化學實驗教學中心主任,2007年通過陝西省級實驗教學示範中心評審。主要研究課題有CVD/CVI製備SiC的氣相反應機理研究、芳香烴在CVD/CVI製備SiC材料中的產生和作用機理研究、自癒合陶瓷基複合材料基礎研究。主持國家自然科學基金,陝西省自然科學基金3項,主要參加國家自然科學基金2項,參加國防“973”項目1項;在J. Comp. Chem., Chem. Phys. Lett., Theor. Chem. Acc., Chem. Phys., J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, Polymer, Chem. Vap. Dep., J. Mol. Struc.(Theochem), Comput. Mat. Sci.,《中國科學》、《化學學報》、《物理學報》、《物理化學學報》及《化學物理學報》等國內外著名刊物發表學術論文80餘篇,SCI收錄50餘篇。獲陝西省人民政府教學成果一等獎和二等獎各1項,陝西省科學技術一等獎、省教育廳科技進步獎一、二等獎各1項。




1.蘇克和,C. A. Deakyne, 量子化學的Gaussian-2理論及其套用與化合物的…,化學進展, 1995,7(2): 128
2.蘇克和,C. A. Deakyne, 氖(Ne)和氬(Ar)原子的SP型彌散函式,原子與分子物理學報, 1995,12(1): 107
3.蘇克和,C. A. Deakyne, T. J. Tegeler, 等電子、等自旋與非等旋反應的…,物理化學學報, 1995,11(4):292
4.蘇克和,C. A. Deakyne, J. F. Liebman, 某些離解能、電子親和能等的…,物理化學學報,1995,11(10): 865
5.蘇克和,文振翼,胡小玲,李秀儀,王育彬,NH2-30-1+離解能等的高級ab…,物理化學學報,1996,5: 385
6.蘇克和,C A Deakyne, J F Liebman, Systematic Discrepancy of the …,原子與分子物理學報,1996,13(4): 522
7.蘇克和,李秀儀,吳雄等,化學反應焓變的量子化學理論計算,化學通報,1996, 4: 50
10.丁涪江,張良輔,蘇克和,HNNH3的從頭計算研究, 物理化學學報,1996,12(11): 1006
11.Kehe Su, Xiaoling Hu, Xiuyi Li, Yubin Wang, Zhenyi Wen, Chem. Phys. Lett., 1996, 258: 431.
12.蘇克和,C A Deakyne, J F Liebman, G2 Prediction of …,原子與分子物理學報,1997, 14(1): 136
13.蘇克和,甘正汀,胡小玲,李秀儀等,PH2-30-1+離解能等的精確ab…,化學物理學報,1997,10(4): 352
14.Zhengting Gan, Kehe Su, Yubin Wang, Zhenyi Wen, Several Excited States …, Chem. Phys ., 1998, 228: 31
17.甘正汀,蘇克和,王育彬,文振翼,組態相互作用計算中藕合係數的…,中國科學(B),1998,28(5): 421
19.Z. Gan, Kehe Su, Y. Wang, Z. Wen, A method to fast determine the…, Science in China (B) , 1999, 42(1): 43
20.Y Wang, Z Gan, K Su, Z Wen, An Adjustable Contracted CI Method, Science in China (B )., 1999, 42(6): 649
21.Y Wang, Z Gan, K Su, Z Wen, An Improved Contracted CI Method, Chem. Phys. Lett. , 1999, 312: 277
22.王育彬,甘正汀,蘇克和,文振翼*, 可調節的收縮CI方法, 中國科學(B),1999,29(6): 489
23.朱卡克,甘正汀,蘇克和,王育彬,黃明寶,文振翼,CH自由基和NO2…,化學學報,2000, 58(5): 515-518
24.Wang Yubin, Gan Zhengting, Kehe Su, Wen Zhenyi, Configuration-based multi-reference second order perturbation theory, Science in China (B), 2000, 43(6): 567
25.蘇克和,魏俊,胡小玲等,分子幾何構型最佳化方法的系統性比較,物理化學學報,2000, 16(7): 643
26.蘇克和,魏俊, 胡小玲等,最佳化幾何構型對高級別 ab initio 能量的影響,物理化學學報, 2000, 16(8): 718
27.蘇克和, 魏俊,胡小玲等,精確模型化學中MP n 微擾外推的一個問題,物理化學學報,2000, 16(10): 904
28.蘇克和,魏俊,胡小玲等,幾種含芯電子相關能修正的G2理論,物理化學學報,2000,16 (11): 972
29.蘇克和,魏俊,胡小玲等,G3(QCI)模型化學方法,物理化學學報,2000,16(11). 1003
30.王育彬,甘正汀,蘇克和,文振翼,基於組態的多參考態二級微擾理論,中國科學(B),2000, 30(6): 543
32.甘正汀,蘇克和,王育彬,文振翼,MRCISD程式的改進,化學學報,2000,58(11): 1471-1475
33.齊斌,蘇克和,胡敏等,甲烷–空氣–H2O模擬光化學反應體系·…,化學學報,2001,59(4): 610-614
34.L. Hu, K. Su*, H. Yue, X. Wang, J. Deng, Z. Wen, Theoretical probe of the structure and properties of C n N2 n ( n ="2-5)" clusters, J. Mol. Struc.(Theochem), 756, 2005: 205-213
35.徐紅,蘇克和,車萬銳,楊勇,陳新,文振翼,魯米諾-二甲亞碸-氫氧…,化學學報,2006, 64(19): 1981-1987
36.張黃莉,耿興國,李金山,蘇克和等,氧含量對YBa2Cu3Ox…,稀有金屬材料與工程,2006,35(6): 910-2
37.Q. Zeng, K. Su, L. Zhang, Y. Xu, L. Cheng, X. Tian, Evaluation of the Thermodynamic Data of CH3SiCl3 Based on Quantum Chemistry Calculations, J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, Vol. 35, No. 3, 2006: 1385-90
38.Zhi-Yin Wang, Hui-Qing Fan*, Ke-He Su*, Zhen-Yi Wen, Structure and piezoelectric properties of poly(vinylidene fluoride) studied by density functional theory, Polymer, 47 (2006) 7988-7996
39.Z. Wang, K. Su*, H. Fan, L. Hu, X. Wang, Y. Li, Z. Wen, Properties of C60 under structure distortion studied with density functional theory, Computational Materials Science, 2007, 40(4): 537-547
40.Zhiyin Wang, Daijun Liu, Kehe Su*, Huiqing Fan, Yulong Li, Zhenyi Wen, Properties of He@C60 studied via structure distortions, Chem. Phys., 2007, 331: 309-320
41.Zhi-Yin Wang, Hui-Qing Fan*, Ke-He Su*, Xin Wang, Zhen-Yi Wen, Structure, phase transition and electric properties of poly(vinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene) copolymer studied with density functional theory, Polymer, 48 (2007) 3226-3236
42.Zhi-Yin Wang, Ke-He Su*, Hui-Qing Fan, Zhen-Yi Wen, Structure and electric properties of poly(vinylidene fluoride- tetrafluoroethylene) copolymer studied with density functional theory, Polymer, 48(24) 7145-7155 (2007)
43.Xiaoping Yao, Kehe Su*, Juanli Deng, Xin Wang, Qingfeng Zeng, Laifei Cheng, Yongdong Xu, Litong Zhang, Gas-phase reaction thermodynamics in preparation of pyrolytic carbon by propylene pyrolysis, Computational Materials Science, 2007, 40(4): 504-524
44.Zhi-Yin Wang, Ke-He Su*, Hui-Qing Fan, Zhen-Yi Wen, Possible reasons that piezoelectricity has not been found in bulk polymer of polyvinylidene cyanide, Polymer, 49, (2008) 2542-2547
45.Z.Y. WANG, K.H. SU*, H.Q. FAN, Y.L. LI and Z.Y. WEN, Mechanical and electronic properties of endofullerene Ne@C60 studied via structure distortions, Molecular Physics, 106(5), 2008: 703-716
46.Juanli Deng, Kehe Su*, Yan Zeng, Xin Wang, Qingfeng Zeng, Laifei Cheng, Litong Zhang, Investigation of thermodynamic properties of gaseous SiC(X 3Π and a 1Σ) with accurate model chemistry calculations, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 387 (2008), pp. 5440-5456
47.Juanli Deng, Kehe Su*, Xin Wang, Qingfeng Zeng, Laifei Cheng, Yongdong Xu and Litong Zhang, Thermodynamic properties of the most stable gaseous small silicon-carbon clusters in their ground states, The European Phys. J. D, 49, 2008, 21-35
48.Yan Zeng, Kehe Su*, Juanli Deng, Tao Wang, Qingfeng Zeng, Laifei Cheng, Litong Zhang, Thermodynamic investigation of the gas-phase reactions in the chemical vapor deposition of boron carbide with BCl3-CH4-H2 precursors, J. Mol. Struc. (THEOCHEM), 2008, 861, 103-116
49.Tao Wang, Kehe Su*, Juanli Deng, Yan Zeng, Qingfeng Zeng, Laifei Cheng, Litong Zhang, Reaction thermodynamics in chemical vapour deposition of boron carbides with BCl3-C3H6(propene)-H2 precursors, J. Theor. Comput. Chem., 2008, 7(6), 1269-1312
50.Juanli Deng, Kehe Su*, Xiaoping Yao, Xin Wang, Qingfeng Zeng, Laifei Cheng, Yongdong Xu, Litong Zhang, Erratum to: “Gas-phase reaction thermodynamics in preparation of pyrolytic carbon by propylene pyrolysis” [Comput. Mater. Sci. 40 (2007) 504-524], Comput. Mater. Sci., 44 (2008) 838-840
51.Zhang Limin, Geng Xingguo, Li Jinshan, Fu Hengzhi, Su Kehe, Zhou Lian, Calculations and analysis of superconducting energy gap and electronic specific heat in YBa2Cu3O7, Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 2008, 37(2): 215-8
52.Juanli Deng, Kehe Su*, Xin Wang, Qingfeng Zeng, Laifei Cheng, Yongdong Xu and Litong Zhang, Thermodynamics of the gas-phase reactions in chemical vapor deposition of silicon-carbide with Methyltrichlorosilane precursor, Theor. Chem. Accounts, 2009, 122(1-2): 1-22
53.Xiaojun Li, Kehe Su*, Structure, stability and electronic property of the gold-doped germanium clusters: AuGe n ( n ="2—13),Theoretical" Chemistry Accounts, 124(5), (2009), 345-354
54.J. Deng, K. Su,* Q. Zeng, X. Wang, L. Cheng, Y. Xu, L. Zhang, Thermodynamics of the Production of Condensed Phases in the CVD of Methyltrichlorosilane Pyrolysis, Chem. Vap. Deposition, 2009, 15, 281-290
55.Zhiyin Wang, Kehe Su, Lingxia Jin and Zhenyi Wen, Density functional theory study of structure and electric properties of poly(vinylidene cyanide tetrafluoroethylene) copolymer ultrathin film, LSFM: Soft Materials, 2009, 7(4): 296-318
56.Zhi-YinWANG, Ke-He SU, Xiao-Ping YAO, Yu-Long LI and FangWANG, Mechanical and electronic properties of endofullerene Ar@C60 and Kr@C60 studied via structure distortions, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2010,119: 406-417
57.Yena Qu, Kehe Su*, Xin Wang, Yan Liu, Qingfeng Zeng, Laifei Cheng, Litong Zhang, Reaction pathways of propene pyrolysis, J. Comp. Chem., 2010, 31(7): 1421-1442
58.Xiaoqiong Jiang, Kehe Su*, Xin Wang, Yanli Wang, Yan Liu, Qingfeng Zeng, Laifei Cheng, Litong Zhang, An investigation of the lowest reaction pathway of propene+BCl3 decomposition in chemical vapor deposition process, Theoretical Chemistry Accounts, 2010, 127(5-6), 519-538
59.Zhi-YinWANG, Ke-He SU, Fang WANG, Zhenyi WEN, Density functional theory study of the structure and electric properties of poly(vinylidene cyanide trifluoroethylene) copolymer ultrathin film, Synthetic Metals, 160 (2010) 2341-2350
60.Yan Liu, Kehe Su*, Xin Wang, Yanli Wang, Qingfeng Zeng, Laifei Cheng, Litong Zhang, An ONIOM study of H2O interacting with the C-terminated surface of silicon carbide, Chem. Phys. Lett, 2010, 501: 87-92
61.Deng, Juan Li; Cheng, Lai Fei; Hong, Zhi Liang; Su, Ke He, Thermodynamics on formation of condensed phases during CVD Si3N4 process with SiCl4-NH3-H2 precursors, Advanced Materials Research, 2011, 194-196: 1516-1523
62. Deng, Juan Li; Cheng, Lai Fei; Gao, Li Ning; Su, Ke He, The relationship between the initial gas ratios and the condensed phase composition in the CVD of BxC with CH4-H2 precursors, Advanced Materials Research, 2011, 239-242, 1761-1765
63.Peipei Han, Kehe Su*, Yan Liu, Yanli Wang, Xin Wang, Qingfeng Zeng, Laifei Cheng, Litong Zhang, J. Comp. Chem., 2011, 32(13): 2745-2755
64.Xin Wang, Kehe Su, Juanli Deng, Yan Liu, Yanli Wang, Qingfeng Zeng, Laifei Cheng, Litong Zhang, Initial decomposition of methyltrichlorosilane in the chemical vapor deposition of silicon-carbide, Computational and Theoretical Chemistry, 967 (2011) 265-272
65.王艷麗,蘇克和*,王欣,劉艷,超長( n , n )型碳納米管的密度泛函理論研究,物理學報,2011,60(9): 098111-1~098111-7


