
艾佛瑞·紐曼, (March 17, 1900 – February 17, 1970),生於美國康州紐哈芬,美國電影配樂作曲家。他獲得45次奧斯卡最佳原創音樂獎提名,9次獲獎。其中包括根據女作家韓素音小說改編的影片《生死戀》(1955)配樂。他是20世紀美國電影音樂重要作曲家之一。


  • 中文名:艾佛瑞·紐曼
  • 國家:美國
  • 職業:作曲家
  • 出生時間:1900.03.17
[編輯] 獲獎作品
1938 - Alexander's Ragtime Band (Academy Award) (adaptation, the songs were by Irving Berlin)1940 - Tin Pan Alley (Academy Award) (adaptation; the film used old popular songs such as The Sheik of Araby)1943 - The Song of Bernadette (Academy Award)1947 - Mother Wore Tights (adaptation) (Academy Award)1952 - With a Song in My Heart (adaptation only; this musical contained songs by several composers, but Newman was not one of them) (Academy Award)1953 - Call Me Madam (adaptation; the songs were by Irving Berlin) (Academy Award)1955 - 《生死戀》(Academy Award)1956 - 《國王與我》(adaptation; the songs were by Rodgers and Hammerstein) (Academy Award)1967 - Camelot (adaptation; the songs were by Alan Jay Lerner and Frederick Loewe) (Academy Award)


