

Ken Peattie教授是英國卡迪夫大學商學院教授,市場行銷策略系主任,也是可持續發展研究中心的聯席主任和英國經濟與社會研究理事會(ESRC)研究中心主任。Peattie教授著有《綠色行銷》等諸多市場行銷相關的書籍。


  • 中文名:肯·皮提
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:市場行銷
  • 職務:市場行銷策略系主任
  • 主要成就:Sustainability Marketing: A Global Perspective一書獲德國商業研究協會授予“年度商業書籍”的榮譽
  • 學術代表作:綠色行銷
  • 職稱:教授
Ken Peattie教授是英國卡迪夫大學商學院教授,市場行銷策略系主任,也旬乘槓是可持續發展研究中心的聯席主任和英國經濟與社會研究理事會(ESRC)研究中心主墊府端任。卡迪夫大學是英國最大的大學之一,學術研究影響力在英國排名白櫻付頸第二;而卡迪夫大學商學院是卡迪夫大學最大歸她婚的學院,亦是歐洲最大的商學院之一,經國際精英商學院協會(AACSB)國際權威認證(全世界僅有5%的商學院取得了這項精英認證)。
在進入學術界之前, Peattie教授曾在知名跨國公司Kimberly-Clark和英國電訊公司從事市場行銷方面的工作。Peattie教授的研究領域包括可持續發展與市場策略、社會化行銷、社會企業和企業社會責任等。Peattie教授著有《綠色行銷》等諸多市場行銷相關的書籍,也在California Management Review和Journal of Business Research等多個國際一流學術期刊發表研究論文。2010年, Peattie教授所著的Sustainability Marketing: A Global Perspective一書獲德國商業研究協會授予“年度商業書籍”的榮譽。
此外,肯灶作為英國知名研究機構ESRC的主任, Peattie教授曾為英國政府環境食品和農村事務部(Defra)、英國政府貿易產業部(DTI)、特許公乎盼轎嬸認會恥牛請計師公會(ACCA)等機構提供諮詢。
Ken Peattie is Professor of Marketing & Strategy, and Head of the Marketing & Strategy Section, at Cardiff Business School. Ken is also Co-Director of Cardiff University’s Sustainable Places Research Institute and for twelve years he was the the Director of the BRASS Research Centre specializing in business sustainability and CSR, funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), the UK's leading research and training agency addressing economic and social concerns.
Cardiff is one of the UK's largest Universities and is ranked 5th in the UK for research excellence and 2nd for its research impact. Cardiff Business School is one of the largest business schools in Europe, and the only one in Wales to hold AASCB accreditation.
Before working as an academic, Ken has worked in marketing and strategic planning in an American paper multinational and a UK electronics company. His research interests focus on the impact of sustainability concerns on marketing and corporate strategy making; social marketing for healthy and sustainable lifestyles; social enterprise and corporate social responsibility. He has published three books and numerous book chapters on these topics, and has published in journals including California Management Review, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Marketing Management, Public Policy & Marketing, and European Management Journal. In 2010 Ken's book 'Sustainability Marketing: A Global Perspective' co-authored with Frank-Martin Belz was awarded the Business Book of the Year award by the German Academic Association for Business Research.
Ken’s involvement with policy and practice has included developing a number of reports and briefings for organizations such as Defra, the DTI, the Welsh Assembly Government, Research Councils UK and the ACCA. He has been actively involved with the Chartered Institute of Marketing's Advisory Group on CSR and Sustainability in Marketing, Business in the Community's CSR index steering group and the steering group of Forum for the Future's 'Limited Edition' sustainable marketing initiative.
Before working as an academic, Ken has worked in marketing and strategic planning in an American paper multinational and a UK electronics company. His research interests focus on the impact of sustainability concerns on marketing and corporate strategy making; social marketing for healthy and sustainable lifestyles; social enterprise and corporate social responsibility. He has published three books and numerous book chapters on these topics, and has published in journals including California Management Review, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Marketing Management, Public Policy & Marketing, and European Management Journal. In 2010 Ken's book 'Sustainability Marketing: A Global Perspective' co-authored with Frank-Martin Belz was awarded the Business Book of the Year award by the German Academic Association for Business Research.
Ken’s involvement with policy and practice has included developing a number of reports and briefings for organizations such as Defra, the DTI, the Welsh Assembly Government, Research Councils UK and the ACCA. He has been actively involved with the Chartered Institute of Marketing's Advisory Group on CSR and Sustainability in Marketing, Business in the Community's CSR index steering group and the steering group of Forum for the Future's 'Limited Edition' sustainable marketing initiative.


