

羅遠明,1984年畢業於廣東醫學院, 1987年考取鐘南山院士的研究生,1995-2004年留學工作於英國國王學院及英國帝國理工學院並於2001年獲得倫敦大學博士學位。


  • 中文名:羅遠明
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 畢業院校:英國國王學院
  • 主要成就:歐洲呼吸協會委員(中國代表2008-2011)
  • 代表作品:N Engl J Med 2016; 375:919-931 
  • 臨床專長:睡眠呼吸疾病及呼吸肌病變、COPD
  • 職稱:二級教授


羅遠明 現任呼吸疾病國家重點實驗室呼吸生理室/睡眠中心負責人、國務院特殊津貼專家、二級教授、博士生導師、博士後導師。擔任中華醫學會呼吸分會睡眠學組副組長、中國醫師學會睡眠分會常委、中國睡眠研究會常務理事。曾任歐洲呼吸協會委員(中國代表2008-2011),2010年入選廣州市創新創業領軍人才。擔任多家國際著名呼吸雜誌包括SCI收錄的《European Respiratory Journal》、《Sleep Medicine》等雜誌的審稿專家。


主要從事正常及疾病狀態特別是COPD、睡眠呼吸疾病患者的呼吸肌功能,呼吸中樞驅動研究。獲得五項發明專利包括一項國際發明專利授權,創造出具有自主智慧財產權的系列產品如膈肌功能檢測管、多導食道電極, 呼吸肌功能及呼吸中樞驅動檢測系統, 以第一完成人獲得二項廣州市科技進步一等獎和一項廣東省科技進步二等獎。 世界上許多國家包括英國、加拿大、澳大利亞等國的科研單位正在使用其研發的呼吸中樞驅動檢測系統。與英國帝國理工大學Michael I Polkey 教授,英國國王學院 John Moxham 教授有密切的合作關係。以通訊作者或第一作者在《New England Journal of Medicine》,《American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine》,《European Respiratory Journal》,《Thorax》,《CHEST》等一流雜誌上發表多篇論文,曾被香港呼吸協會、香港睡眠協會、台灣呼吸與危重病學會、亞太呼吸學會、歐洲呼吸學會,美國呼吸學會特邀做有關呼吸中樞驅動的專題報告。2013年美國呼吸年會(ATS) 特為其設立了一個60分鐘專場(Professor symposium),介紹膈肌肌電研究新進展。作為項目負責人獲得了多項國內外科研課題包括四項國家自然科學基金、科技部國際合作重點項目基金、廣東省自然科學重點項目基金等。


1. Ou Q, Chen B, Loffler KA, Luo YM, Zhang X, Chen R, Wang Q, Drager LF, Lorenzi-Filho G, Hlavac M, McArdle N, Mukherjee S, Mediano O, Barbe F, Anderson CS, McEvoy RD, Woodman RJ, The Effects of Long-term CPAP on Weight Change in Patients With Comorbid OSA and Cardiovascular Disease: Data From the SAVE Trial, Chest, 2018. Sep. 27, pii: S0012-3692(18)32482-6.(IF7.652)
2. Ratneswaran, Pengo Martino,Xiao SC,Luo YM, Rossi Gian Paolo),Polkey Michael , Moxham John, Steier Joerg, The acute effect of continuous positive airway pressure titration on blood pressure in awake overweight/obese patients with obstructive sleep apnoea, BLOOD PRESSURE,2018;27(4): 206-214. (IF2.107)
3. Polkey MI, Qiu ZH, Zhou L, Zhu MD, Wu YX, Chen YY, Ye SP, He YS, Jiang M, He BT, Mehta B, Zhong NS, Luo YM(*) (Corresponding author). Tai Chi and Pulmonary Rehabilitation Compared for Treatment-Naive Patients With COPD: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Chest. 2018 ;153(5):1116-1124. (IF7.652)
4. Xu Y, Qing Q, Liang M, Liang W, Lin Z, Wu W, He W, Liu X,Luo YM, Li Y, He J. Diaphragm electromyography guidance for a lung transplant recipient with difficult weaning from mechanical ventilation: A case report. Medicine (Baltimore). 2018 ;97(23):e10989.(IF2.028)
5. Walsted ES, Faisal A, Jolley CJ, Swanton LL, Pavitt MJ, Luo YM, Backer V, Polkey MI, Hull JH. Increased respiratory neural drive and work of breathing in exercise-induced laryngeal obstruction. J Appl Physiol (1985). 2018 ;124(2):356-363.(IF3.256)
6. Abdallah SJ, Chan DS, Glicksman R, Mendonca CT, Luo YM, Bourbeau J, Smith BM, Jensen D. Abdominal Binding Improves Neuromuscular Efficiency of the Human Diaphragm during Exercise. Front Physiol. 2017 May 31;8:345.(IF3.394)
7. Qiu ZH, Luo YM, McEvoy RD. The Sleep Apnea Cardiovascular Endpoints (SAVE) study: implications for health services and sleep research in China and elsewhere. J Thorac Dis. 2017;9(8):2217-2220. (IF1.804)
8. Bai-Ting He, Gan Lu, Si-Chang Xiao, Rui Chen, Joerg Steier, John Moxham, Michael I Polkey, Luo YM(*)(Corresponding author). Coexistence of OSA may compensate for sleep related reduction in neural respiratory drive in patients with COPD. Thorax. 2017;72(3):256-262 .(IF 9.655)
9. McEvoy RD, Antic NA, Heeley E, Luo YM(*) (Corresponding author), Ou Q, Zhang X, Mediano O, Chen R, Drager LF, Liu Z, Chen G, Du B, McArdle N, Mukherjee S, Tripathi M, Billot L,Li Q, Lorenzi-Filho G, Barbe F, Redline S, Wang J, Arima H, Neal B, White DP,Grunstein RR, Zhong N, Anderson CS; SAVE Investigators and Coordinators. CPAP for Prevention of Cardiovascular Events in Obstructive Sleep Apnea. N Engl J Med. 2016 Sep 8;375(10):919-31.(IF 79.26)
10. Pengo MF, Xiao S, Ratneswaran C, Reed K, Shah N, Chen T, Douiri A, Hart N,Luo YM, Rafferty GF, Rossi GP, Williams A, Polkey MI, Moxham J, Steier J. Randomised sham-controlled trial of transcutaneous electrical stimulation in obstructive sleep apnoea. Thorax. 2016;71(10):923-31.(IF9.655)
11. SC Xiao, J Bastianpillai, C Ratneswaran, MF Pengo, Luo YM, CJ Jolley, J Moxham, J Steier. Continuous positive airway pressure and breathlessness in obese patients with obstructive sleep apnoea. Sleep. 2016 ;39(6):1201-10.(IF 5.135)
12. Xiao S-C, He B-T, Steier J, Moxham J, Polkey MI, Luo YMCorresponding author). Neural Respiratory Drive and Arousal in Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea Hypopnea. Sleep. 2015;38(6):941-949(IF 5.135)
13. Zhi-Hui Qiu, Hong-Xi Guo, Ning Zhang, Bai-Ting He, Lian Zhou, Nanshan Zhong,Luo YM (Corresponding author), MI Polkey. Physiological responses to Tai Chi in stable patients with COPD. Respiratory Physiology and Neurobiologyl. 2016; 221:30-34 (IF 1.792)
14. Jolley CJ, Luo YM, Steier J, Rafferty GF, Polkey MI, Moxham J. Neural respiratory drive and breathlessness in COPD. Eur Respir J. 2015;45:355-64 (IF12.244)
15. McNicholas WT,Luo YM, Zhong NS. Sleep apnoea: a major and under-recognised public health concern. J Thorac Dis. 2015; 7:1269-72. (IF1.804)
16. Qin YY, Li RF, Wu GF, Zhu Z, Liu J, Zhou CZ, Guan WJ, Luo JY, Yu XX, Ou YM, Jiang M, Zhong NS,Luo YM (*)(Corresponding author). Effect of tiotropium on neural respiraltory drive during exercise in severe COPD. Pulm Pharmacol Ther. 2015; 30: 51-6 (IF 2.5)
17. Nick A Antic, Emma Heeley, Craig S Anderson, Luo YM, Jiguang Wang, Bruce Neal, Ron Grunstein, Ferran Barbe, Geraldo Lorenzi-Filho, Shaoguang Huang, Susan Redline, Nanshan Zhong, R Doug McEvoy. The Sleep Apnea CardioVascular Endpoints (SAVE) trial: Rationale, ethics, design and progress. Sleep, 2015 Aug 1;38(8):1247-57 (IF5.135)
18. Luo YM(Corresponding author), He BT, Wu YX, Yuan H, Xu J, MoxhamJ, Polkey M. Neural respiratory drive and ventilation in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease during sleep. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2014;190:227-9 (IF 15.23)
19. Ching Li Chai-Coetzer, Luo YM(Corresponding author), Nick A Antic, Xilong Zhang , Baoyuan Chen, Quanying He, Emma Heeley, Shaoguang Huang, Craig Anderson, Nan-Shan Zhong, R Doug McEvoy. Predictors of Long Term Adherence to Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Therapy in Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Cardiovascular Disease in the SAVE Study. Sleep. 2013;36:1929-37 (IF 5.135)
20. Zhang D, Gong H, Lu G, Guo H,Li R, Zhong N, Polkey MI, LuoYM(負責作者). Respiratory motor output aninspiratory capacitymaneuver is preserved despite submaximal exercise. RespirPhysiol Neurobiol.2013 [Epub ahead of print]
21. Luo JY, Xiao SC, Qiu ZH, SongN, Luo YM (負責作者). Comparisonof manual versus automaticCPAP titration and the development of a predictiveequation for therapeuticCPAP in Chinese patients with OSA. Respirology. 2013Apr;18(3):528-33
22. Luo YM ,Hopkinson N, Polkey MI. Tough at the top - must EELVmake way for EILV? EurRespir J.2012 Aug; 40(2):283-5
23. Xiao SC, Lu YR, Guo HX, Luo YM (負責作者). Effect of expiratory load on neuralinspiratory drive.Chin Med J ( Enql ) .2012 ; 125:3629-34.
24. Dennis Jensen, Denis E. O’Donnell, Ruifa Li, Luo YM(負責作者). Effectsof DeadSpace Loading on Neuro-muscular and Neuro-ventilatory Coupling oftheRespiratory System during Exercise in Healthy Adults: Implications forDyspneaand Exercise Tolerance. Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology.2011Dec15;179(2-3):219-26.
25. Steier J, Seymour J, Rafferty GF, Jolley CJ, Solomon E, LuoYM, Man WD, Polkey MI, Moxham J.ContinuousTranscutaneousSubmental Electrical Stimulation in Obstructive Sleep Apnea: A Feasibility Study. Chest.2011;140(4):998-1007.
26. Steier J, Jolley CJ, Seymour J, Teschler H, LuoYM, Polkey MI, Moxham J.ScreeningforSleep-disordered Breathing in Neuromuscular Disease Using a Questionnaire for Symptoms Associated with Diaphragm Paralysis. Eur Respir J.2011;37(2):400-5.
27. Y.M. Luo(負責作者), R.F. Li, C.Jolley, H.D. Wu, J. Steier, J. Moxham, N.S.Zhong.Neural Respiratory Drive inPatients with COPD during Exercise Tests. Respiration 2011;81:294-301.
28. He QY, FengJ,Zhang XL, Liang ZA, Huang SG, Kang J, Wang GF, Zhang LQ, Ma LJ,Wang B, LinQC,Zhang JN, Liu HG, Luo YM, Liu JH,Wang S,Xiao GH, Lu G, Zhang J,Feng XW, Chen BY; Sleep Breath Disorder Group;Society ofRespiratory Medicine; Chinese Medical Association. Relationship ofdaytime bloodpressure and severity of obstructive sleep apnea among Chinese: amulti-centerinvestigation in China.Chin Med J(Engl ).2010;123(1):18-22.
29. Yin-Yin Qin, Joerg Steier, Caroline Jolley, John Moxham, Nan-Shan Zhong, and LuoYM (負責作者).Efficiency of Neural Drive During Exercise inPatientsWith COPD and Healthy Subjects. Chest.2010;138(6):1309-15
30. Steier J,JolleyCJ, Seymour J, Ward K, Luo YM,Polkey MI,Moxham J. Increased Load on the Respiratory Muscles in ObstructiveSleep Apnea.Respir Physiol Neurobiol. 2010; 171(1):54-60
31. LuoYM, Qiu ZH, Wu HD, Steier J, Jolley C, Zhong NS, MoxhamJ,Polkey MI. Neural drive during continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP)andpressure relief CPAP. Sleep Med. 2009 ;10:731-8.
32. LuoYM(負責作者), Tang J, Jolley C, Steier J, Zhong NS, Moxham J,PolkeyMI. Distinguishing obstructive from central sleep apnea events:diaphragmelectromyogram and esophageal pressure compared. Chest. 2009;135:1133-41.
33. Jolley CJ, Luo YM, Steier J, Reilly C, Seymour J,Lunt A, Ward K, Rafferty GF,Polkey MI, Moxham J. Neural respiratory drive inhealthy subjects and in COPD.Eur Respir J. 2009;33:289-97.
34. Steier J,JolleyCJ, Seymour J, Kaul S, Luo YM,Rafferty GF,Hart N, Polkey MI, Moxham J. Sleep-disordered breathing inunilateral diaphragmparalysis or severe weakness. Eur Respir J.2008;32:1479-87.
35. LuoYM, Moxham J, Polkey MI. Diaphragm electromyographyusing anoesophageal catheter: current concepts. Clin Sci (Lond). 2008;115(8):233-44.
36. LuoYM(負責作者), Wu HD, Tang J, Jolley C, Steier J, Moxham J, ZhongNS,Polkey MI. Neural respiratory drive during apnoeic events in obstructivesleepapnoea. Eur Respir J. 2008 Mar;31 :650-7.
37. Steier J, KaulS,Seymour J, Jolley C, Rafferty G, Man W, LuoYM, Roughton M, Polkey MI, MoxhamJ.The value of multiple tests of respiratory muscle strength. Thorax.2007;62:975-80.
38. Glerant JC,MustfaN, Man WD, Luo YM, RaffertyG,Polkey MI, Moxham J. Diaphragm electromyograms recorded from multiplesurfaceelectrodes following magnetic stimulation. Eur Respir J. 2006;27:334-42.
39. Luo YM(負責作者), Moxham J. Measurement ofneural respiratory drive inpatients with COPD. Respir Physiol Neurobiol.2005;146:165-74.
40. Fauroux B, HartN, LuoYM, MacNeill S, Moxham J,Lofaso F, Polkey MI. Measurement ofdiaphragm loading during pressure supportventilation. Intensive Care Med. 2003;29:1960-6.
41 LuoYM(負責作者), Hart N, Mustfa N, Man WD,Rafferty GF, Polkey MI, MoxhamJ. Reproducibility of twitch and snifftransdiaphragmatic pressures. RespirPhysiol Neurobiol. 2002 ;132:301-6.
42. Man WD, LuoYM, Mustfa N, Rafferty GF, GlerantJC, Polkey MI, Moxham J.Postprandial effects on twitch transdiaphragmaticpressure. Eur Respir J.2002;20:577-80.
43. Tan YK,L'Estrange PR, Luo YM, Smith C, GrantHR, Simonds AK, Spiro SG, Battagel JM. Mandibular advancementsplints andcontinuous positive airway pressure in patients with obstructivesleep apnoea: arandomized cross-over trial. Eur J Orthod. 2002 ;24:239-49. (通訊作者)
44. Luo YM, Mustfa N, Lyall RA, Man WD, Glérant JC, PolkeyMI,Moxham J. Diaphragm compound muscle action potential measured withmagneticstimulation and chest wall surface electrodes. Respir PhysiolNeurobiol.2002;130:275-83.
45. LuoYM, Hart N, Mustfa N, Lyall RA, Polkey MI, Moxham J.Effectof diaphragm fatigue on neuralrespiratory drive. J Appl Physiol. 2001;90:1691-9.
46. Polkey MI,DuguetA, Luo YM, Hughes PD,Hart N,Hamnegård CH, Green M, Similowski T, Moxham J. Anterior magnetic phrenicnervestimulation: laboratory and clinical evaluation. Intensive Care Med.2000;26:1065-75.
47. Harris ML, Luo YM, Watson AC, Rafferty GF, PolkeyMI,Green M, Moxham J. Adductor pollicis twitch tension assessed bymagneticstimulation of the ulnar nerve. Am J Respir Crit Care Med.2000;162:240-5.
48. Luo YM(負責作者), Lyall RA, Harris ML, Hawkins P, Hart N, PolkeyMI,Moxham J. Effect of lung volume on the oesophageal diaphragm EMG assessedbymagnetic phrenic nerve stimulation. Eur Respir J. 2000;15:1033-8.
49. Luo YM(負責作者), Harris ML, Lyall RA, Watson A, Polkey MI, MoxhamJ.Assessment of diaphragm paralysis with oesophageal electromyographyandunilateral magnetic phrenic nerve stimulation. Eur Respir J. 2000 ;15:596-9.
50. Luo YM(負責作者), Lyall RA, Lou Harris M, Rafferty GF, Polkey MI,MoxhamJ. Quantification of the esophageal diaphragm electromyogram withmagneticphrenic nerve stimulation. Am J Respir Crit Care Med.1999;160:1629-34.
51. Luo YM(負責作者), Polkey MI, Lyall RA, Moxham J. Effect of brachialplexusco-activation on phrenic nerve conduction time. Thorax. 1999 ;54:765-70.
52. Polkey MI, Luo YM, Guleria R, Hamnegård CH, GreenM, Moxham J. Functional magneticstimulation of the abdominal muscles inhumans. Am J Respir Crit Care Med.1999;160:513-22.
53. LuoYM(負責作者) Johnson LC, Polkey MI, Harris ML, Lyall RA, GreenM,Moxham J. Diaphragm electromyogram measured with unilateralmagneticstimulation. Eur Respir J. 1999 ;13:385-90.
54. LuoYM(負責作者), Polkey MI, Johnson LC, Lyall RA, Harris ML, GreenM,Moxham J. Diaphragm EMG measured by cervical magnetic and electricalphrenicnerve stimulation. J Appl Physiol. 1998 ;85:2089-99.




