
羅玉衡 博士,副研究員,碩士生導師,留學澳大利亞CSIRO畜牧生產部。主要從事動物營養與飼料科學的相關研究,在動物消化道微生物與宿主代謝和健康領域取得了突出的研究成果。將傳統動物營養學與二代測序、宏基因組學等先進技術相結合,研究豬等單胃動物腸道中單一或複雜菌群與宿主營養物質代謝、腸道健康的相互關係.

2009/02~2010/02,澳大利亞CSIRO,Livestock Industry(畜牧生產部),中國留學基金委資助聯合培養博士
1. Su, Y.,Luo, Y. H., Zhang, L. L., Smidt, H., & Zhu, W. Y. (2014). Responses in gut microbiota and fat metabolism to a halogenated methane analogue in Sprague Dawley rats. Microbial Biotechnology, Accepted.(並列第一作者,IF = 3.023)
2.Luo, Y. H.*, Wright, A. D. G., Li, Y. L., Li, H., Yang, Q. H., Luo, L. J., & Yang, M. X. (2013). Diversity of methanogens in the hindgut of captive white rhinoceroses, Ceratotherium simum. BMC Microbiology, 13(1), 207.(IF = 2.976)
3.Luo, Y. H., Su, Y., Wright, A. D. G., Zhang, L. L., Smidt, H., & Zhu, W. Y. (2012). Lean breed Landrace pigs harbor fecal methanogens at higher diversity and density than obese breed Erhualian pigs. Archaea, 2012.(IF = 2.027)
4.Luo, Y. H., Peng, H. W., Wright, A. D. G., Bai, S. P., Ding, X. M., Zeng, Q. F., ...& Zhang, K. Y. (2013). Broilers fed dietary vitamins harbor higher diversity of cecal bacteria and higher ratio ofClostridium,Faecalibacterium, andLactobacillusthan broilers with no dietary vitamins revealed by 16S rRNA gene clone libraries. Poultry Science, 92(9), 2358-2366.(IF = 1.544)
5.Luo, Y. H. *, Li, H., Luo, J. Q., & Zhang, K. Y. (2013). Yeast-derived β-1, 3-glucan substrate significantly increased the diversity of methanogens during in vitro fermentation of porcine colonic digesta. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 12(12), 2229-2234.(IF = 0.625)
6. Yang, X.,Luo, Y. H., Zeng, Q. F., Zhang, K. Y., Ding, X. M., Bai, S. P., & Wang, J. P. (2014). Effects of low ambient temperatures and dietary vitamin C supplement on growth performance, blood parameters, and antioxidant capacity of 21-day-old broilers. Poultry Science, 93(4):898-905.(IF = 1.544)
7. Iqbal, M. F.,Luo, Y. H., Hashim, M. M., & Zhu, W. Y. (2014). Evaluation of genistein mediated growth, metabolic and anti-inflammatory responses in broilers. Pakistan Journal of Zoology, 46(2), 317-327.(IF = 0.4)
8. Bai, S., Huang, L.,Luo, Y., Wang, L., Ding, X., Wang, J., ... & Zhang, K. (2014). Dietary manganese supplementation influences the expression of transporters involved in iron metabolism in chickens.Biological Trace Element Research,160(3), 352-360.(IF = 1.608)
9. Bai, S., Wang, L.,Luo, Y., Ding, X., Yang, J., Bai, J., ... & Wang, J. (2014). Effects of corn naturally contaminated with aflatoxins on performance, calcium and phosphorus metabolism, and bone mineralization of broiler chicks.The Journal of Poultry Science,51(2), 157-164.(IF = 0.787)
10. Zheng, P., Yu, B., He, J., Tian, G.,Luo, Y., Mao, X., ... & Chen, D. (2013). Protective effects of dietary arginine supplementation against oxidative stress in weaned piglets. British Journal of Nutrition, 109(12), 2253-2260.(IF = 3.342)
11. Han, F., Hu, L., Xuan, Y., Ding, X.,Luo, Y., Bai, S., ... & Che, L. (2013). Effects of high nutrient intake on the growth performance, intestinal morphology and immune function of neonatal intra-uterine growth-retarded pigs. British Journal of Nutrition, 110(10), 1819-1827.(IF = 3.342)
12.羅玉衡, &朱偉雲. (2007).消化道微生物區系與肥胖關係的研究進展.微生物學報,47(6), 1115-1118.


