



  • 中文名:秦太驗
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 任職院校:中國農業大學
  • 職稱:教授



1. 2012年-2015年,國家自然基金項目“多場耦合磁電材料複合材料結構的動態斷裂理論和數值研究”,主持,63萬。
2. 2009年-2011年,國家自然基金項目“磁電熱彈多場耦合材料斷裂研究”,主持,32萬。
3. 2004年-2005年,英國聯合利華國際合作研究項目“微型管道中多相流體研究”,主持,2萬英鎊(約30萬人民幣)。
4. 2002年-2003年,教育部留學回國科研基金項目“三維壓電複合材料斷裂力學研究”,主持人。


秦太驗,周喆,徐春暉. 有限單元法. 中國農業科技出版社,2006


1. Qin T Y and Yu Y S. Finite-part integral and boundary element method to solve three-dimensional crack problems in piezoelectric materials. Int. J. of Solids and Structures. 2007, 44: 4770–4783 SCI, EI
2. Qin T Y and Noda A K. Analysis of three-dimensional crack terminating at an interface using a hypersingular integral equation method. ASME J. of Applied Mechanics, 2002, 69(5): 626 – 631, SCI, EI
3. Qin T Y, Zhu Z B, Noda N A. Mixed-Mode Stress Intensity Factors of a Three-Dimensional Crack in a Bonded Bimaterial Materials. Engineering Computations. 2008, 25(3): 251-267 SCI, EI
4. Qin T Y , Noda A K. Analysis of three-dimensional crack terminating at an interface using a hypersingular integral equation method. ASME J. of Applied Mechanics, 2002, 69(5): 626 – 631, SCI, EI
5. Qin T Y and Noda A K. Stress intensity factors of a rectangular crack meeting a bimaterial interface. Int. J. of Solids and Structures. 2003, 40(10):2473-2486, SCI, EI
6. Zhu B J, Qin T Y, et al. Mixed-mode stress intensity factors of 3D interface crack in fully coupled electromagnetothermoelastic multiphase composites. Int. J. of Solids and Structures. 2009, 46: 2669–2679 SCI, EI
7. Xu C H, Qin T Y, et al. Analysis of Multiple Interfacial Cracks in Three Dimensional Bimaterials Using Hypersingular Integral-Differential Equation Method. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2009, 30(3): 293-301 SCI, EI
8. Zhu B J, Qin T Y. Arbitrary 3D flaws in electromagnetothermoelastic composites under coupled multiple fields. Smart Materials and Structures. 2008, 17: 15-32. SCI, EI
9. Zhu B J, Qin T Y. Hypersingular integral equation method for a three-dimensional crack in anisotropic electro-magneto-elastic bimaterials . Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 2007, 47: 219–232 SCI, EI
10. Zhu B J, Qin T Y. Application of hypersingular integral equation method to three-dimensional crack in electromagnetothermoelastic multiphase composites. Int. J. of Solids and Structures. 2007, 44 (18-19): 5994-6012 SCI, EI
11. Qin T Y and Noda N A. Application of hypersingular integral equation method to a three-dimensional crack in piezoelectric materials. JSME, Int. J., Ser. A, 47(2):173-180, 2004, SCI, EI
12. Zhu, Bojing; Qin, Taiyan. 3D modeling of crack growth in electro-magneto-thermo-elastic coupled viscoplastic multiphase composites. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2009, 33(2): 1014-1041 SCI, EI
13. Xu C H, Qin T Y. Analysis of multiple interfacial cracks in three-dimensional bimaterials using hypersingular integro-differential equation method. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2009, 30( 3): 293-301
14. Zhu, Bojing; Shi, Yaolin, Qin, Taiyan Mixed-mode stress intensity factors of 3D interface crack in fully coupled electromagnetothermoelastic multiphase composites. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2009, 46(13): 2669-2679
15. Zhu, Bojing; Qin, Taiyan. Multiple 3D flaws in fully coupled electro-magneto-thermo-elastic multiphase composites by extended hypersingular integral equation method. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 2008, 49(3): 268-290 SCI, EI
16. Xu C H, Qin T Y, Yuan L. Variations of the stress intensity factors for a planar crack parallel to a bimaterial interface. Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 2008,30(3),317-330 SCI, EI
17. Xu C H, Qin T Y, Noda N A. Numerical solutions of singular integral equations for planar rectangular interfacial crack in 3D biomaterial. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2007, 28(6): 751-757 SCI, EI
18. Xu C H, Qin T Y, et al. Mixed-mode stress intensity factors of a planar interfacial crack in a bounded biomaterial. International Journal of Mechanics, 2008, 1(1): 83-98
19. Qin T Y and Noda A K. Stress intensity factors of a rectangular crack meeting a bimaterial interface. Int. J. of Solids and Structures. 2003, 40(10):2473-2486, SCI, EI
20. Qin T Y and Noda N A. Application of hypersingular integral equation method to a three-dimensional crack in piezoelectric materials. JSME, Int. J., Ser. A, 47(2):173-180, 2004, SCI, EI
21. Qin T Y, Tang R J. Finite-part integral and boundary elememt method to solve embedded planar crack problems. International Journal of Fracture, 1993, 60:373-381 SCI
22. Qin Taiyan, Yue Jinzhao and Tang Renji. Application of the hypersingular integral equation method to the interaction between two parallel planar cracks in 3-D elasticity. Acta Solida Mechanica Sinica, 1995,8(1): 64-74
23. Qin T Y, Chen W J, and Tang R J. Three-dimensional crack problem analysis using boundary element method with finite-part integrals. International Journal of Fracture 1997, Vol.82, No.3 SCI


l 本科生課程:材料力學、彈性力學、有限元法及其套用
l 研究生課程:彈性力學、張量分析、有限元方法、工程數值仿真方法、邊界元法
l 主持校級《有限元法》、《彈性力學》等研究生重點課程建設項目


l 2002年 寶鋼優秀教師獎
l 2009年 江西省自然科學二等獎,排名第二


