


  • 中文名:科技英語閱讀
  • 出 版 社高等教育出版社
  • ISBN:9787040320251
  • 出版時間:2011-06-01


作 者:《大學英語選修課/學科課程系列教材》項目組編 叢 書 名:科技英語閱讀
版 次:1
頁 數:287
裝 幀:平裝
開 本:16開




unit 1 mathematics
part i est reading
what is russell's paradox?
who discovered the mandelbrot set?
part ii est reading strategy
part iii online resources
uuit 2 physics
part i est reading
what is dark energy?
physics: quantum computing
part ii est reading strategy
part iii online resources
unit 3 network security
part i est reading
when everyone's a friend, is anything private?
cybercrime: the global epidemic at your network door
part ii est reading strategy
part iii online resources
unit 4 electronic information (robots)
.part i est reading
remote-controlled robot surrogate could attend your next meeting for you
a digital dark age? challenges in the preservation of electronic information
part ii est translation strategy
part iii online resources
unit 5 materials
part i est reading
is straw the building material of the furore?
dna - a new material for photonics?
part ii est reading strategy
part iii online resources
unit 6 mechanics and automotives
part i est reading
the future vision for mechanical engineering
the invention of the modern automobile
part ii est translation strategy
part iii online resources
unit 7 genetic engineering
part i est reading
genetic engineering in a nutshell
tools for dna manipulation
part ii est translation strategy
part hi online resources
unit 8 space exploration
part i est reading
does god play dice?
machine dreams
part ii est writing strategy
part iii online resources
unit 9 urban planning
part i est reading
urbanisation in medcs
urban planning and 21st century urbanisation
part ii est writing strategy
part iii online resources
unit 10 nuclear energy
part i est reading
nuclear power worldwide: status and outlook
the legacy of e = mc2
part ii est writing strategy
part iii online resources


