

盧建綜,航空管理博士,美國普渡大學教授、中國民航大學客座教授、博士生導師。美國聯邦航空管理局FAA民航安全專家,並參與美國交通部運輸研究所(TRB)多項研究項目。FAA通用航空卓越中心(COE)民航領域首席研究員,該中心以普渡大學為基地,執行FAA2013~2023年的通用航空安全科研項目。2013年獲得“約翰. 勞勃航空安全”獎 (John Lauber Safety Award)。


  • 中文名:盧建綜
  • 外文名:Chien-tsung Lu
  • 國籍:美國
  • 出生日期:1967年11月19日
  • 職業:教授
  • 畢業院校:內布拉斯加大學
  • 主要成就:“約翰. 勞勃航空安全”獎、COE民航首席研究員、FAA民航安全專家
  • 代表作品:Proposing a model of measuring airlinesafety performance






· 2014, Purdue Faculty Engagement Award
· 2013, Purdue Faculty Research Award
· 2009 ~ Current, FAA Safety Team, Representative, Indianapolis, IN.
· 2006 ~ 2008, FAA Safety Team, Lead Representative, Kansas City, MO.
· 2008, University of Central Missouri (UCM), Graduate “Master Academic Advisor” recognition, 2007 ~ 2008.
· 2013 Provost Fellow – Faculty Second Discipline
· 2012 Aviation Technology Faculty Engagement Award, College of Technology, Purdue University
· 2011 Aviation Technology Faculty Research Award, College of Technology, Purdue University
· 2008 University of Central Missouri (UCM), College of Technology and Science, Faculty ResearchAward.
· 2004~2007 University of Central Missouri (UCM), Aviation Department Faculty Research Award, 2004; 2005; 2007.
· 2005; 2007 University of Central Missouri (UCM), Faculty Summer Fellowship.
· 1999 FAA Diamond Rate Safety Award. (1999-2003 NASA EPSCoR Fellowship, University of Nebraska at Omaha.



Optional summary paragraph on the nature of the publication
Dr. Lu has started his research focus on aviation safety, airport security, and policymaking since the year of 2000. His research areas are as the following:
· Proposing a model of measuring airline safety performance
· Advocating the implementation of an airline safety information system Discovering the non-flight/ground operation hazards
· Constructing a comprehensive aviation system safety management model
· Using system safety techniques for aviation risk assessment
· Discovering the correlation between Crew Resource Management (CRM) and hazardous behaviors
· Air transportation policymaking process using Policy Research Construct (PRC)
· Discovering the regulatory rationale of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
· Surveying aviation distance education potentials
· Benchmarking airline service performance
· Discovering General Airport (GA) Security vulnerability
· Advocating airport security management using SMS concepts


  1. Lu, C-t., Schreckengast, S., & Jia, J. (2011). Safety risk management, assurance, and promotion: hazard control system for budget-constrained airports. Journal of Aviation Technology and Engineering, 1(1), 1-15.
  2. Lu, C-t., Young, J., & Schreckengast, S., (2011). Safety culture: The Perception of Taiwan’s Aviation Leaders. International Journal of Applied Aviation Studies, 11(1), 27-46.
  3. Lu, C-t, Schreckengast, S., Ropp, T., & Dillman, B. (2011). System Safety: Pedagogical Aviation Action Research. Journal of Aviation/Aerospace Education and Research, 20(3), 17-28.
  4. Wang, S., Liu, S. Y., & Lu, C-t. (2012). Perception of Safety Culture: Surveying the Crewmembers of the Aviation Divisions of the Ministry of Defense, Taiwan. Submitted to JATE.
  5. Leib, S., Lu, C-t, Spence, T. (2012). Surveying Chinese aviation safety culture: Using Tianjin International Airport as a case. Submitted to IJAAS.
  6. Cason, B., C-t, Lu, & Schreckengast, S. (June 10, 2010). Are we secure? Discovering GA airport security vulnerability. Journal of Transportation Security, 3(2), 87-104.
  7. Wetmore, M., Lu, C-t., & Bos, P. (2008). Modeling the balance between standardization and innovation in a flight school, Journal of Aviation/Aerospace Education and Research. 17(3), 39-54.
  8. Lu, C-t., Bos, P., & Caldwell, W. (2007). System safety application: Constructing a comprehensive aviation system safety management model (ASSMM). International Journal of Applied Aviation Studies, 7(1), 28-45.
  9. Wetmore, M., Lu, C-t., & Caldwell, W. (2007). The affects of pedagogical paradigms on aviation students with hazardous attitudes. Journal of Applied Aviation/Aerospace Education & Research, 7(1), 25-36.
  10. Lu, C-t., Wetmore, M., & Przetak, R, (Oct., 2006). A new approach to enhance airline safety: Using system safety techniques. Journal of Air Transportation, 11(2), 113-139.
  11. Wetmore, M., & Lu, C-t. (2006). The effects of hazardous attitudes on Crew Resource Management skills. International Journal of Applied Aviation Studies, 6(1), 165-181.


