

瑪麗蓮·曼森,原名布賴恩·休·華納(Brian Hugh Warner),1969年1月5日出生於美國中西部的俄亥俄州,在俄亥俄州的Canton度過孩童時代。Marilyn Manson樂隊主唱。


  • 中文名:瑪莉蓮曼森
  • 外文名:Marilyn Manson
  • 組成時間:1990年
  • 釋義:來自佛羅里達的樂隊的名稱
Marilyn Manson樂隊是近年哥德搖滾的傑出典範。(1990年組成時原叫Marilyn Manson AndTheSpookyKids,後縮短為Marilyn Manson)樂隊共有五名成員組成,除主唱Marilyn Manson外,還有吉他手Zim Zum,鼓手Ginger Fish鍵盤手Madonna Wayne Gacy,以及低音歌手兼貝司手Twiggy Ramivez。有意思的是每位隊員的名字皆由一美女及一變態殺人狂組合,主唱Marilyn Manson便是由Marilyn Monroe (瑪麗蓮.夢露)加Charles Manson(超級殺人王),又如鍵盤手Madonna Wayne Gacy ,亦是由Madonna (麥當娜)與John Wayne Gacy(曾殺死3名男童)混合而成。隊中靈魂人物Marilyn Manson眼中只有撒旦,從來沒有覺得自己是天使。 Manson原名Brian Warner,成長於典行的 美國破碎家庭,自幼便困在地牢,被一堆堆雜物困繞著,家人從不關心他,甚至將他當成玩偶,種種不幸令Manson眼中不再有神,看見的只有創傷,在他的心路歷程里只有人間的痛苦與醜惡,因此,他的搖滾哲學是離經叛道反基督。Marilyn Manson正循Galm Rock 路線進行轉變,昔日哥德搖滾的有血有肉不見了,隨之是一身金光閃閃,連他自己都承認這一點。打從過往推出的3張大碟《Potrait Of American Family》,《Smile LikeChildren》《Antichrist Superstar》開始,他們便被衛道士公開指責。Manson在他的第四張大碟《Mechanical Animals》玩無性別概念,但由於太過招搖,被唱片店拒絕出售。諷刺的是,大碟一經推出,即登美國大碟榜榜首,銷量數字更是可觀。Marilyn Manson雖是降世邪魔,可歌迷們仍舊瘋狂的支持他。1998年他推出了一本名為《The Long Hard Road Out Of Hell》的自傳,很多年輕女孩為了得到他的親筆簽名,不惜在寒冷的3月徘徊在受書場,一等就是數十個小時,可見,這個樂隊在樂迷心目中的地位之高絕不亞於當年的Nirvana!
Marilyn Manson既是一支來自佛羅里達的樂隊的名稱,又是該樂隊主音歌手的名字。 這個來自美國中西部的歌手原名Brian Warner,在俄亥俄州的Canton度過孩提時代。他從小不和父母同住,嚮往著有朝一日成為象Ozzy Osbourne一樣的個性英雄。18歲時,移居佛羅里達,在當地的Tampa灣地區從事音樂評論工作。1989年他化名Manson,遇到了吉他手Scott Mitchell(真名為Scott Putesky)。這兩人一拍即合,彼此發現其對南佛羅里達音樂景象的看法極其相似。根據Manson在小型談話節目中得到的經驗和由60年代兩個著名名詞組合而來的名字的啟發,他給Scott起名Daisy Berkowitz,分別來源於公爵Daisy的爵士樂組合和殺手David Berkowitz。在貝司手Gidget Gein和鍵盤手Madonna Wayne-Gracy加入之後,名為Marilyn Manson & the Spooky kids的樂隊正式成立。
組建之初,他們出演一些付費預定的演出,錄製了自己的盒帶並自創些特殊的聲響效果。很快他們找到了合適的鼓手Sara Lee Lucas替代原先採用的電子鼓機,稍後又以Ginger Fish替換了Sara。他們的風格也逐漸從工業轉向硬核。在1992年他們被當地樂迷提名為南佛羅里達州Slammie獎的最佳非主流硬搖滾樂隊和年度最佳樂隊獎。樂隊成員認為名字太長而難以被記住,一致決定去掉後綴,簡稱為Marilyn Manson。但這並沒有使他們的歌迷有所混淆,1993年夏,他們獲得了5個Slammie獎提名,並且最終贏得了份量很重的榮譽棗年度最佳樂隊。更重要的是Nine Inch Nails的Trent Reznor把Marilyn Manson召入他的Nothing唱片旗下簽訂契約,並達成在1994年春為Nine Inch Nails樂隊的巡演做開場演出的意向。首張專輯《Portrait Of An American Family》(美國家庭的寫照)也順利於1994年7月推出。
Nine Inch Nails的巡演開始給Marilyn Manson足夠的表現機會,與此同時,Twiggy Ramirez出任新的貝司手替代陷入毒癮中的Gidget Gein。這次巡演中,不安分的Marilyn Manson顯現出其肆無忌憚的個性,引出了不少插曲。除了在猶他州的鹽湖城的Delta中心被禁演,Manson在受Nine Inch Nails的邀請上台表演時,他撕碎了一本名為《摩門教之典》的宗教書籍,這導致了服裝室被憤怒的人們瘋狂地搗毀。同年10月,他安排了與撒旦教堂的創建人Anton Szandor LaVey博士的會面,並被貫以'可尊敬'的稱號。在Manson結束巡演回到佛羅里達後,他就因在Jacksonville的裸體演出中的涉嫌強姦指控而被送入監獄。當他一獲保釋,樂隊繼續開始獨立巡演,這次他們成了真正的主角。在南卡羅萊那州,他們又捲入了由'小雞事件'引起的爭論。事情起因於樂隊決定在演出時從台上扔只小雞到台下的歌迷中,以期引起更瘋狂火爆的場面。但實際上,這隻小雞並沒有被好戰的歌迷所撕碎,反而被一個歌迷搭救。可是,小動物的最終命運並沒有驅散Manson藉此向撒旦敬獻祭禮的流言。由此,Manson也逐漸與邪惡主義联系了起來。 1995年10月,EP專輯'Smells Like Children'(孩子氣息)推出,並且經典作品'Sweet Dreams'(甜夢)受到MTV在內的眾多媒體的關注。突然之間,Marilyn Manson開始被廣泛報導。但歷時5個月的巡演中,樂隊既逐日聲望大增,又面臨了內部爆發的矛盾,其中暴戾的Manson在紐約竟把Berkowitz推下舞台。
在他們回到佛羅里達後,Berkowitz退出樂隊。雖然後來一些內部人士宣稱Berkowitz沒有參與創作Marilyn Manson1996年推出的專輯《Antichrist Superstar》(反基督超級明星),但他的名字後來還是出現在專輯的出演名單上,致使此後Berkowitz控告Manson,要求享有應支付的版稅。糾紛後,為尋找合適吉他手,樂隊在《鄉村之聲》雜誌上刊登廣告,經過在150名應徵者中的篩選,選中了Zim Zum。專輯於1996年10月推出,迅速在Billboard排行榜上獲得第3名的成績,並大受好評。這些歌與他們早先狂歡式的效果相比,在詞作上注入了更深更多的熱情,也更具嚴肅的效果。
1997年, Marilyn Manson達到了它獨有風格的頂峰。在《反基督超級明星》推出的短短時日中,到處都能見到身著樂隊 T恤的新歌迷,主流雜誌上充斥了關於他們的訪談,單曲 \"The Beautiful People\"(美麗的人們 )在廣播中整日播放。令人奇怪的是,雖然專輯引來了不小的抗議,但到 1998年中期它還是獲得了 140萬張的銷量。不管怎樣, 1997年是他們最成功的時刻。宣傳該專輯的巡演儘管在美國的許多城市遇到了抗議,反 Marilyn Manson的聲勢在 1997年 6月到達了頂點,某些成功的抗議甚至使得演出被取消,但這並沒有阻止 Marilyn Manson以自己的方式成為超級明星。
在輿論中,一直把 Marilyn Manson稱為是由搖滾界故意創造出來,用於試探主流社會對偏激言行的承受程度。 Manson甚至在當年 9月的 MTV音樂電視獎頒獎演出中,在演唱 \"The Beautiful People\"前除了胡言亂語外,還作出了不雅的出格行為。可 11月樂隊還是順利地推出了一張 5首歌的 EP唱片《 Remix & Repent》。該年 10月, Marilyn Manson在加利福尼亞州觀光山舉行的年度 Bridge School慈善演唱會上,與 Smashing Pumpkins的靈魂人物 Billy Corgan建立了穩固的關係。 11月他們參加了 Smashing Pumpkins在佛羅里達的演出, Billy 也協助該樂隊指正了下張專輯的音樂走向。
在 1998年, Marilyn Manson投入到第 3張專輯的製作中,然而在唱片幾近完成之際又發生了意外。吉他手 Zim Zum尋求獨立發展而退出樂隊。綽號 John 5的 John Lowery加盟組合。新專輯中的音樂先在 8月上映的電影《 Dead Man On Campus》 (校園中的死人 ) 中初露鋒芒。 6周后,這張名為《 Mechanical Animals》 (機械動物 )的新專輯上市。雖然許多連鎖店由於其極具煽動性的裸體造型封面而拒絕銷售,但這支倔強的樂隊依然痴迷地追隨著華麗搖滾的風格,以其毫不掩飾與毫無顧忌的行為灑脫地生存著。
Marilyn Manson “Marilyn Manson, 象是一個摩菲斯特期待了很久的靈魂,一個glam, gore, rock'n'roll,商業, 電子合成器等扭曲的完美產物。只有上帝知道他是否真的屬於人類。”關於一個人的信仰問題別人應該沒有指責的權利,而明顯的,這個世界上只屬於一個人的信仰是不存在的,他勢必要將自己的思想播及他人,或是宣洩,或是諷刺。虔誠的基督徒們認為Manson意在代替上帝,毒害兒童,一個十足的惡魔撒旦。社會控訴他點燃了那些校園殺手心中的黑暗之火。而他卻覺得自己更象是受刑的耶酥,Crucifixion這個詞一直出現在他的歌中,最典型的就是.他在做著這個世界毫不理解的事情,這令他自豪萬分,極度興奮中帶著悽美的悲傷。
Marilyn Manson
Frontman & 歌手
入隊: 1989
真實姓名 出生地點 出生日期
Brian Warner 美國 俄亥俄 坎頓 1969.1.5
位置 主唱(風頭人物)
高度 6'(183cm)
父母 Hugh and Barbara Warner
祖父母 Jack and Beatrice Warner
親屬 Rose McGowan
業餘愛好 收集飯盒
曾就讀的學校 Heritage Christian School; Journalism school
地址 83 Riverside Dr.New York NY 10024 Manson
愛他或憎恨他,自稱的 "基督的敵人巨星" 瑪里琳 Manson 無爭議地在 1990 年代的最聲名狼藉和最有爭論的演藝人員。
John 5
入隊: 1998
真實姓名 出生地點 出生日期
John Lowery Grosse Pointe, MI 19??.7.31
位置 領導吉他
眼睛顏色 藍色
裝備 Ibanez GAX 系列吉他
很多才能而且很多紋身吉他彈奏者,從一位工作場所音樂人1989年直到最近。 現在他是瑪里琳 Manson's 的領導吉他彈奏者的第二個替換更換 Zim Zum 。
John 5 原名John Lowery, 出生於1971年7月30日。自六歲起玩吉它, 從1989到現在當過錄音棚里的吉它手,一同合作過的樂隊有Red Square Black, foSTted, Ryan Downe, Wilson Phillips, Night Rangers, Two, Ozzy Osbourne, Raven Payne, One Way, Salt 'n' Peppa, kd lang, Pepperland, Lita Ford, Leah Andreone, David Lee Roth, 以及現在的Marilyn Manson. 他和Randy Castill是樂隊"Red Square Black"的創始人,後者曾在Ozzy做了很長時期的鼓手.如果不是在1996年的KD Lang的世界巡演中從2000多名吉它手中脫穎而出,他可能仍在與Red Square Black朋友們一起。他所用的吉它是一把Ibanez GAX系列產品。
Ginger Fish
入隊: 1995
真實姓名 出生地點 出生日期
Kenny Wilson Farmingham, MA 1966.9.28
位置 鼓手
眼睛顏色 褐色
過去,他已經演奏鼓許多拉斯維加斯樂團。他們買了在奧蘭多的一家戲院,而且他開始表演只是玩。 他代替了最初的瑪里琳 Manson 鼓手 "Sara Lee Lucas" 。 Ginger Fish 94年頂替原樂隊鼓手Sara Lee Lucas。原名Kenny Wilson.(而Sara Lee Lucas原先是代替了一台機器鼓,之後Sara was被樂隊踢出,原因是……)Ginger來自Las Vegas
Madonna Wayne Gacy
入隊: 1989
真實姓名 出生地點 出生日期
Stephen Bier Ft. Lauderdale, FL 1964.6
位置 鍵盤
裝備 Kurzweil
Pogo (Madonna Wayne Gacy) 原名Stephen Bier. 生日3/6. 也被叫做Pogo. 他頂替了樂隊原鍵盤手Zsa Zsa Speck. 在這之前,他在University of Florida主修計算機。
Tim Skold
入隊: 2002
真實姓名 出生地點 出生日期
Thim Skold Skovde, Sweden 1966.12.14
位置 底音部
身高 5'10"
裝備 Percussion, Synthesizer, Drum Loops, Mellotron
Twiggy Ramirez
在隊: 1993-2002
Twiggy Ramirez 93年底頂替了樂隊原貝司手Gidget Gein。原名Jeordie White, 來自Fort Lauderdale, Florida. 之前是一個曾和Manson一起做巡演的樂隊,Amboog-A-Lard的貝司手.後來這兩個樂隊也因為Twiggy的奔向Marilyn而都一度苦悶. Twiggy和Manson兩人關係甚好,一同住在好萊塢山上的一棟以白色為主題的房子裡。Twiggy被認為是Manson的最好的助手和知己。
Zim Zum
在隊: 1996-98
Daisy Berkowitz
在隊: 1989-96
Sara Lee Lucas
在隊: 1990-1995
Gidget Gein
在隊: 1989-93
Zsa Zsa Speck
在隊: 1989
Olivia Newton Bundy
在隊: 1989
2004-09-28 Lest We Forget
LP / Interscope
# Track Name Length
1 The Love Song 03:16
2 Personal Jesus 04:06
3 mOBSCENE 03:25
4 The Fight Song 02:55
5 Tainted Love 04:05
6 The Dope Show 04:05
7 This is the New Shit 03:42
8 Disposable Teens 04:02
9 Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This) 04:06
10 Lunchbox 04:34
11 Tourniquet 06:01
12 Rock is Dead 04:19
13 Get Your Gunn 03:48
14 The Nobodies 03.35
15 Long Hard Road Out of Hell 04:21
16 The Beautiful People 03:38
17 The Reflecting God 05:36
Album Credits
THE LOVE SONG (lyrics: Manson / music: Ramirez, 5) © 2000 EMI Blackwood Music, Songs Of Golgotha Music (BMI), Blood Heavy Music (BMI), Gtr. Hack Music / Chrysalis Music (ASAP) Produced by Dave Sardy & Marilyn Manson Mixed by Dave Sardy (P)2000 Nothing/Interscope Records
PERSONAL JESUS (written by: M. Gore) © 1989 Grabbing Hands Music LTD/EMI Music Publishing LTD Produced by Marilyn Manson & Tim Skold Mixed by Mark "Spike" Stent (P)2004 Interscope Records
mOBSCENE (lyrics: Manson / Music: 5) © 2003 EMI Blackwood Music, Songs Of Golgotha Music (BMI), Gtr. Hack Music / Chrysalis Music (ASAP) Produced by Marilyn Manson & Tim Skold Co-Produced & Mixed by Ben Grosse (P)2003 Nothing/Interscope Records
THE FIGHT SONG (lyrics: Manson / Music: 5) © 2000 EMI Blackwood Music, Songs Of Golgotha Music (BMI), Gtr. Hack Music / Chrysalis Music (ASAP) Produced by Dave Sardy & Marilyn Manson Mixed by Dave Sardy (P)2000 Nothing/Interscope Records
TAINTED LOVE (music & lyrics: E. Cobb) Embassy Music Corporation (BMI) Produced Marilyn Manson and Tim Skold Additional Production by Ben Grosse Mixed by Benn Grosse (P)2003 Nothing/Interscope Records
THE DOPE SHOW (lyrics: Manson / music: Ramirez) © 1998 Dinger & Ollie Music, Songs Of Golgotha Music (BMI), Blood Heavy Music (BMI), Produced by: Michael Beinhorn & Marilyn Manson Additional Production by: Sean Beavan Mixed by: Tom Lord-Alge (P)1998 Nothing/Interscope Records
THIS IS THE NEW SHIT (lyrics: Manson / Music: 5, Manson, Skold) © 2003 EMI Blackwood Music, Songs Of Golgotha Music (BMI), Gtr. Hack Music / Chrysalis Music (ASAP), 120050 Publishing (BMI) Produced by Marilyn Manson & Tim Skold Co-Produced & Mixed by Ben Grosse (P)2003 Nothing/Interscope Records
DISPOSABLE TEENS (lyrics: Manson / music: 5, Ramirez) © 2000 EMI Blackwood Music, Songs Of Golgotha Music (BMI), Blood Heavy Music (BMI), Gtr. Hack Music / Chrysalis Music (ASAP) Produced by Dave Sardy & Marilyn Manson Mixed by Dave Sardy (P)2000 Nothing/Interscope Records
SWEET DREAMS (are made of this) (Lennox / Stewart) © 1983 BMG Music Publishing Inc, (ASCAP) Produced by Trent Reznor & Marilyn Manson Mixed by: Sean Beavan (P)1995 Nothing/Interscope Records
LUNCHBOX (lyrics: Manson / music: Berkowitz, Gein) © 1994 Dinger & Ollie Music / Beat Up Your Mom Music, BMI / Onward Music, (PRS), All rights on behalf of Beat Up Your Mom Music. Administered by Dinger & Ollie Music Produced by Marilyn Manson & Trent Reznor Mixed by: Trent Reznor, Sean Beavan, Alan Moulder, & Marc Freegard (P)1994 Nothing/Interscope Records
TOURNIQUET (lyrics: Manson / music: Berkowitz, Ramirez) © 1996 Dinger & Ollie Music, Songs Of Golgotha Music (BMI), Carducci Thrift Music (BMI), Blood Heavy Music Produced by Trent Reznor & Dave "Rave" Ogilvie Co- Produced be Marilyn Manson Mixed by Sean Beaven (P)1996 Nothing/Interscope Records
ROCK IS DEAD (lyrics: Manson / music: Ramirez, Gacy) © 1998 Dinger & Ollie Music, Songs Of Golgotha Music (BMI), Blood Heavy Music (BMI), DCLXVI Music (BMI) Produced by: Michael Beinhorn & Marilyn Manson Additional Production by: Sean Beavan Mixed by: Tom Lord-Alge (P)1998 Nothing/Interscope Records
GET YOUR GUNN (lyrics: Manson / music: Berkowitz, Gein) © 1994 Dinger & Ollie Music / Beat Up Your Mom Music, BMI / Onward Music, (PRS), All rights on behalf of Beat Up Your Mom Music. Administered by Dinger & Ollie Music Produced by Marilyn Manson & Trent Reznor Mixed by: Trent Reznor, Sean Beavan, Alan Moulder, & Marc Freegard (P)1994 Nothing/Interscope Records
THE NOBODIES (lyrics: Manson / music: 5, Ramirez) © 2000 EMI Blackwood Music, Songs Of Golgotha Music (BMI), Gtr. Hack Music / Chrysalis Music (ASAP) Produced by Dave Sardy & Marilyn Manson Mixed by Dave Sardy (P)2000 Nothing/Interscope Records
THE LONG HARD ROAD OUT OF HELL (lyrics: Manson / music: Ramirez) © 1997 Dinger & Ollie Music, Songs Of Golgotha Music (BMI), Blood Heavy Music (BMI), Produced by Marilyn Manson & Sean Beavan, Mixed & Engineered by Sean Beavan Additional vocals by Kelli Ali (P)1997 Nothing/Interscope Records
THE BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE (lyrics: Manson / music: Ramirez) © 1996 Dinger & Ollie Music, Songs Of Golgotha Music (BMI), Blood Heavy Music (BMI), Produced by Trent Reznor & Dave "Rave" Ogilvie Co- Produced by Marilyn Manson Mixed by Sean Beaven (P)1996 Nothing/Interscope Records
THE REFLECTING GOD (lyrics: Manson / music: Ramirez, Reznor) © 1996 Dinger & Ollie Music, Songs Of Golgotha Music (BMI), Blood Heavy Music (BMI), Leaving Hope / TVT Music, Inc. (ASCAP) Produced by Trent Reznor & Dave "Rave" Ogilvie Co- Produced by Marilyn Manson Mixed by Sean Beaven (P)1996 Nothing/Interscope Records
Songs 1, 3, 4, 7, 8, 14, 15 administered worldwide by EMI Blackwood Music Inc, © 2004
2003-05-13 The Golden Age of Grotesque
LP / Nothing/Interscope
# Track Name Length
1 Thaeter 01:14
2 This is the New Shit 04:19
3 mOBSCENE 03:25
4 Doll-Dagga Buzz-Buzz Ziggety-Zag 04:10
5 Use Your Fist and Not Your Mouth 03:34
6 The Golden Age of Grotesque 04:05
7 (s)AINT 03:42
8 Ka-boom Ka-boom 04:02
9 Slutgarden 04:06
10 Spade 04:34
11 Para-noir 06:01
12 The Bright Young Things 04:19
13 Better of Two Evils 03:48
14 Vodevil 04:39
15 Obsequey (The Death of Art) 01:35
Album Credits
The Cast:
MARILYN MANSON as himself and also known or referred to as "Herr Doktor". This is the creator of all vocals and OB ART manipulator of various instruments including: a burning piano, synthetic bass, mellotron, the saxophone and the mutilation of audio for personal use. He maintained some rhythm directive including (but not limited to) loops and snare drum rolls. There were also occassions where the one string guitar was implemented for dramatic purposes.
JOHN 5 as the lead guitar demagogue. He is responsible for rhythm, lead and dissonance in the field of guitar (inluding but not limited) to the 5, 6 and 7 string instruments. Piano and various orchestral elements were also choreographed by him using his guitar in a manner often viewed as inappropriate.
M. W. GACY as the chief chemist and philosopher of electronics, specializing in the field of keyboards and responsible for synthesizers, discoloration of words, loops, and political melody.
Introducing TIM SKOLD, who stars as the bassist. He is the shaper of electronics, loops, synth bass, keyboard and accordian. He is also responsible for OB ART constructivism of guitar and beat.
GINGER FISH as the live drummer and primal meter interpreter. Leader of all rhythm divisions of marching and big band korps.
Produced by: Marilyn Manson and Tim Skold Recorded and arranged by Marilyn Manson and Tim Skold CD-Produced and mixed by Ben Grosse All drum programming and editing by Tim Skold
Mastered by: Tom Baker at Precision Mastering Recorded at Doppelherz Studio and The Mix Room/Burbank Mixed at The Mix Room / Burbank Additional Recording at The Mix Room / Burbank and Ocean Way / LA Additional Recording by: Ben Grosse Assistant Engineer: Chuck Bailey Ocean Way Assistant: Jeff Burns Additional Digital Editing: Blumpy, Ben Grosse Drum Technician: Ross Garfield / Drum Doctors
Manson: All tracks, Songs Of Golgotha Music (BMI), Administred Worldwide by EMI Blackwood Music Inc. 2003
John5: All tracks GTR, Hack Music / Chrysalis Music ASAP Except Tracks 1 & 15
Tim Skold: Tracks 1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 11, 13, 14, 15 Administered by 120050 Publishing (BMI)
Gacy: Tracks 1, 11, 13 DCLXVI Music (BMI), Administred Worldwide by EMI Blackwood Music Inc. 2003
Artwork by: Gottfried Helnwein; Inlay Photo: Marilyn Manson; Inlay Band Photo: Perou; Design: Bau Bau Design Lab; Management: Tony Ciulla; Legal: Jeffrey Taylor Light; Business Management: Jay Sendyk; A&R: Mark Williams; Agents: Rick Roskin / Chris Dalston @ CAA / Emma Banks @ Helter Skelter;
2000-11-14 Holy Wood (in the shadow of the valley of death)
LP / Nothing/Interscope
# Track Name Length
1 GodEatGod 02:34
2 The Love Song 03:16
3 The Fight Song 02:55
4 Disposable Teens 03:01
5 Target Audience (Narcissus Narcosis) 04:18
6 "President Dead" 03:13
7 In the Shadow of the Valley of Death 04:09
8 Cruci-Fiction in Space 04:56
9 A Place in the Dirt 03:37
10 The Nobodies 03.35
11 The Death Song 03:30
12 Lamb of God 04:39
13 Born Again 03:20
14 Burning Flag 03:21
15 Coma Black 05:58
16 Valentine's Day 03:31
17 The Fall of Adam 02:34
18 King Kill 33° 02:18
19 Count to Six and Die (the vacuum of infinite space encompassing) 03:24
Album Credits
1. (music: MANSON), Keyboards and bass synth: Manson, Vocals: Manson, Guitars: John5, Lead guitar: T. Ramirez, Ambience: M.W. Gacy, Synth: Bon Harris, Noise rhythm guitar: Dave Sardy
2. (music: RAMIREZ., 5), Vocals and outro-lead guitar: Manson, Guitar and Bass: T. Ramirez, Guitars: John5, Keyboards and samples: M.W. Gacy, Live drums and siren loop: Ginger Fish, Synth and drum programming: Bon Harris,
3. (music: 5), Vocals: Manson, Bass and additional guitar: T. Ramirez, Rhythm and lead guitar: John5, Keyboards and loops: M.W. Gacy, Live drums: Ginger Fish
4. (music: 5, RAMIREZ.), Vocals: Manson, Bass: T. Ramirez, Guitar and synth guitar: John5, Synth and electronic percussion: Bon Harris, Live drums: Ginger Fish, Keyboards: M.W. Gacy, Pills: D. Sardy
5. (music: Ramirez., 5), Vocals and Optigan: Manson, Bass and additional lead guitar: T. Ramirez, All guitars: John5, Loop and live drums: Ginger Fish, Synth and loops: M.W. Gacy, Drum programming and synth: Bon Harris
6. (music: RAMIREZ., 5, GACY), Vocals, syncussion, and mellotron: Manson, rhythm Guitar and bass: T. Ramirez, Lead and rhythm guitar: John5, Loop and live drums: Ginger Fish, Keyboards: M.W. Gacy, Backing Vocals: Alex Suttle
7. (music: RAMIREZ., 5), Vocals and distorted flute: Manson, All Keyboards: M.W. Gacy, All guitars: John5, Death Loop and live drums: Ginger Fish, Bass: T. Ramirez
8. (music: RAMIREZ., 5, GACY), Vocals and piano: Manson, Rhythm guitar, bass: T. Ramirez, Rhythm and lead guitar: John5, Live drums: Ginger Fish, Keyboards, loops and ambience: M.W. Gacy, Insect hi-hat: Bon Harris
9. (music: 5), Vocals and Ambience: Manson, Synth bass and keyboards: M.W. Gacy, Live drums and loop: Ginger Fish, Bass: T. Ramirez, Acoustic, electric and slide guitars: John5, Synth, sleigh belts and manipulation: Bon Harris
10. (music: 5, MANSON), electric harpsichord: Manson, Guitars: John5, Bass: T. Ramirez, Keyboards and ambiences: M.W. Gacy, Drums machine and live kit: Ginger Fish, Vocals: Manson
11. (music: 5, MANSON), Vocals: Manson, guitars: John 5, Bass: T. Ramirez, Synth bass and electronics: Bon Harris, Loop and live drums: Ginger Fish, Children's choir and canned laughter of dead people unsure of why they are laughing: M.W. Gacy
12. (music: RAMIREZ.), vocals, piano and pianette: Mason, Bass, lead and Leslie guitar, keys and drum loop: T. Ramirez, Acoustic, rhythm and lead guitar: John5, Live drums: Ginger Fish, Ambience: M.W. Gacy, Synths: Bon Harris
13. (music: Ramirez., 5), Vocals and synth bass: Manson, bass and verse guitar: T. Ramirez, Guitar and lead guitar: John5, Keyboards: M.W. Gacy, Drum Programming: Ginger Fish and Bon Harris, Bass and other synths: Bon Harris, Additional loops: Danny Saber, Recorded live February 14, 1997
14. Live drums: Ginger Fish, Organic drum programming: Bon Harris, Keyboards: M.W. Gacy
15. a) (music: MANSON, 5, RAMIREZ.), Vocals and clean rhythm guitar: Manson, Bass, warped rhythm guitars, and add. lead: T. Ramirez, Phase, lead and rhythm guitars: John5, Loops and live drums: Ginger Fish, Synths, ambience and keyboards: M.W. Gacy, b)(music: MANSON) Vocals and clean guitar: Manson, Rhythm Guitar: John5, Bass and lead guitar: T. Ramirez, Loop: Ginger Fish
16. (music: RAMIREZ., Manson), Vocals and piano: Manson, Bass and noise lead guitars: T. Ramirez, Loops and live drums: Ginger Fish, Lead and rhythm guitars: John5, Keyboards and mellotron: M.W. Gacy, Synthesizers: Bon Harris
17. (music: RAMIREZ., 5) Vocals: Manson, Acoustic, rhythm and synth guitar: John5, Bass and rhythm guitar: T. Ramirez, Live drums: Ginger Fish
18. (music: RAMIREZ.) Vocals: Manson, Bass: T. Ramirez, Guitars and synth guitars: John5, Keyboards and Synth: M.W. Gacy, Live drums: Ginger Fish
19. (music: 5) Vocals: Manson, Synth strings and Ambiences: M.W. Gacy, Piano: Bon Harris
Celebritarian(tm) used by permission
1999-11-16 The Last Tour on Earth
LP / Nothing/Interscope
# Track Name Length
1 Inauguration of the Mechanical Christ 02:45
2 The Reflecting God 05:32
3 Great Big White World 05:21
4 Get Your Gunn 03:37
5 Sweet Dreams (are made of this) 05:36
6 Rock is Dead 03:20
7 The Dope Show 03:56
8 Lunch Box 08:35
9 I Don't Like the Drugs 07:31
10 Antichrist Superstar 05:15
11 The Beautiful People 04:30
12 Irresponsible Hate Anthem 04:40
13 The Last Day on Earth 04:26
14 Astonishing Panorama of the Endtimes 03:59
Album Credits
Marilyn Manson: vocals
Twiggy Ramirez: bass
M.W. Gacy: drums & synthesizers
Ginger Fish: drums
John5: guitar
INAUGURATION OF THE MECHANICAL CHRIST Lyrics: Manson / Music: Ramirez Co-Produced by Danny Saber
THE REFLECTING GOD Lyrics: Manson / Music: Ramirez, Reznor
GREAT BIG WHITE WORLD Lyrics: Manson / Music: Ramirez, Gacy, Zum
GET YOUR GUNN Lyrics: Manson / Music: Berkowitz, Gein
SWEET DREAMS Lyrics & Music: Stewart
HELL OUTRO Lyrics: Manson / Music: Ramirez
ROCK IS DEAD Lyrics: Manson / Music: Ramirez, Gacy
THE DOPE SHOW Lyrics: Manson / Music: Ramirez
LUNCHBOX Lyrics: Manson / Music: Berkowitz, Gein
I DON'T LIKE THE DRUGS (BUT THE DRUGS LIKE ME) Lyrics: Manson / Music: Ramirez, Zum
ANTICHRIST SUPERSTAR Lyrics: Manson / Music: Ramirez, Gacy
THE BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE Lyrics: Manson / Music: Ramirez
IRRESPONSIBLE HATE ANTHEM Lyrics: Manson, Ramirez / Music: Berkowitz, Gacy
THE LAST DAY ON EARTH Lyrics: Manson / Music: Manson, Gacy, Ramirez
Also ASTONISHING PANORAMA OF THE ENDTIMES Lyrics: Manson / Music: Ramirez, 5
1998-09-15 Mechanical Animals
LP / Nothing/Interscope
# Track Name Length
1 Great Big White World 05:01
2 The Dope Show 03:46
3 Mechanical Animals 04:33
4 Rock is Dead 03:09
5 Disassociative 04:50
6 Speed of Pain 05:30
7 Posthuman 04:17
8 I Want to Disappear 02:56
9 I Don't Like the Drugs... 05:03
10 New Model No. 15 03:40
11 User Friendly 04:17
12 Fundamentally Loathsome 04:49
13 The Last Day on Earth 05:01
14 Coma White 05:40
Album Credits
ALL TRACKS: Dinger & Ollie Music, administered by Dinger & Ollie Music, BMI © 1998 All Rights Reserved.
MANSON: All tracks, songs of golgotha music
RAMIREZ: All tracks except 12, blood heavy music
GACY: All tracks except 2,3,8,9 & 10, DCLXVI music
ZIM ZUM: only tracks 1,3,5,6,9,11,12,14, violent delight music
Produced by: Michael Beinhorn and Marilyn Manson Additional Production by: Sean Beavan Mixed by: Tom Lord-Alge
DISASSOCIATIVE (lyrics:manson/music:ramirez,gacy,zum) vocals: manson, rhythm guitars and bass: ramirez, lead guitar: zum, keyboards: gacy, live and electronic drums: fish
THE SPEED OF PAIN (lyrics:manson/music:ramirez,gacy,zum) vocals and vocoder: manson, background vocals: john west, lynn davis, nikki harris, alexandra brown, acoustic guitar and bass: ramirez, keyboards,shaker and mellotron: gacy, arp synthesizer: manson, beinhorn, lead and synth guitar: zum, drums: fish
MECHANICAL ANIMALS (lyrics:manson/music:ramirez, zum) vocals: manson, bass, acoustic and rhythym guitars: ramirez, rhythym and lead guitar: zum, piano and other keyboards: gacy, drums: fish
ROCK IS DEAD (lyrics:manson/music:ramirez,gacy) vocals: manson, all guitars and bass: ramirez, keyboards: gacy, drums: fish
FUNDAMENTALLY LOATHSOME (lyrics:manson/music:gacy, zum) vocals: manson, bass: ramirez, piano and other keyboards: gacy, lead and rhythym guitar: zum, drums: fish
THE DOPE SHOW (lyrics:manson/music:ramirez) lead and background vocals: manson, bass, rhythym and lead guitars: ramirez, piano: gacy, syncussion and electric drums: manson
I WANT TO DISAPPEAR : (lyrics:manson/music:ramirez) vocals: manson, all guitars and bass: ramirez, drums: fish,samples: gacy
POSTHUMAN (lyrics:manson/music:ramirez,gacy) vocals: manson, rose mcgowan, bass and rhythym guitar: ramirez, electric percussion and keyboards: gacy, drums: fish, addotional lead guitar: zum
NEW MODEL NO. 15 (lyrics:manson/music:ramirez,manson) (vocals: manson, background vocals: kobi tai, dyanna lauren, guitars, bass and bass synth: ramirez, keyboards: gacy, drums: fish, pitifully predictable guitar solo: zum
USER FRIENDLY (lyrics:manson/music:ramirez, gacy, zum) vocals: manson, pornography: dyanna lauren, guitars, bass, bass synth and noise: ramirez, piano and keyboards: gacy, scratching: dj neil strauss, drums: fish
GREAT BIG WHITE WORLD (lyrics: manson/music:ramirez, gacy, zum) vocals: manson, acoustic, rhythym guitar and bass: ramirez, keyboards: gacy, drums: fish, lead guitar: zum
COMA WHITE (lyrics:manson/music:ramirez,gacy,zum) vocals and piano: manson,lead and rhythym guitars and bass: ramirez, keyboards and mellotron: gacy, acoustic and leadguitar: zum
I DON'T LIKE THE DRUGS (BUT THE DRUGS LIKE ME) (lyrics: manson/music:ramirez, zum) vocals: manson, backround vocals: john west, lynn davis, nikki harris, alexandra brown, rythm guitars and bass: ramirez, clavinet, stings and programming: danny saber, keyboards: gacy, outro guitar solo: dave navarro (spread entertainment, inc.), additional lead guitar: zum, drums: fish
THE LAST DAY ON EARTH (lyrics: manson/music:manson, gacy, ramirez) vocals and vocoder: manson, bass synth and all keyboards: gacy, lead and acoustic guitar: ramirez, lead guitar: manson, drums: fish
1997-11-25 Remix & Repent
EP / Nothing/Interscope
# Track Name Length
1 The Horrible People 05:12
2 The Tourniquet Prosthetic Dance Mix 04:09
3 Dried Up, Tied and Dead to the World (Live in Utica, NY) 04:18
4 Antichrist Superstar (Live in Hartford, CT) 05:16
5 Man That You Fear (Acoustic Requiem for Antichrist Superstar) 05:13
Album Credits
1. The Horrible People
Lyrics: Manson / Music: Ramirez
Descending Horn Guitar: Sean Beavan
Songs Of Golgotha Music/Blood Heavy Music/ Dinger & Ollie Music,
Administered By Dinger & Ollie Music, Bmi.
Remixed By Danny Saber Sonic Rape & Pillage By John X
Addtl. Cock Rock Bass By Damian Savage
Second Engineers: Gabe And Jim
Remixed At Soundcastle Studios. Los Angeles, CA.
2. The Tourniquet Prosthetic Dance Mix
Lyrics: Manson / Music: Berkowitz, Ramirez
Guitar: Zim Zum
Songs Of Golgotha Music/Carducci Thrift Music/ Blood Heavy Music / Dinger & Ollie Music.
Administered By Dinger & Ollie Music, BMI.
Remixed By Sean Beavan And Marilyn Manson
3. Dried Up, Tied And Dead To The World (Live In Utica, NY)
Lyrics: Manson / Music: Manson, Ramirez
Live Guitar: Zim Zum
Additional Live Guitar: Marilyn Manson
Songs Of Golgotha Music/Blood Heavy Music/ Dinger & Ollie Music.
Administered By Dinger & Ollie Music, BMI.
Live Engineer: Sean Beavan
Mixed By: Sean Beavan
4. Antichrist Superstar (Live In Hartford, CT)
Lyrics: Manson / Music: Ramirez, Gacy
Live Guitar: Zim Zum
Songs Of Golgotha Music/Blood Heavy Music/ Dclxvi Music/Dinger & Ollie Music, Bmi
Live Engineer: Sean Beavan
Mixed By: Sean Beavan
5. Man That You Fear (Acoustic Requiem For Antichrist Superstar)
Lyrics: Manson / Music: Ramirez, Manson, Gacy, Berkowitz
Acoustic Guitar: Twiggy Ramirez
Songs Of Golgotha Music/Blood Heavy Music/Dclxvi Music/Carducci Thrift Music/Dinger & Ollie Music, Administered By Dinger & Ollie Music, Bmi.
1996-10-08 Antichrist Superstar
LP / Interscope
# Track Name Length
1 Irresponsible Hate Anthem 04:17
2 The Beautiful People 03:38
3 Dried Up, Tied and Dead to the World 04:15
4 Tourniquet 04:29
5 Little Horn 02:43
6 Cryptorchid 02:44
7 Deformography 04:31
8 Wormboy 03:56
9 Mister Superstar 05:04
10 Angel with the Scabbed Wings 03:51
11 Kinderfeld 04:51
12 Antichrist Superstar 05:14
13 1996 04:01
14 The Minute of Decay 04:44
15 The Reflecting God 05:36
16 Man That You Fear 06:10
Album Credits
1. irresponsible hate anthem
2. the beautiful people
3. dried up, tied and dead to the world
4. tourniquet
5. little horn
6. cryptorchild
7. deformography
8. wormboy
9. mister superstar
10. angel with the scabbed wings
11. kinderfeld
12. antichrist superstar
13. 1996
14. minute of decay
15. the reflecting god
16. man that you fear
1995-10-24 Smells Like Children
EP / Nothing/Interscope
# Track Name Length
1 The Hands of Small Children 1:35
2 Diary of a Dope Fiend 05:55
3 Shitty Chicken Gang Bang 01:19
4 Kiddie Grinder 04:23
5 Sympathy for the Parents 1:00
6 Sweet Dreams (are made of this) 04:53
7 Everlasting Cocksucker 05:13
8 Fuck Frankie 01:48
9 I Put a Spell on You 03:36
10 May Cause Discolouration... 03:59
11 Scabs, Guns and Peanut Butter 1:01
12 Dance of the Dope Hats 04:39
13 White Trash 02:47
14 Dancing With the One Legged 00:45
15 Rock 'n Roll Nigger 03:31
Album Credits
Produced by Trent Reznor & M. Manson.
Engineered and mixed by Sean Beavan.
Assisted by Jim Janick and Eugene.
Special Oz Tour by Chris Vrenna.
1. Birthed by M. Manson & M.W. Gacy.
3. Created by M.W. Gacy.
4. & 12. Remixed by Dave Ogilvie with Joe Anthony Valcic.
7. Remixed by Charlie (Slugworth) Clouser.
10. Blanche Wyer.
11. Composed and performed by Twiggy Ramirez
13. Performed by Tony F. Wiggins.
1994-07-19 Portrait of an AmericanFamily
LP / Nothing/Interscope
# Track Name Length
1 Prelude (the family trip) 1:20
2 Cake and Sodomy 03:46
3 Lunchbox 04:32
4 Organ Grinder 04:22
5 Cyclops 03:22
6 Dope Hat 04:21
7 Get Your Gunn 03:18
8 Wrapped in Plastic 05:35
9 Dogma 03:22
10 Sweet Tooth 05:03
11 Snake Eyes and Sissies 04:07
12 My Monkey 05:31
13 Misery Machine 13:11
Album Credits
1. PRELUDE (THE FAMILY TRIP) adapted by manson / boat ride: manson, gacy
2. CAKE AND SODOMY (lyrics: manson / music: berkowitz)
3. LUNCHBOX (lyrics: manson / music: berkowitz, gein) bionic guitar: reznor
4. ORGAN GRINDER (lyrics: manson / music: gein, berkowitz)
5. CYCLOPS (lyrics: manson / music: berkowitz, gein, gacy)
6. DOPE HAT (lyrics: manson / music: gein, berkowitz, gacy) additional percussion: Chris Vrenna, additional loops: Manson
7. GET YOUR GUNN (lyrics: manson / music: berkowitz, gein) uncontrolled saxophone: Hope Nichols
8. WRAPPED IN PLASTIC (lyrics: manson / music: berkowitz) knives: Manson, additional voodoo drums: Charlie Clouser, violation: Melissa
9. DOGMA (lyrics: manson / music: berkowitz) background vocals and citronella: Hope Nichols
10. SWEET TOOTH (lyrics: manson / music: gacy, gein) scab loop: manson
11. SNAKE EYES AND SISSIES (lyrics: manson / music: gacy, berkowitz, gein) skull: Podboy, "Maria": Gacy
12. MY MONKEY (lyrics: manson / music: berkowitz) boy: Robert Pierce (age 6), the pitiful pot pie brass section: Gacy, Reznor, Beavan
13. MISERY MACHINE (lyrics: manson / music: gein, berkowitz, gacy)
EPILOGUE: Contains excerpts of dialogue by Mink Stole from the film "Desperate Living". Used under license from New Line Cinema. All bass played on this recording by Gidget Gein (AKA Brad Stewart)


