

在1987年首次出版以來,作為“歷史珠”,這本書已成為世界的權威的指導、收藏家和學者珠愛好者。在這個新版本,露意絲Sherr Dubin更新所有的章節以最新的考古發現,添加一個新的一章現代裝飾上個世紀1980年代以來,專注於玻璃珠、修改和增加225塊珠子的書德抵抗:登門造訪,引導讀者gatefold時間通過非常豐富的歷史世界的第一種裝飾。最新的版本包括一個更新世界上最古老的珠所發現,現在要回溯到大約在公元前100000年左右,和一個解釋為什麼戴在人體的珠子是最初的傳媒通訊系統。其他更新包括眾多的地圖,已經實現了現代化,如今在色彩;大約70以前black-and白色圖像已經變成彩色的,又有200人已經採取了一些新圖片專門為這個版本。包裝精美,新的封面,該修改和擴展版是一個必須具備的珠和迷哪。


  • 書名:珠珠的歷史
  • 作者:Lois Dubin
  • 原版名稱:The Worldwide History of Beads
  • ISBN:9780500515006
  • 類別:藝術與攝影
  • 頁數:396
  • 定價:¥487.50
  • 出版社:Thames & Hudson
  • 出版時間:2010-02-01
  • 裝幀:精裝
  • 正文語種:英文
Since its first publication in 1987 as "The History of Beads", this book has become the world' definitive guide for bead lovers, collectors and scholars. In this new edition, Lois Sherr Dubin updates all chapters with the latest archaeological discoveries; adds a new chapter on contemporary adornment since the 1980s, with a focus on glass beads; and revises and adds 225 beads to the books piece de resistance: the 8-page gatefold timeline that guides readers through the remarkably rich history of the world's first form of adornment. The latest revisions include an update on the oldest bead ever discovered, now dating to around 100,000 BC, and an explanation on why beads worn on the human body were the original media communication system. Other updates include the numerous maps, which have been modernized and are now in colour; approximately 70 formerly black-and white images have been changed to full colour; and 200 new photographs have been taken specially for this edition. Beautifully packaged with a new cover, this revised and expanded edition is a must-have for bead obsessives and aficionados.


