


  • 中文名:王玲玲
  • 畢業院校:南京大學
  • 職稱:教授
  • 性別:女


(1)用基於自旋激化密度泛函理論平面波贗勢的從頭算方法對p型Al(C, N) 晶體的電子結構和磁相互作用進行了計算;結果表明:一個C原子取代一個N原子誘導體系自旋極化出現1.0uB的磁矩;
(2)基於第一性原理自旋密度泛函理論計算,研究了N摻雜SnO2的電子結構和磁性。計算結構顯示一個N原子摻雜SnO2體材料可導致自旋激化伴隨1.0 uB的磁矩。磁性主要來源於N的2p軌道,N原子近鄰的O原子也提供一部分的磁矩。磁性耦合計算發現反鐵磁性為其基態。




1.Preparation of amorphous rare-earth films ofNi-Re-P (Re=Ce, Nd) by electrodeposition from aqueous bath;出版年月:2005;出版社&期刊名:Surf. Coat. Tech., 2005, 192, 208~212;著者名次:1;影響因子:IF 1.646。
2.The Evolution of the Localized InterfaceOptical-Phonon Modes in a Finite Superlattice with a Structural Defect;2005;Semicond Sci Technol, 2005, 20, 1027~1033;導師;IF 1.222。
3.A surface optical phonon assisted transitionin a semi-infinite superlattice with a cap layer 2006;SemicondSci Technol, 2006, 21, 751~757;導師;IF 1.222。
4.Coupling effect on phonon thermal transportin a double-stub quantum wire;2006; Appl. Phys. Lett., 2006, 88,163505;導師;IF 4.127。
5.The influence of boundary conditions onthermal conductance in semiconductor quantum wire with structural defect;2006;Phys. Lett. A, 2006, 359, 234~240;通信作者;IF 1.550。
6.The evolution of the interfacephonon-polariton modes in a finite superlattice with a structural defect;2006;Semicond Sci Technol, 2006, 21, 1584~1591.;通信作者;IF 1.222。
7. Effect of Concentration on the luminescenceof Eu ions in nanocrystalline La2O3;2007; J Luminescence 2007, 126, 459~463;導師;IF 1.518。
8.Surface phonon polaritons in a semi-infinitesuperlattice with a cap layer consisting of ternary crystal;2007; Phys.Lett. A, 2007, 360, 638~644;通信作者;IF 1.550。
9.Effect of Yb concentration onthe upconversion of Er ion doped La2O3nanocrystals under 980 nm excitation;2007;Material Lett., 2007, 61, 3629~3631;通信作者;IF 1.299。
10.Effect of annealing temperature onluminescence of Eu ions doped nanocrystal zirconia;2007;Appl. Surf. Sci., 2007, 253, 3872~3876;通信作者;IF 1.263。
11.Acoustic phonon transport and thermalconductance in a multiple channels nanostructure;2007;Phys. Lett. A, 2007, 364, 343~347 通信作者;IF 1.550。
12.The influence of Nd on the corrosion behaviorof electroless-deposited Fe–P;2007; Int. J. Mat. Res. (formerly Z. Metallkd.),2007, 98(3), 217~220;通信作者;IF 0.842。
13.Acoustic phonon transport and thermalconductance in a periodically modulated quantum wire;2007;J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 2007, 40, 1497~1500;通信作者;IF 2.316。
14.Preparation and luminescence properties ofnanocrystalline La2O3:Eu phosphor;2007; Material Lett., 2007, 61, 1968~1971;通信作者;IF 1.299。
15.Effect of intertube interaction on thetransport properties of a carbon double-nanotube device;2007;J. Appl. Phys., 2007, 101, 064514;通信作者;IF 2.498。
16.Influence of process parameters on partshrinkage in SLS;2007; IntJ Adv Manuf Technol,2007, 33,498~504;導師;IF 0.418。
17.Coupling effect on the electronic transportthrough dimolecular junctions;2007;Phys. Lett. A, 2007, 365, 489~494;通信作者;IF 1.550。
18.Thermal conductance in quantum wire with twoobstacles;2007;Physica E, 2007, 39(2), 185~19;通信作者;IF 0.946。
19.Effect of length and size of heterojunctionon the transport properties of carbon-nanotube devices;2007;Appl. Phys. Lett., 2007, 91, 133511-1~3;通信作者;IF 3.997。
20.The influence of flaws on phonon thermalconductance in a dielectric quantum wire;2007;J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 2007, 40, 7159~7169;通信作者;IF 2.316。
21.Negative differential resistance induced byintermolecular interaction in a bimolecular device;2007;Appl. Phys. Lett., 2007, 91, 233512-1~3;通信作者 ;IF 3.997。
22.Optical properties of nanocrystal and bulkZrO2: Eu ;2008;J. Alloys. Compd., 2008, 448, 336~339;通信作者;IF 1.370。
23.A wide bandgap plasmonic Bragg reflector; 2008;Opt. Express, 2008, 16(7), 4888~4894;通信作者;IF 3.709。
24.Effects of Structural and Central Metal IonsModification on the Electronic Transport Properties of Porphyrin MolecularJunctions;2008;Modern Physics Letters B, 2008,22(9), 661~670;通信作者; IF 0.400。
25.Effect of structural defect on phonontransmission quantization in low-dimensional superlattices;2008;Physica E, 2008, 40, 3014~3019;通信作者;IF 0.946。
26.Effect of diffusion layers and defect layeron acoustic phonons transport through the structure consisting of differentfilms;2008;Phys. Lett. A, 2008, 372, 5046~5051;通信作者;IF 1.711。
27.Heat transport in a four-perpendicularity-bendquantum waveguide;2008;Phys. Lett. A, 2008, 372, 5816~5824;通信作者;IF 1.711。
28.Negative differential resistance behaviors inorphyrin molecular junctions modulated with side group;2008;Appl. Phys. Lett., 2008, 92, 243303-1~3;通信作者;IF 3.596。
29.Thermal conductance in a quantum waveguidemodulated;2008;Physica E, 2008, 40(2), 2862–2868;導師;IF 0.946。
30.Size- and composition-induced band-gap changeof nanostructured compound of II–VI semiconductors;2008;Chem. Phys. Lett., 2008, 463, 383~386;導師;IF 2.207。
31.Controllable light transmission throughcascaded metallms perforated with periodic hole arrays;2008;Appl. Phys. Lett., 2008, 93, 221909-1~3;通信作者;IF 3.596。
32.Tailoring optical transmission via thearrangement of compound subwavelength hole arrays;2009;Opt. Epress, 2009, 17(3), 1859~1864;通信作者;IF 3.709。


