



  • 書名:Chinese kiloword 《漢語千字文》
  • ISBN:ISBN978-7-218-06384-3),
  • 出版社:廣東人民出版社
  • 出版時間:2009年


Chinese kiloword (《漢語千字文》)是專門提供給外國人學習漢語用的書,由廣東人民出版社出版(2009年,ISBN978-7-218-06384-3),黎景鴻編著。該書試圖通過一些有趣的介紹中國歷史、文化、風俗、民族、新中國成就等的分級閱讀材料,讓學習者能在一個較短的時間內,學好記牢1000個高頻漢字和相關的詞組、熟語、成語和基本語法,掌握90%左右的中文閱讀能力,為進一步學好中文打下堅實的基礎。讀者在學習中文的同時,能對中國有一個基本的了解,成為一個“中國通”。這是本書的最大特點。本書為中英文版,對中國讀者來說也是一本學習英語的很好的參考書。本書厚504頁,送配音朗讀CD光碟一張。


Learn 1000 Chinese Words,
Be an Expert of China
When foreign people learn Chinese, in front of them are thousands of characters, where should we start? Which character to learn first, which one can be held for later? They hardly have a clue, and can not find any material. It brings up a big problem to people who want to understand basic Chinese.
According to statistics, we can handle 90% of reading and speaking in our daily life with 1000 Chinese characters which are on the top of the frequency sorting list.
Therefore, we made our usage list by refering to statistics from numbers of authoritative publishers, 500 characters a level, and compiled some reading materials which are base on this list. Following this textbook, students can catch the common characters and words first and the less common ones later. When students fully understand 1000 characters, they can learn numerous words, idioms and idiomatic phrases.
The purpose of publishing this CHINESE KILOWORD book, is to help student know these 1000 characters well by reading some funny materials in different levels, and build a solid foundation for the next step.
Naturally, learning grammar and accumulating words usage is necessary. Nevertheless, with these 1000 high frequency characters, getting into next step is just a piece of cake.
We will introduce Chinese culture to foreign students with some videos and books. Let’s “Learn 1000 Chinese Words, Be an Expert of China”!
Hopefully, we can help you learn Chinese and know China faster and better.


目錄 Catalogue
第一部分 Part One
第一單元 我們的大學
Unit One Our University
第一課 我是學生
Lesson One I am a Student
第二課 理工大學
Lesson Two University of Technology
第三課 本科生
Lesson Three Undergraduate Student
第四課 北京人
Lesson FourBeijingPeople
第五課 學院
Lesson Five College
第六課 我的家在上海
Lesson Six My Home is inShanghai
第七課 運動
Lesson Seven Sports
第八課 時間
Lesson Eight Time
第九課 到中國學習
Lesson Nine Going toChinafor Study
第十課 學習安排
Lesson Ten Study Arrangement
第十一課 你有沒有時間
Lesson Eleven Do You Have Time
第十二課 我們的學校
Lesson Twelve Our University
第二單元 進出口貿易
Unit Two Import & Export Trade
第十三課 交易會
Lesson Thirteen The Trade Fair
第十四課 專利技術
Lesson Fourteen Patented Technology
第十五課 加入WTO
Lesson Fifteen Joining the WTO
第十六課 熱水設備
Lesson Sixteen Hot Water Equipment
第十七課 參觀工廠
Lesson Seventeen Visiting the Factory
第十八課 參觀生活區
Lesson Eighteen Visiting the Residential Area
第十九課 合作會談
Lesson Nineteen Cooperation Discussion
第二十課 商品包裝
Lesson Twenty Product Packing
第二部分 Part Two
第一單元 我們的生活
Unit One Our Lives
第二十一課 小黃的家
Lesson Twenty-one Xiao Huang’s Home
第二十二課 醫院
Lesson Twenty-two Hospital
第二十三課 春節
Lesson Twenty-three Spring Festival
第二十四課 春遊
Lesson Twenty-four Spring Outing
第二十五課 走萬里路
Lesson Twenty-five Traveling Extensively
第二十六課 奧運會
Lesson Twenty-six The Olympic Games
第二十七課 專業鎮
Lesson Twenty-seven Specialized Towns
第二十八課 素質教育
Lesson Twenty-eight Essential-qualities-oriented Education
第二十九課 療養院
Lesson Twenty-nine Sanitarium
第二單元 認識中國
Unit Two UnderstandingChina
第三十課 我們的地球
Lesson Thirty Our Globe
第三十一課 中國農業
Lesson Thirty-one China’s Agriculture
第三十二課 中國古代科學技術
Lesson Thirty-two Ancient Chinese Science and Technology
第三十三課 中國工業
Lesson Thirty-three Chinese Industry
第三十四課 中國的股市
Lesson Thirty-four The Chinese Stock Market
第三十五課 中國的古代建築
Lesson Thirty-five Chinese Ancient Architecture
第三部分 Part Three
Dialogue aboutChina
(閱讀練習 Reading practice )
一、 中國的行政區域
I. Administrative Regions inChina
二、 要學簡體漢字
II. To Learn Simplified Chinese Characters
三、 中國詩歌
III. Chinese Poesies
四、 中國書畫
IV. Chinese Calligraphy and Painting
五、 中醫與養生
V. Traditional Chinese Medicine and Health Preservation
六、 中國的稅務
VI. Tax inChina
七、 到中國留學
VII. Going to Study inChina
八、 中國菜
VIII. Chinese Food
九、 中國文學
IX. Chinese Literature
十、 中國民族
X. Nationalities inChina
XI. Operas inChina
XII. Chinese Festivals
XIII. Scenery inChina
XIV. From the Pythagorean Theorem to “1+2”
XV. From Abacus to Super Computer
XVI. From the Four Great Inventions to Chang'e I
XVIII. Appellations in Chinese Family
XVIII. Verbs in Chinese Language
XIX. Numerals in Chinese Language
1. 漢字筆畫名稱表
Chinese stroke table
2. 漢字筆順規則表
Chinese stroke order table
3. 漢語標點符號表
Chinese punctuation table
4. 漢語語法入門表
Chinese grammar study table
5. 如何查閱中文詞典
How to look up Chinese dictionary
6. 房屋和家具名稱表
Building and Furniture table
7. 中國歷史年代簡表
Chinese history chronology


