


  • 中文名:溫小瓊
  • 國籍:中國
  • 出生地:江西省寧都縣田頭鎮
  • 出生日期:1968
  • 畢業院校:大連理工大學
2014.12至今 大連理工大學物理與光電工程學院,教授,博士生導師。
2001.7至2014.12 大連理工大學物理與光電工程學院三束材料表面改性教育部重點
1999.4至2001.7 中國科學院近代物理研究所工作,2000年5月評聘為副研究員
1996.4至1999.3 日本廣島大學研究生院工學研究科套用原子核物理博士課程,
1994.4至1996.3 日本廣島大學研究生院工學研究科套用原子核物理碩士課程,
1993.10至1994.3 日本廣島大學工學部研究生
1990.7至1993.10 新疆有色地質勘查局物探大隊工作
2015.01-2019.12 大氣壓放電電漿MHD流動控制中相關科學與技術問題研究(國家自然科學基金重點項目)
2013.01--2016.12 水中鈉秒脈衝電暈放電電漿時空演化動力學特性研究(國家自然科學基金項目)
2004.01--2006.12 細長金屬管內表面阿爾法射線誘發常壓電漿改性原理研究(國家自然科學基金項目)
1.Xiao Qiong Wen, Zhi Wen Niu, Hou Bo, and Chun Sheng RenExperimental measurement of spatially resolved electron density in a filament of apulsed positive streamer discharge in water,APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 106, 264101 (2015).
2.Xiao Qiong Wen, Shu Han Li, Jin Yuan Liu, and Zhi Wen NiuExperimental measurement of vapor density in the discharge channel of a pulsedpositive streamer discharge in water,APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 105, 084104 (2014).
3.Xiao Qiong Wen,Ship Propulsion by Underwater Pulsed High-Voltage Streamer Discharge,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE, VOL. 41 , No.2 (2013)330-333.
4.LI Wenqin,WEN Xiaoqiong,ZHANG Jialiang,Photographic Study on Spark Discharge Generated by a Nanosecond High-VoltagePulse over a Water Surface,Plasma Science and Technology, Vol.15, No.10, (2013)1020-1024.
5.Xiao Qiong Wen, Gui Shi Liu, and Zhen Feng DingTemporal Evolution of the Pulsed Positive Streamer Discharge in WaterIEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE, VOL. 40 (2012).
6.Xiao Qiong Wen, Ming Wang, and Xue Hua LiuEffect of Electrode Configuration on theWastewater Treatment by UnderwaterElectrical Streamer DischargeIEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE, VOL. 40 (2012).
7.WEN Xiaoqiong, Wang Ming, DING Zhenfeng, LIU GuishiDecoloration of azo dye sunset yellow by a coaxial insulated-rod-to-cylinderunderwater streamer discharge systemPlasma Science and Technology, 2012.
8.Xiao Qiong Wen, Gui Shi Liu, and Zhen Feng DingTime-Resolved Images of the Decay of the Gas Channel Induced by Pulsed PositiveStreamer Discharge in WaterIEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE, VOL. 39 (2011)1758-1761.
9.Xiao Qiong Wen, Xue Hua Liu, Gui Shi LiuPrevention of Plasticizer Leaching From the Inner Surface of Narrow PolyvinylChloride Tube by DC Glow Discharge PlasmaIEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE, VOL. 38 (2010) 3152-3155.
10.Xiao Qiong Wen,Gui Shi LiuTemporal Evolution Images of Ignition of Pulsed Positive Electrical Discharge in WaterIEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE, VOL. 38 (2010)1084-1085.
11.Xiao Qiong Wen,Gui Shi Liu, Zhen Feng DingStreamer propagation in a large-volume underwater corona discharge reactorIEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE, VOL. 38(2010)3330-3335.
12.Xiao Qiong Wen, Xie Hua Liu, Gui Shi LiuImprovement in the hydrophilic property of inner surface of polyvinyl chloride tubeby DC glow discharge plasmaVacuum 85 (2010) 406-410.
13.Xiao Qiong Wen, Jun WangDeposition of diamond-like carbon films on the inner surface of narrow stainless steeltubesVacuum 85 (2010) 34-38.
14.Xiao-Qiong Wen, Li-Yong Yin, De-Zhen WangA direct current glow discharge plasma source for inner surface modification ofmetallic tubeNuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 263 (2007) 535–537.
15.王 明,溫小瓊,劉雪華亮藍與日落黃染料的水中電暈放電脫色比較《環境科學與技術》2012
16.劉雪華,溫小瓊,汪俊,劉貴師利用直流輝光放電電漿改善聚氯乙烯細管內 表面親水性的研究,《真空》,Vol. 46, No.6 (2009)77-79.
17.汪 俊,溫小瓊,尹利勇,王德真內表面沉積的類金剛石薄膜的喇曼光譜表征《核聚變與電漿物理》 Vol.29, No.1 (2009)82-85.
18.尹利勇(研究生), 溫小瓊 , 王德真細長金屬管內產生的直流輝光電漿發射光譜診斷《光譜學與光譜分析》,Vol.28 ,No.12(2008)2745-2748.
1.The jump transition of the GM mode in a gas counter .Xiao-qiong Wen Shunichi Hamanaka, Kazuo Iwatani and Kiyoshi ShizumaNucl. Instr. Meth. A 515 (2003) 614-617.
2.Half lives of isomeric levels of 87mSr, 111mCd, 113mIn and 115mIn activated by  60Co γ-ray irradiation.. Xiao-qiong Wen, Kiyoshi Shizuma, Shunichi Hamanaka, Kazuo Iwatani and Hiromi  Hasai
Nucl. Instr. Meth. A 397 (1997) 478-482
3.Performance of a NaI(Tl)-Ge Compton-suppression spectrometer and Its allocation  to the measurement of 137Cs and 7Be in the surface soil. Xiao-qiong Wen, Kiyoshi Shizuma, Shunichi Hamanaka, Takashi Tanaka and Kazuo  Iwatani Meoirs of the Faculty of Engineering Hiroshima University. Vol. 46, No. 1 (1997) 1.
4. Radioactive data analysis based on the least-square method and the maximumlikelihood method:An application to the half-life measurement of the 336 KeV isomeric level of 115mIn Shunichi Hamanaka, Kiyoshi Shizuma, Xiao-qiong Wen, Kazuo Iwatani Meoirs of the Faculty of Engineering Hiroshima University. Vol. 45, No. 1 (1996) 1-6
5. PIXE analysis of gallstones: trace element analysis and milli-beam scanning of their  sectional surface Kiyoshi shizuma, K. Iwatani, H. Hasai, S Hamanaka, X. Q. Wen, I. Horiuchi and G.  Kajiyama Nuclear Instrument and Methods in Physics Reseach B 129 (1997)401-409.
6.A method for measuring accurate radon concentration in water by means of ?-ray spectrometry.
Kiyoshi Shizuma, Shunichi Hamanaka, Xiao-qiong Wen, Kazuo Iwatani and Hiromi Hasai Nuclear Instrument and Methods in Physics Reseach A 410 (1998)309-313.
7. A radon concentration measurement in water by means of ? liquid-scintillation spectrometry with a PERALS spectrometer.Shunichi Hamanaka, Kiyoshi Shizuma, Xiao-qiong Wen, Kazuo Iwatani and Hiromi Hasai Nuclear Instrument and Methods in Physics Reseach A 410 (1998)314-318.
8. Accurate determination of low-level radon concentration in water by means of ?  ray spectrometry. Shunichi Hamanaka, Kiyoshi Shizuma, Xiao-qiong Wen and Kazuo Iwatani  Japaness Journsl of Applied Physics Vol 37 (1998) 705-708.
9. Airnorne 222Rn measurement by active sapling with charcoal absorption and ?-ray  spectrometry.
Kiyoshi Shizuma, Shunichi Hamanaka, Xiao-qiong Wen, Kenji Fukami and Kazuo  Iwatani  Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology Vol. 355 (1998)728-732.
10. Investigation of Radon distribution coefficient in water and organic solvents by  means of alpha- and gamma-ray spectrometry. Shunichi Hamanaka, Kiyoshi Shizuma, Xiao-qiong Wen and Kazuo Iwatan Radioisotopes Vol. 47, No.8 (1998) 617-622.
11. Radioactive diseuilibrium between 222Rn and its daughter nuclides in ground water Shunichi Hamanaka, Kiyoshi Shizuma, Xiao-qiong Wen and Kazuo Iwatani Radioisotopes Vol. 47, No.9 (1998) 686-690.
12. Comparision of radon doublet alpha spectra measured in water using chi-square  and maximum likelihood methods.Shunichi Hamanaka, Kiyoshi Shizuma, Xiao-qiong Wen Memoirs of the Yuge National College of Maritime Technology, No. 24 (2002) 57.
13.重離子束適形放射治療技術 李強, 溫小瓊,黨秉榮 等第11屆全國核物理大會論文集 (2000.10)96-97
14.重離子照射野均勻度對細胞存活率影響的理論研究溫小瓊,李強,周光明 等《輻射研究和輻射工藝學報》第19卷,第2期 2001.5
15.重離子治癌中劑量分布均勻性對腫瘤控制率的影響溫小瓊,李強,周光明 等《輻射研究和輻射工藝學報》第19卷,第3期 2001.8
16.重離子治癌的磁掃描照射野形成方法溫小瓊,李強,李文建, 衛增泉《原子核物理評論》第18卷,第3期 2001.9
17.重離子治癌中磁掃描照射野形成法的初步參數要求溫小瓊,李文建, 衛增泉《核技術》第26卷,第5期,2002.5
專利號:ZL 2006 1 0200504.3,公告日:2009年10月28日
1971年9月出生。1992年1月加入中國共產黨。碩士研究生。會計師、註冊稅務師。1989年9月入江西農業大學經貿學院會計專業學習,1992年7月畢業後留校工作,先後任財務處科員、副主任科員 (期間:1993年7月掛職任遂川縣七嶺鄉人民政府副鄉長)。1996年7月任江西省地方稅務局監察室副主任科員。1998年11月至1999年11月借調江西省紀委二室參與專案查辦。2000年3月至2000年12月借調中共江西省委組織部參與公開選拔副廳級幹部工作。2000年12月任江西省地方稅務局人事教育處主任科員。2004年6月任上饒市地方稅務局黨組成員、紀檢組長。2006年8月起任江西省地方稅務局人事教育處副處長。《轉型期公共服務之道變革的思考》入選中國行政管理學會 “政府社會管理與公共服務”研討會暨2004年年會優秀論文。


