


  • 中文名:毗鄰貧養菌
  • 類 型: B
  • 拉丁學名:Abiotrophia adjacens
  • 菌株來源: ATCC 49175


菌株來源: ATCC 49175
分 類: cellular organisms; Bacteria; Firmicutes; Bacilli; Lactobacillales; Carnobacteriaceae; Granulicatella
菌株來源: ATCC 49175
菌株來源: ATCC 49175


1.Kawamura, Y., Hou, X.G., Sultana, F., Liu, S., Yamamoto, H., and Ezaki, T. "Transfer of Streptococcus adjacens and Streptococcus defectivus to Abiotrophia gen. nov. as Abiotrophia adiacens comb. nov. and Abiotrophia defectiva comb. nov., respectively." Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. (1995) 45:798-803. 2.Collins, M.D., and Lawson, P.A. "The genus Abiotrophia (Kawamura et al.) is not monophyletic: proposal of Granulicatella gen. nov., Granulicatella adiacens comb. nov., Granulicatella elegans comb. nov. and Granulicatella balaenopterae comb. nov." Int. J.Syst. Evol. Microbiol. (2000) 50:365-369. 3.Bouvet, A., Grimont, F., and Grimont, P.A.D. "Streptococcus defectivus sp. nov. and Streptococcus adjacens sp. nov., nutritionally variant streptococci from human clinical specimens." Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. (1989) 39:290-294. [No PubMed record available.] 4.Bouvet, A., Grimont, F., and Grimont, P.A. "Intraspecies variations in nutritionally variant streptococci: rRNA gene restriction patterns of Streptococcus defectivus and Streptococcus adjacens." Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. (1991) 41:483-486. 5.伯傑細菌鑑定手冊第八版 6.凌代文 乳酸細菌分類鑑定與實驗方法 中國輕工業出版社61-63
采 集 地: 人類血液
保藏溫度: -70 攝氏度


The genuscontains 4 species of coccus shaped species,[2] 2 are former members of the genus Streptococcus, which were transferred in 1995 to the newly coined genus Abiotrophia:[1]
A. adiacens ( (Bouvet et al. 1989) Kawamura et al. 1995; Latin feminine gender adjective adiacens, adjacent, indicating that this organism can grow as satellite colonies adjacent to other bacterial growth.)
A. defectiva ( (Bouvet et al. 1989) Kawamura et al. 1995, comb. nov. (Type species of the genus).; Latin feminine gender adjective defectiva, deficient.)[3]
Other 2 are latter additions:
A. balaenopterae ( Lawson et al. 1999; New Latin genitive case noun balaenopterae, pertaining to the minke whale, Balaenoptera acutorostrata, from which the organism was isolated.)[4]
A. elegans ( Roggenkamp et al. 1999; Latin feminine gender adjective elegans, choice, nice, elegant.)[5]


See also: Bacterial taxonomy
The name Abiotrophia derives from: Greek prefix ἄ (a)-, negative (un-); Greek noun βιος (bios), life; Greek noun τροφιά (trophia), nutrition; New Latin feminine gender noun Abiotrophia, life-nutrition-deficiency.[2]
Genome Sequence
For the Human Microbiome Project (HMP), the genome of Abiotrophia defectiva ATCC 49176 has been sequenced (assembly) as it is a resident of human oral cavity and urogenital and intestinal tracts and is a cause of infective endocarditis. showing it to have 3291 protein encoded in a 3.4774 Mbp genome with a GC content or 37.0% [6]
Formerly classified as nutritionally variant streptococci, A. elegans had been identified as a cause of 1 to 2% of blood culture negative bacterial endocarditis.[7]
KAWAMURA (Y.), HOU (X.G.), SULTANA (F.), LIU (S.), YAMAMOTO (H.) and EZAKI (T.): Transfer of Streptococcus adjacens and Streptococcus defectivus to Abiotrophia gen. nov. as Abiotrophia adiacens comb. nov. and Abiotrophia defectiva comb. nov., respectively. Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol., 1995, 45, 798-803.
Abiotrophia entry in LPSN [Euzéby, J.P. (1997). "List of Bacterial Names with Standing in Nomenclature: a folder available on the Internet". Int J Syst Bacteriol 47 (2): 590–2. doi:10.1099/00207713-47-2-590. ISSN 0020-7713. PMID 9103655.]
KAWAMURA (Y.), HOU (X.G.), SULTANA (F.), LIU (S.), YAMAMOTO (H.) and EZAKI (T.): Transfer of Streptococcus adiacens and Streptococcus defectivus to Abiotrophia genitive case nov. as Abiotrophia adiacens comb. nov. and Abiotrophia defectiva comb. nov., respectively. Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol., 1995, 45, 798-803.
Abiotrophia balaenopterae sp. nov., isolated from the minke whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata)
Sharaf MA, Shaikh N. (Dec 2005). Abiotrophia endocarditis: case report and review of the literature. Can J Cardiol 21. pp. 1309–11.


