

《極致奢華 居住空間》精選國內外頂級奢華室內作品,奢華倡導一種富有內涵、優雅、時尚、浪漫、不同凡響、尊貴的精緻生活方式,追求風格的與眾不同,尋求內涵的深厚沉澱,表達高端尊貴的藝術視覺,創造生活的頂級享受。


  • 書名:極致奢華:居住空間
  • 作者:DAM工作室
  • 出版日期:2013年5月1日
  • 語種:簡體中文
  • ISBN:7560987281
  • 外文名:Top Luxury Living Space
  • 出版社:華中科技大學出版社
  • 頁數:319頁
  • 開本:16
  • 品牌:華中科技大學出版社


《極致奢華 居住空間》里“奢華",不僅有“奢侈”、“華麗”的義項,它更是一種生活態度,一種品位和格調的象徵。它所體現的理性、睿智、博大,屬於現代精英群體所應擁有的高品質、典雅悠適的生活態度。這是一種積極的處世態度,通過自己的不懈努力,取得個人輝煌成就的同時,也對社會起到了推進作用,追求個人生活品質的提高也是理所應當的。精選國內外頂級奢華室內作品,奢華倡導一種富有內涵、優雅、時尚、浪漫、不同凡響、尊貴的精緻生活方式,追求風格的與眾不同,尋求內涵的深厚沉澱,表達高端尊貴的藝術視覺,創造生活的頂級享受。


012Vanke Tangyue Townhouse
030Keyuan Air Villa of Jiazhaoye
044Longyuan Sample House of Tianan Golf Garden
056The Eastern Overseas Chinese Town Tianlu Eight Area Villa
072G House of China Resources Land Kunyu Jiuli
華潤昆玉九里G 戶型
078Luxurious Assertion
084Impression Princeton
090Junhua Tianhui Square
098Shanghai Fudi Villa
106Flirtatious Expressions in the Southern of California Town
120Age JingKe Famous Residence
126Profusion Impression — Blue Bay of Jinyu Vanke
134Villa Sample House in Rainbow Garden of Zhongshan Palm
152Houses in Sunshine Danningdun Town
160White Neo—classical
066C+C House in Changsha Poly International Plaza
166Marriott International House
172Jinxiu Cheng House
176Shannan E Sample House of Huainan
淮南領袖山南樣板房E 戶
184Guobin No.1 Sample House
192Vanke Shangjingyuan House
204Sample House 3—B01 in Zhongzhou Central Park
212Sample House 3—B02 in Zhongzhou Central Park
222IBIZA House
238Sotogrande House
250Sutton Place Residence
256H—2 Residence
H—2 住宅
264Wilton Residence
274No.12 Villa
12 號別墅
284Scholl Residence
292Casa Lomas Altas
Casa Lomas Altas
298Depto Polanco
Depto Polanco
306Jenny's Aptmt Villa
312House in Zaragoza


序言 曾經,很多朋友跟我分享過對奢華的看法,有人認為金錢和奢華成正比,也有人認為品牌就是奢華,只要把兩者結合在一起 就可以達到奢華的境界了。當然,我不否定這些看法,但我並不完全贊同。因為其中還包含其他關鍵元素,對於設計師來說 想要完成一個充滿奢華氣息的項目,單憑以上這兩點是遠遠不夠的。其實奢華是怎樣形成的?它的元素有哪些?為什麼我們 會感受到這個空間充滿奢華的氣息?這些都是值得我們去深入思考的問題,我嘗試在我的經驗中找尋一些答案來同大家一起 分享。 想要達到奢華的效果可以從兩方面著手:一是要明白奢華都包含哪些元素;二是要清楚在創作一件奢華的作品時,創作者或 是設計師該擁有什麼基礎。我希望通過對這兩點的探討,日後大家在欣賞或創作這類項目時會得到一些啟發,甚至是將奢華 的設計推向更髙的層次。 我認為要了解奢華,首先要先了解“人”本身的生活和歷史。在不同的時代,人類對衣食住行的需求也在不斷地變化和演進, 在不同的地域和文化中也產生了各自的生活觀,從埃及古文明到西方中世紀再到現在,人類無論是在穿衣服的款式上,食物 的烹調方法上,還是在交通工具及居住空間的改變上都有了明顯的演進。不但在需求層面上越來越多元化,而且對質量、格調、 品位等的需求也在不斷提升。但是在生活方式上無論哪個年代,哪個地方都有一個共通點,那就是同一時代和地域的人,在 生活需求上也會分為不同的層次,哪怕是同一需求也會產生不同層次的產品供該層次的人享用。例如當我們需要坐下來時可 設計一把木製的椅子,有四根木腳、扶手和靠背便可,但在不同需求層次下這把椅子會有很大的變化。我們可以用一級羊皮 來造它的座墊,用南非的鑽石來鑲嵌它的靠背,用18 世紀的工藝來雕刻它的扶手。毫無疑問後面的椅子可以達到奢華的效果。 從這個例子中可以看出:同一個需求,同一件產品,在不同的設計手法下,就可以達到所謂大眾化和貴族化這兩種截然不同 的效果。我們不能否認貴族化的效果必然包含奢華的元素。 從上述的例子中也可以發現部分達到奢華效果的基本要素,如珍貴或高級的材料是必備的條件,樸實、原始、粗糙的材料和 風格確實沒辦法營造奢華的感覺。此外,文化、藝術的積澱也是提升奢華內涵的因素。精細的做工、高貴的品位、悠久的歷 史等更能散發出奢華的味道。 在歷史的因素中,我所指的不單是歷史,也可以是歷史背後的故事。英國傳統的時鐘業品牌Commiti 是英國女皇御用的時鐘 製造商,在英國女皇伊利沙白二世六十大壽時設計出一個玻璃外殼,可清晰觀賞時鐘結構和在報時時可敲打出西敏寺大本鐘 音樂的銅管,當中每個零件都是人手精工製造,這也是Commiti 的傳統和理念。在這樣的歷史背景下, 再加上它的藝術設計 和價值,產生奢華的效果是必然的。 從產品中領略到的奢華元素,在空間設計中也是需要的,當設計工作中需要創造一個奢華的氣氛時,這些元素也是不可或缺的。 在選擇材料時也是非常講究的,例如木材的顏色、質感、紋理和表面處理等都影響著整體的效果,很多木材在本質上已經被 認定為是高級的代表,有些是出於其珍貴性,有些是因為它的顏色和紋理。我特別喜歡那些擁有自然質感的木材,因為它的 天然紋理所表現出的獨特性最有吸引力。此外,在奢華氣氛的營造中,文化、歷史和背景故事也是非常重要的,可以說它是 品位的所在。我很喜歡欣賞一些用富有藝術感的手法來設計的作品,藝術是人類對美的升華,在設計時把藝術適當地融入空 間內,無論是掛畫、地毯,還是家具、布藝等都可以營造出意想不到的效果。 在設計創作中,我特別重視設計師在這方面的修養和內涵。在每一個設計作品中都可以感受到設計師的語言,就和從書畫中感受畫 家和書法家的內涵一樣。設計師的語言就好像我們日常溝通一樣,字裡行間便可以覺察到對方的氣質,從說話的內容和表達方式便 可感受到對方的品位和內涵。這種從內在發出的表達方式,需要設計師對周邊高質量的生活、歷史和文化藝術特有獨特的認識。我 特別欣賞一些設計師每月從自己努力工作的回報中抽出一部分時間和金錢,到不同的地方特別是髙品位的場所去體驗,或是參加一 些文化藝術活動, 這樣的投資將會帶來百倍回報。回憶以往念書的時候, 設計系的同學們都有個共同的心愿: 在畢業時一定要去歐洲 走一趟。因為當時歐洲消費比較高,且我們是學生,經濟條件不算太好,我們吃著麵包也要到義大利的梵蒂岡看看文藝復興的藝術, 到希臘巴特農神廟下的露天古劇場聽聽男高音的音樂,種種的體驗加深了自己對歷史文化的了解,對設計工作產生了諸多的益處。 後來我們還到中國和其他國家進行文化之旅,正如看中國著名作家余秋雨的作品時一樣,了解各地文化與歷史,對設計師來說是設 計背後一個巨大的寶庫。與此同時認識歷史文化的過程也會給設計師帶來很多啟發,特別是不同地域和不同時代的風格。通過見聞、 閱讀和學習來認識真正的風格,我個人很喜歡 Art Nouveau (1888-1905) 和 Art Deco (1925-1935) 時代的設計,在參觀法國巴黎奧 賽博物館 (Mussee D’Orsay) 時,親眼見到當時Art Nouveau 的家具和設計,其勻稱的比例,優美的線條為我日後的設計帶來不少啟 發。甚至在美國紐約市曼哈頓的藝術館和眾多的建築中,Art Deco 時代留下來的作品對我也產生了很深遠的影響,這些時代的風格 仍然不斷影響著當今對奢華的設計。 在欣賞具有奢華氣息的設計時,我不單從外觀的顏色、用材、文化藝術方面來看,還會探討設計作品是怎樣表達人的生活的,在開 始時我提到人類生活方式的層次必須要在設計作品中體現出來,因為一個好的空間設計作品,其最終目的亦是服務於“人”。生活方 式的層次可能會體現在功能布置上或擺設上,甚至是空間比例上,這方面看似只占設計的一部分,但缺乏這方面考慮的作品很難把 奢華推向至高點。例如,在高級紅酒窖內,具有二三十年代風格的室內設計空間,柔和的燈光照射著牆上Georgia O’Keeffe 的油畫, 檯面上存放的酒無論是在年份、產地,還是在口感方面都達到一定的水平,且配合古巴手卷雪茄和相關工具等,聽著三腳鋼琴彈奏 的爵士音樂,在這樣的氣氛下,奢華這兩字已不僅限於室內的設計,還是一種生活品質的體現,這體現的精細度已達到視覺、聽覺 以至味覺的要求了,也達到高層次生活的境界了。 非常感謝華中科技大學出版社邀請我為《極致奢華》作序,一方面分享了我對“奢華”的看法,另一方面也分享了設計師在設計奢華 類項目時應有的心態。雖然是我個人片面的心得,但我希望讀者在欣賞《極致奢華》時,不僅從外觀、視覺的層面去欣賞,還要從 奢華的表達方式和體驗等方面去思考,以便在日後的設計工作或自我生活中得到更多的感悟。 Over the years, many friends and I have always discussed the meaning of luxury. General consensus associates luxury with money and name brands. If we were to combine the two together, this will ensure the definition of luxury. I do not deny this logic, however, there are also other elements. From a designer's perspective, one cannot simply rely on name brand and money to achieve the objective of luxurious design. How does one create a luxurious atmosphere? What are the contributing factors? When one enters a so-called luxurious environment, how can one feel the luxurious surroundings? This is well worth considering from different perspectives, and I like to share with you from my experience. To achieve a luxurious effect, we shall do from these two aspects;Firstly,we must understand the luxury contain what elements;Secondly,we to be clear what background should the designer possess in order for him or her to achieve this luxurious objective? I want to through the discuss about these two points to bring the design to a higher level for future creation and appreciation on projects. In order to understand luxury better, we have to first understand the evolution and history of human beings. Over the centuries, mankind has changed progressively. These changes are derived from a geographical and cultural backgrounds. From the ancient Egyptians to the European Middle Ages and to present day, mankind has changed from their basic apparels to cuisines radically. Daily transport means, and habitats have improved substantially. From simple every day need, to the quality of life. There is however, one common factor, regardless of time and different culture, there always lie different product designs to satisfy different consumers’ needs. e.g. when one wish to rest or sit, one simply design a chair with four legs with armrest and back built from wood. From this simple design, we could then add a lamb pelt to the cushion, embed diamonds to the back, and even use the eighteenth century European workmanship design on the armrests. Without a doubt, this will create a luxury effect. From this simple example, using a simple chair, add different optional material, this will achieve the so-called massification and aristocratic effect, we do not deny the noble feel with some elements of luxury. From the above, luxurious elements, precious material are essential in creating this luxurious feel. The raw and rough material will not be able to achieve the same effect. Besides,culture and art accumulation also can promote the luxurious feel.Together with the fine craftsmanship, impeccable taste and cultural historical background further enhance the overall flavor of luxury. Under the history element, I do not mean only a long history, but the story behind the history. When Queen Elizabeth II celebrated her sixtieth year birthday as the longest ruling emperor in the United Kingdom, the crown commissioned Commiti, the royal clock maker, to design and build a time piece with an exterior glass shell. Everyone can see clearly the working of the Westminster clock with the chimes where the clock hammer strike and the organ chime. Every piece of the clock is handmade. The tradition and the idea of fine workmanship form an incredible art piece that cannot be duplicated. In this case, coupled with its artistic design and monetary value, luxury effect comes naturally. Similarly luxurious space design is similar to that of a luxurious product design. In creating a luxurious environment, these requirements are a must. Starting from the selection of material is an art. In choosing a piece of wood, its colour, substance, grain and the finish will all contribute to the final result. Many types of wood, because of its substance, color and grain automatically have been classified as high standard and quality. Personally, I like wood with a refined natural grain. Where the taste lies, culture, history and the story behind also play an important role. In creating an artistic feel, a tasteful painting on the wall, a careful chosen throw rug, some casual but well thought out matching process combining furniture, fine wall covering and draperies combined together may form an unexpected effect. When one sees a fine design, one can almost imagine what the designer is speaking. It is very much like a calligrapher expressing himself through his penmanship. I place particular emphasis on the designer’s culture background. A designer’s language is just like our daily communication. At times it is what is not said or between the lines that establishes the speaker’s intellectual level and taste. Designers with taste are not born, they are cultivated thru experience, appreciation of art and history, quality of life and mature thru time. I appreciate designers with foresight to invest their time and resources in participation of culture events on a regular basis and to visit venues of taste and culture. This type of investment will be rewarded thousand times over. When I was a student, within the same discipline all classmates have the same goal. We all want to visit Europe after graduation. European spending is substantially higher than that of China. With limited resources, During the trip, we only spent money on bread and espresso to enable us bare minimum funds to visit the Vatican in Rome, to be absolved in the great arts of Renaissance Age, attend the operatic performance in Parthenon Athens, Greece. All these invaluable experience enriched my understanding over an array of European culture and provided me with immense benefits for my future design work. As time passes, I explored more in China and other countries paying special attention on their various cultures. It is like the famous author Mr. Yu Qiuyu’s books that describes his understanding of various cultures. For a designer, history is like a wealth of treasures waiting to be tapped. Through understanding of various cultural historical backgrounds, provides the elements for luxurious design especially from different geographical areas, at different periods and styles. Thru travel and reading, I enjoy Art Nouveau (1888 – 1905) and the Art Deco (1925 – 1935) periods’ design. When I was at the Mussee D’Orsay in Paris, I saw the Art Nouveau furniture and interior design. This provided me with more insight on my future design. While during the Art Deco period, as evidenced in New York Manhattan, there are many buildings with that particular signature. The Art Deco design continues to be present in today architecture, luxurious interior design and furniture. Whenever I study any design, I will go deeper from the exterior colours, use of materials, and artistic values to determine how the design can be incorporated in everyday living. In the beginning, I mentioned that space design must be applied to everyday living. After all, the ultimate interior design is to provide better service to mankind. Different level of life style could be displayed thru its functional needs. This is only a partial design. Unfortunately, without it, one cannot raise the level of luxury either. For example, in a fine wine cellar with a retro 1920’s to 30’s design, with an ambient lighting targeting at a Georgia O’Keeffe Oil , and an insurmountable quantities of fine vintage wines, coupled with the tools of hand roll cigars from Cuba, enjoying jazz from a grand piano, how sweet is that? Under these environment, luxury is no longer limited to interior design, but is extended beyond as a form of living quality. This has reached to the senses of sight, taste and hearing, reach the high levels of life realm. May I take this opportunity to thank the Huazhong University of Science and Technology Press Co.,Ltd. for inviting me to write the preface of Extreme Luxury , to share my views on the meaning of ‘Luxury’ and to allow me from a designer’s point of view, share my experience in the design of a luxurious project. I hope you readers when enjoying reading this book to see beyond the book’s beautiful visual effect, but to explore and experience the process of luxury design, in future whether working as a designer or simply enjoying life, take on a new perspective.


