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  • 中文名:李小武
  • 國籍中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 出生日期:1969年8月8日
  • 畢業院校:中國科學院金屬研究所
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:工學
  • 任職院校:東北大學



1988年09月 ── 1992年07月 南昌大學物理系,理學學士
1992年09月 ── 1995年07月 中國科學院金屬研究所材料疲勞與斷裂國家重點實驗室,工學碩士
1995年09月 ── 1998年06月 中國科學院金屬研究所材料疲勞與斷裂國家重點實驗室,工學博士


1998年07月 ── 2000 年08月中國科學院金屬研究所材料疲勞與斷裂國家重點實驗室,助理研究員
2000年09月 ── 2002 年09月日本大阪大學工學部材料科學與工程系,JSPS特別研究員
2002年10月 ── 2004 年02月德國亞琛工業大學物理冶金與金屬物理研究所,“洪堡”學者
2004年03月 ── 2005 年10月日本大阪大學工學部材料科學與工程系,COE特任教員
2005年11月 ── 2015年11月東北大學理學院,教授/博士生導師
2015年12月 ── 至今東北大學材料科學與工程學院,教授/博士生導師


(3)國際SCI雜誌Journal of Materials Science and Technology (JCR: Q1) 編委
(4) 擔任30餘種國內外知名SCI和EI雜誌的審稿專家(如:ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, Acta Mater., Acta Biomater., Scripta Mater., Phil Mag., Phil. Mag. Lett., MSE-A, MSE-C, Mater. Des., J. Mater. Sci., Adv. Eng. Mater., J. Nanomater., FFEMS, JMST, PNS-MI, 中國科學E輯、科學通報、物理學報、金屬學報、材料研究學報等)


(1) 金屬晶體的循環形變行為及微觀變形機制,如:純金屬單晶體,合金單晶體,含沉澱相的雙相合金單晶體以及各種多晶材料
(2) 先進結構材料的形變與斷裂行為,如:ECAP製備的超細晶材料、超級奧氏體不鏽鋼、鐵素體不鏽鋼、鎂合金、鈦合金、多孔材料
(3) 生物陶瓷、生物醫用鈦合金、生物複合材料以及生物貝殼等生物(醫用)材料的製備、微觀組織與性能
(4) 循環應力誘導下的晶界遷移
(5) 材料斷口表面的定量分析



(1) 教育部新世紀優秀人才支持計畫項目(NCET-07-0162):“幾種先進結構材料的製備及其疲勞與斷裂行為研究”,01/2008 –12/2010,負責人。
(2) 國家自然科學基金面上項目(50771029):“含富Cr沉澱顆粒Fe-Cr不鏽鋼單晶體的循環形變及損傷行為”,01/2008 –12/2010,負責人。
(3) 國家自然科學基金面上項目(50671023):“超細晶金屬材料疲勞與斷裂行為的溫度效應”,01/2007 –12/2009,負責人。
(4) 教育部聘請外籍教師重點項目:“超細晶材料的高溫疲勞損傷行為與機制”,2008年度,負責人。
(5) 教育部留學回國人員科研啟動基金(20071108-1):“含富Cr沉澱顆粒的Fe-Cr合金單晶體的循環形變行為及其微觀結構分析”,01/2008 –12/2010,負責人。
(6) 東北大學留學歸國博士啟動基金項目:“銅單晶體的疲勞行為”,01/2007 –12/2009,負責人。
(7) 日本學術振興會(JSPS)博士後研究獎學金項目: “Effects of Orientation, Temperature and Additional Elements on Cyclic Deformation Behavior of Alloy Single Crystals”,09/2000 –09/2002,負責人。
(8) 國家自然科學基金面上項目(59971058):“金屬晶體循環形變帶的微觀結構、形成機制與恢復”,01/2000 –12/2002,第二負責人。
(9) 日本文部省21世紀COE項目:“Center of Excellence for Advanced Structural and Functional Materials Design”,04/2002 –03/2006,參加研究。
(10)德國自然科學基金項目(Wi 1917/1):“Mechanisches Verhalten und Dynamik von Korngrenzen unter Einfluss mechanischer Spannungen”,09/2000 –09/2004,參加研究。
(11)國家重大基礎研究項目-973項目(19990650):“材料的環境行為與失效機理”子課題-“多因素耦合作用下的材料損傷機制”08/1999 –08/2004,參加研究。
(12)國家自然科學基金委重點基金項目(59931020):“金屬材料疲勞及性能恢復的仿生研究”,01/2000 –12/2002,參加研究。
(13)國家自然科學基金項目(59871057):“亞微米銅疲勞特性的研究”,01/1999 –12/2001,參加研究。
(14) 國家自然科學基金面上項目(59671035):“金屬三晶交點在循環載荷下的行為”,01/1997 –12/1999,參加研究。
國家自然科學基金重大項目二級子課題(19392300-4):“材料界面在疲勞損傷和斷裂過程中的基礎性研究”,09/1995 –12/1997,參加研究。


在包括材料界知名的Acta Mater., Phil. Mag. A, Phil. Mag. Lett., Metall. Mater. Trans. A, Scripta Mater., J. Mater. Sci.:Mater. Med.等在內的多種國內外刊物和國內外學術會議上發表了近100篇研究論文,其中45篇為國際SCI研究論文(70%以上為第一作者),發表的論文被引用300餘次(H因子為12),完全他引110餘次。有關研究成果曾先後被邀請在國際疲勞會議、國際材料強度會議、國際先進材料與製備會議、國內青年材料研討會等學術會議上做特邀報告,並多次擔任大會分會主席。下面僅列出一些代表性的國際研究論文。
1. Li, X.W.*, (2013): Monotonic and Cyclic Deformation in Single Crystal. In: The Encyclopedia of Tribology (Chapter No. 248), p. 2313-2323. eds. Q. Jane Wang and Yip-Wah Chung, Springer Science+Business Media, New York 2013. (Invited)
2. Ji, H.M., Li, X.W.* and Chen, D.L.*(2019): Crack Initiation and Growth in a Special Quasi-sandwich Crossed-lamellar Structure in Cymbiola nobilis Seashell.J. Mech. Behav. Biomed. Mater., 90, 104-112.
3. Han, D., Guan, X.J., Yan, Y., Shi, F. and Li, X.W.*(2019): Anomalous Recovery of Working Hardening Rate in Cu-Mn Alloys with High Stacking Fault Energies under Uniaxial Compression.Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 743, 745-754.
4. Li, R.G., Xie, Q.G., Wang, Y.D.*, Liu, W.J.*, Wang, M.G., Wu, G.L., Li, X.W., Zhang, M.H., Lu, Z.P., Geng, C. and Zhu, T.*(2018): Unraveling Submicron-scale Mechanical Heterogeneity by Three-dimensional X-ray Micro-diffraction.PNAS, 115, 483-488.
5. Wang, X., Ji, H.M. and Li, X.W.*(2018): Microstructure-related in vitro Bioactivity of a Natural Ceramic of Saxidomus purpuratus Shell.Mater. Des., 139, 512-520.
6. Ji, H.M., Li, X.W.* and Chen, D.L.*(2018): Deformation and Fracture Behavior of a Natural Shell Ceramic: Coupled Effects of Shell Shapes and Microstructures.Mater. Sci. Eng. C, 90, 557-567.
7. Zhang, H.W., Qin, X.Z.*, Wu, Y.S., Zhou, L.Z. andLi, X.W.* (2018): Effect of Cr Content on the Microstructures and Stress Rupture Properties of a Directionally Solidified Ni-based Superalloy During Long-term Exposure. Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 718, 449-460.
8. Zhang, H.W., Qin, X.Z., Li, X.W.* and Zhou, L.Z.*(2018): Effect of Minor additions on the Microstructures and Stress Rupture Properties of a Directionally Solidified Ni-based Superalloy. Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 711, 303-312.
9. Zhang, H.W., Wu, Y.S., Qin, X.Z.*, Zhou, L.Z. andLi, X.W.* (2018): Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of a Directionally Solidified Ni-based Superalloy: Influence of Boron Content. J. Alloys Compd., 767, 915-923.
10. Ji, H.M., Li, X.W.* and Chen, D.L.*(2018): A Self-assembled Smart Architecture against Drilling Predation in a Pinctada maxima Shell: Protective Mechanisms.J. Mater. Sci.,53, 3417-3426.
11. Hou, J.P.*, Chen, Q.Y., Wang, Q., Yu, H.Y., Zhang, Z.J., Li, R., Li, X.W.* and Zhang, Z.F. (2018): Interface Characterization and Performances of a Novel Pure Al Clad Al Alloy Wire. Adv. Eng. Mater., 20, No. 8, 1800082 (Pages 1-6).
12. Li, X.W.*, Ji, H.M., Yang, W., Zhang, G.P. and Chen, D.L. (2017): Mechanical Properties of Crossed-lamallar Structures in Biological Shells: A Review.J. Mech. Behav. Biomed. Mater., 74, 54-71. (Invited)
13. Han, D., Wang, Z.Y., Yan, Y., Shi, F. and Li, X.W.*(2017): A Good Combination of Strength and Ductility in Cu-Mn Alloys with High Stacking Fault Energies: Determinant Effect of Short Range Ordering.Scripta Mater., 133, 59-64.
14. Wang, Z.Y., Han, D. and Li, X.W.*(2017): Competitive Effect of Stacking Fault Energy and Short-range Clustering on the Plastic Deformation Behavior of Cu-Ni Alloys.Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 679, 484-492.
15. Yan, Y., Qi, C.J., Han, D., Ji, H.M., Zhang, M.Q. and Li, X.W.*(2017): Effect of Low-Cycle Fatigue Pre-deformation on Uniaxial Tensile Behavior of Cu-16at.%Al Alloy with Low Stacking Fault Energy.Metall. Mater, Trans. A, 48, 678-684.
16. Ji, H.M., Li, X.W.* and Chen, D.L.*(2017): Cymbiola nobilis Shell: Toughening Mechanisms in a Crossed-Lamellar Structure.Scientific Reports, 7, 40043.
17. Qin, X.M., Wu, Y.Q., Liu, Y.*, Chi, B.Q.,Li, X.W.*, Wang, Y. and Zhao, X.L. (2017): Origins ofDirac Cone Formation in AB3 and A3B (A, B= C, Si, and Ge) Binary Monolayers. Scientific Reports, 7, 10546.
18. Chi, B.Q., Liu, Y.*, Li, X.W.*, Qin, X.M. and Zhao, X.L. (2017): Exceptional Ring Topology Makes Diamond Allotropes as Light-weight Superhard Materials. Diamond and Related Materials, 80, 140-146.
19. Liu, M.Q., Liu, Y.L., Yan, Y., Han, D. and Li, X.W.*(2017): Thickness-Dependent Tensile and Fatigue Behavior of a Single-Slip-Oriented Cu Single Crystal.Cryst. Res. Tech., 52, No. 12, 1700178 (Pages 1-6).
20. Qin, X.M., Liu, Y.*, Chi, B.Q., Zhao, X.L. and Li, X.W.*(2016): Origin of Dirac Conesand Pairity Dependent Electronic Structures of a-graphyne Derivatives and Silagraphynes. Nanoscale, 8, 15223-15232.
21. Li, X.W.*, Wang, X.M., Yan, Y., Guo, W.W. and Qi, C.J. (2016): Effect of Pre-fatigue on the Monotonic Deformation Behavior of a Coplanar Double-Slip-Oriented Cu Single Crystal.Metals, 6, 293.
22. Shi, F., Tian, P.C., He, Z.H., Jia, N., Qi, Y., Liu, C.M. andLi, X.W.*,(2016): Improving Intergranular Corrosion Resistance in a High-Nitrogen Austenitic Stainless Steel Through Grain Boundary Character Distribution Optimization.Corros. Sci., 107, 49-59.
23. Shao, C.W., Shi, F. and Li, X.W.*(2016): Influence of Cyclic Stress Amplitude on Mechanisms of Deformation of a High Nitrogen Austenitic Stainless Steel.Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 667, 208-216.
24. Hou, J.P., Wang, Q., Yang, H.J., Wu, X.M., Li, C.H., Zhang, Z.F. and Li, X.W.* (2016): Fatigue and Fracture Behavior of a Cold-drawn Commercially Pure Aluminum Wire. Materials,9, 764.
25. Yan, Y., Deng, W.P., Gao, Z.F., Zhu, J., Wang, Z.J. and Li, X.W.*(2016): Coupled Influence of Temperature and Strain Rate on Tensile Deformation Characteristics of Hot-Extruded AZ31 Magnisum Alloy.Acta Metall. Sin. (Engl. Lett.), 29, No. 2, 163-172.
26. Ji, H.M., Jiang, Y., Yang, W., Zhang, G.P. and Li, X.W.*(2015): Biological Self-Arrangement of Fiber Like Aragonite and Its Effect on Mechanical Behavior of Veined rapa whelk Shell.J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 98, 3319-3325.
27. Wang, B, Duan, Q.Q., Yao, G., Pang, J.C., Zhang, Z.F., Wang, L. and Li, X.W.* (2015): Fatigue Fracture Behavior of Spot Welded Hot-stamped Steels under Tensile-Shear Load. Fat. Fract. Eng. Mater. Struct., 38, 914-922.
28. Qin, X.M., Liu, Y.*, Li, X.W.*, Xu, J.C., Chi, B.Q., Zhai, D. and Zhao, X.L. (2015): Origin of Dirac Cones in SiC Siligraphene: A Combined Density Functional and Tight-Binding Study. J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 6, 1333-1339.
29. Shao, C.W., Shi, F., and Li, X.W.*(2015): Cyclic Deformation Behavior of Fe-18Cr-18Mn-0.63N Nickel-Free High Nitrogen Austenitic Stainless Steel. Metall. Mater. Trans. A, 46, 1610-1620.
30. Ji, H.M. and Li, X.W.*(2014): Microstructural Characteristic and Its Relation to Mechanical Properties of Clinocardium californiense Shell.J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 97, 3991-3998.
31. Li, X.W.*, Peng, N., Wu, X.M.. and Wang, Z.G. (2014): Plastic-Strain-Amplitude Dependence of Dislocation Structures in Cyclically Deformed <112>-Oriented Cu-7at.%Al Alloy Single Crystals.Metall. Mater. Trans. A, 45, 3835-3843.
32. Zhang, X., Li, X.W.*, Li, J.G. and Sun, X.D. (2014): Preparation and Properties of a Novel Biodegradable 3D Porous Magnesium Scaffold for Bone Tissue Engineering. Mater. Sci. Eng. C, 42, 362-367.
33. Ji, H.M., Zhang, W.Q. and Li, X.W.*(2014): Fractal Analysis of Microstructures-Related Indentation Toughness of Clinocardium californiense Shell.Ceram. Inter., 40, 7627-7631.
34. Yan, Y., Lu, M., Guo, W.W. and Li, X.W.* (2014): Effect of Pre-fatigue Deformation on the Thickness-Dependent Tensile Behavior of Coarse-Grained Pure Aluminum Sheets. Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 600, 99-107.
35. Zhang, X., Li, X.W.*, Li, J.G. and Sun, X.D. (2014): Preparation and Characterizations of Bioglass Ceramic Cement/Ca-P Coating on Pure Magnesium for Biomedical Applications. ACS Appl. Mater. Interface, 6, 513-525.
36. Li, X.W.*, Wang, X.M., Guo, W.W., Qi, C.J. and Yan, Y. (2013): Effect of Cyclic Pre-deformation on the Uniaxial Tensile Deformation Behavior of [017] Copper Single Crystals Oriented for Critical Double Slip.Metall. Mater. Trans. A, 44, 1631-1635.
37. Yan, Y.*, Jin. W. and Li, X.W.*(2013): Texture Development in the Ni47Ti44Nb9 Shape Memory Alloy during Successive Thermo-Mechanical Processing and Its Effect on Shape Memory and Mechanical Properties. Metall. Mater. Trans. A, 44, 978-989.
38. Shi, F., Li, X.W.*, Hu, Y.T., Su, C. and Liu, C.M. (2013): Optimization ofGrain Boundary Character Distributions in Fe-18Cr-18Mn-0.63N High-Nitrogen Austenitic Stainless Steel.Acta Metall. Sin. (Engl. Lett.),26, No. 5, 497-502.
39. Zhang, X., Li, X.W.*, Li, J.G. and Sun, X.D. (2013): Processing, Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of Biomedical Magnesium with a Specific Two-Layer Structure. Prog. Nat. Sci.: Mater. Inter., 23, No. 2, 183-189.
40. Li, X.W.*, and Umakoshi, Y. (2012): Dislocation Structures in a Cyclically Deformed Single-Slip-Oriented Fe-35wt.%Cr Alloy Single Crystal Containing Fine Cr-Rich Precipitates. Metall. Mater. Trans. A, 43, 5038-5047.
41. Jiang, Q.W. and Li, X.W.*(2012): Effect of Pre-annealing Treatment on the Compressive Deformation and Damage Behavior of Ultrafine-grained Copper.Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 546, 59-67.
42. Li, X.W.*, Zhang, X., Zhang, P.L., Yasuda, H.Y. and Umakoshi, Y. (2012): Effect of Sintering Temperature on the Structure and Bioactivity of HAp-5wt.%SO2 Bioceramic Composites. Mater. Tech., 27, No. 1, 46-48.
43. Yang, W., Zhang, G.P., Liu, H.S. and Li, X.W.*(2011): Microstructural Charaterization and Hardness Behavior of a Biological Saxidomus Purpuratus Shell.J. Mater. Sci. Tech., 27, 139-146.
44. Li, X.W.*, Zhou, Y. Guo, W.W. and Zhang, G.P. (2009): Characterization of Dislocation Structures in [-111] Copper Single Crystals Using Electron Channeling Contrast Technique in SEM.Cryst. Res. Tech., 44, 315-321.
45. Li, X.W.*, Jiang, Q.W., Liu Y. and Wang, Y. (2009): Effect of Strain Rate on the High-Temperature Compressive Deformation Behavior of Ultrafine-Grained Copper. Inter. J. Mod. Phys. B, 23, No. 6-7, 1758-1763.
46. Li, P., Zhang, Z.F., Li, X.W., Li, S.X. and Wang, Z.G. (2009): Effect of Orientations on the Cyclic Deformation Behavior of Silver Single Crystals: Comparison with the Behavior of Copper and Nickel Single Crystals. Acta Mater., 57, 4845-4854.
47. Yu, Z.Y., Jiang, Q.W. and Li, X.W.*(2008): Temperature-Dependent Plastic Deformation and Damage Behavior of Ultrafine-Grained Copper under Uniaxial Compression.Phys. Stat. Sol. (a), 205, 2417-2421.
48. Li, X.W.*, Jiang, Q.W., Wu, Y., Wang, Y. and Umakoshi, Y. (2008): Stress-Amplitude-Dependent Deformation Characteristics and Microstructures of Cyclically Stressed Ultrafine-Grained Copper.Adv. Eng. Mater., 10, 720-726.
49. Li, X.W.* and Umakoshi, Y. (2008): Fatigue Fracture Behavior of a Single-Slip-Oriented Fe-35wt.%Cr Alloy Single Crystals Containing Fine-Scale Cr-Rich Precipitates. Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 483-484, 426-429.
50. Li, X.W.* and Zhou, Y. (2007): SEM-ECC Observations of Dislocation Structures in a Cyclically Deformed CuSingle Crystal Oriented for [`223] Conjugate Double Slip. J. Mater. Sci., 42, 4716-4719.
51. Li, X.W.*, Yasuda, H.Y. and Umakoshi, Y. (2006): Bioceramic Composites Sintered From Hydroxyapatite and Silica at 1200°C: Preparation, Microstructures and Bone-Like Layer Growth in Stimulated Body Fluid. J. Mater. Sci.: Mater. Med., 17, 573-581.
52. Li, X.W.*, Wu, S.D., Wu, Y., Yasuda, H.Y. and Umakoshi, Y. (2005): Temperature-Dependent Microstructures in Fatigued Ultrafine-Grained Copper Produced by Equal Channel Angular Pressing. Adv. Eng. Mater., 7, 829-833.
53. Li, X.W.*, Umakoshi, Y., Wu, S.D., Wang, Z.G., Alexandrov, I.V. and Valiev, R.Z. (2004): Temperature Effects on the Fatigue Behavior of Ultrafine-Grained Copper Produced by Equal Channel Angular Pressing.Phys. Stat. Sol. (a), 201, R119-R122.
54. Li, X.W.* and Umakoshi, Y. (2003): Cyclic Deformation Behavior of A Single-Slip-Oriented Fe-35wt.%Cr Alloy Single Crystals Containing Fine Cr-Rich Precipitates.Scripta Mater., 48, 545-550.
55. Li, X.W.*, Wu, X.M., Wang, Z.G. and Umakoshi, Y. (2003): Orientation Dependence of Dislocation Structures in Cyclically Deformed Cu-16 At. Pct Al Alloy Single Crystals.Metall. Mater. Trans. A,34A, 307-318.
56. Li, X.W.*, Wu, X.M., Wang, Z.G. and Umakoshi, Y. (2002): Dislocation Structure in a Fatigued Cu-16at.%Al Alloy Single Crystals Oriented for Double Slip.Phys. Stat. Sol. (a),192, R1-R3.
57. Li, X.W.*, Umakoshi, Y., Gong, B., Li, S.X. and Wang, Z.G. (2002): Dislocation Structure in Fatigued Critical and Conjugate Double-Slip-Oriented Copper Single Crystals.Mater. Sci. Eng. A,333, 51-59.
58. Li, X.W.*, Wang, Z.G., Zhang, Y.W., Li, S.X. and Umakoshi, Y. (2002): Dislocation Structure in Cyclically Deformed Coplanar Double-Slip-Oriented Copper Single Crystals. Phys. Stat. Sol. (a),191, 97-105.
59. Li, X.W.*, Y. Umakoshi, Wang, Z.G. and Li, S.X. (2001): The Fatigue Limits of Copper Single Crystals Cyclically Deformed at Constant Plastic Strain Amplitudes. Phil. Mag. Lett., 81, 465-472.
60. Li, X.W.*, Wang, Z.G. and Li, S.X. (2000): Deformation Bands in Cyclically Deformed Copper Single Crystals. Phil. Mag. A, 80, 1901-1912.
61. Li, X.W.*, Wang, Z.G. and Li, S.X. (1999): Influence of Crystallographic Orientation on Cyclic Strain-Hardening Behavior of Copper Single Crystals. Phil. Mag. Lett., 79, 869-875.
62. Li, X.W.*, Wang, Z.G. and Li, S.X. (1999): Survey of Plateau Behavior in the Cyclic Stress-Strain Curve of Copper Single Crystals. Phil. Mag. Lett., 79, 715-719.
63. Li, X.W.*, Wang, Z.G. and Li, S.X. (1999): Cyclic Deformation Behavior of Double-Slip-Oriented Copper Single Crystals IV. Change of Hysteresis Loop Shape and Formation of Persistent Slip Band.Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 271, 315-321.
64. Li, X.W.*, Wang, Z.G. and Li, S.X. (1999): Cyclic Deformation Behavior of Double-Slip-Oriented Copper Single Crystals III. Conjugate Double Slip Orientation on 0010-Side in the Stereographic Triangle. Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 269, 166-174.
65. Li, X.W.*, Wang, Z.G. and Li, S.X. (1999): Cyclic Deformation Behavior of Double-Slip-Oriented Copper Single Crystals II. Critical Double Slip Orientation on 001-011 Side in the Stereographic Triangle. Mater. Sci. Eng.A, 265, 18-24.
66. Li, X.W.*, Wang, Z.G. and Li, S.X. (1999): Cyclic Deformation Behavior of Double-Slip-Oriented Copper Single Crystals I. Coplanar Double Slip Orientation on 011-Side in the Stereographic Triangle. Mater. Sci. Eng.A, 260, 132-138.
67. Li, X.W.*, Wang, Z.G., Li, G.Y., Wu, S.D. and Li, S.X. (1998): Cyclic Stress-strain Response and Surface Deformation Features of [011] Multiple-Slip-Oriented Copper Single Crystals. Acta Mater., 46, 4497-4505.
68. Li, X.W.*, Hu, Y.M. and Wang, Z.G. (1998): Investigation of Dislocation Structure in a Cyclically Deformed Copper Single Crystal Using Electron Channeling Contrast Technique in SEM. Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 248, 299-303.
69. Li, X.W.*, Tian, J.F., Han, N.L., Kang, Y. and Wang, Z.G. (1996): Quantitative Study on Correlation between Fracture Surface Roughness and Fatigue Properties of SiC/Al Composite.Mater. Lett.,29, 235-240.
Li, X.W.*, Tian, J.F., Kang, Y. and Wang, Z.G. (1995): Quantitative Analysis of Fracture Surface by Roughness and Fractal Method.Scripta Metall. Mater., 33, 803-809.




