
朱春鋼:男,大連理工大學數學科學學院 教授


  • 中文名:朱春鋼
  • 職業:大連理工大學數學科學學院 教授
  • 畢業院校:大連理工大學


1996.9-2000.7 : 山東大學數學學院 信息與計算科學專業 理學學士
2000.9-2005.7 : 大連理工大學數學科學學院 計算數學專業 理學博士
2009.9-2010.9 : 美國Texas A&M大學數學系 訪問學者
2005.7-2008.12: 大連理工大學數學科學學院 講師
2008.12-2013.12: 大連理工大學數學科學學院 副教授
2006.5-至今: 大連理工大學數學科學學院 碩士生導師
2011.7-至今: 大連理工大學數學科學學院 博士生導師
2013.12-至今: 大連理工大學數學科學學院 教授


美國數學會、中國計算機學會, 會員
美國數學評論(MR), 評論員
中國工業與套用數學學會 幾何設計與計算專委會, 委員(2012-)
中國計算機學會 計算機輔助設計與圖形學專委會, 委員(2015-)
Abstract and Applied Analysis, 編委(2012-)
Chinese Journal of Mathematics, 編委(2013-)
International Journal of Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 編委(2013-)
International Journal of Pure Mathematics, 編委(2013-)
Journal of Scientific Research and Reports, 編委(2013-)
2016年第八屆全國計算機數學學術會議, 程式委員會委員, 2016年11月18日至11月20日, 深圳大學
International Conference on Information and Computational Science (ICICS 2016), Dalian, China Aug. 2-6, 2016, Programme Committee member, Organizing Committee member, Organizing Committee secretary
2016第九屆全國幾何設計與計算學術會議(GDC2016), 程式委員會委員, 2016年7月15日-17日,安徽合肥
2015年第八屆全國幾何設計與計算學術會議(GDC2015), 程式委員會委員, 2015年8月22-24日, 杭州
2014年第六屆全國計算機數學學術會議(CM2014), 程式委員會委員, 2014年10月31日至11月3日, 重慶
2014年第七屆全國幾何設計與計算學術會議(GDC2014), 程式委員會委員, 2014年8月22-24日, 井岡山
2013年第六屆全國幾何設計與計算學術會議(GDC 2013), 程式委員會副主席, 2013年7月19-22, 大連


計算幾何, 計算機輔助幾何設計


[1] 王仁宏、李崇君、朱春鋼,《計算幾何教程》,北京:科學出版社,2008.
[1] 王仁宏,朱春鋼,實分片代數曲線的拓撲結構,計算數學,Vol.25, No.4, 2003, 505-512; 英文版: Chinese Journal of Numerical Mathematics and Applications, Vol.26, No.1, 2004, 89-100.
[2] C.G. Zhu*, R.H. Wang, Real piecewise algebraic curves, Proceedings of ISC&I 2004, R. H. Wang and X. N. Luo (eds.), Vol.2, CIC Media Ltd., Hong Kong, 2004, 1152-1157.
[3] C.G. Zhu*, R.H. Wang, Real piecewise algebraic curves, Journal of Information and Computational Science, Vol.1, No.1, 2004, 169-173.
[4] R.H. Wang, C.G. Zhu*, Piecewise algebraic varieties, Progress in Natural Science, Vol.14, No.7, 2004, 568-572.
[5] R.H. Wang, C.G. Zhu*, Noether-type theorem of piecewise algebraic curves, Progress in Natural Science, Vol.14, No.4, 2004, 309-313.
[6] R.H. Wang, C.G. Zhu*, Cayley-Bacharach theorem of piecewise algebraic curves, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol.163, No.1, 2004, 269-276.
[7] C.G. Zhu*, R.H. Wang, Geometric Hermite interpolation for space curves by B-spline, 軟體學報, Vol.16, No.4, 2005, 634-642.
[8] C.G. Zhu*, R.H. Wang, Piecewise semialgebraic sets, Journal of Computational Mathematics, Vol.23, No.5, 2005, 503-512.
[9] 朱春鋼*,二元線性樣條函式插值,套用數學,Vol.19, No.3 , 2006,575-579.
[10] C.G. Zhu*, R.H. Wang, Noether-type theorem and its application, Journal of Information and Computational Science, Vol.3, No.2, 2006, 365-372.
[11] C.G. Zhu*, R.H. Wang, Lagrange interpolation by bivariate splines on cross-cut partitions, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol.95, No.1-2, 2006, 326-340.
[12] 朱春鋼*, 王仁宏, 三角剖分上分片代數曲線的Noether型定理, 中國科學, A輯, Vol.37, No. 4, 2007, 425-430. (C.G. Zhu, R.H. Wang, Noether-type theorem of piecewise algebraic curves on triangulation, Science in China Series A: Mathematics, 2007, Vol. 50, No. 9, 1227–1232.)
[13] C.G. Zhu*, R.H. Wang, Least-Squares Fitting of Piecewise Algebraic Curves, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Volume 2007, Article ID 78702, 11 pages.
[14] C.G. Zhu*, R.H. Wang, X. Shi, F. Liu, Functional splines with different degrees of smoothness and their applications, Computer-Aided Design, Vol. 40, No. 5, 2008, 616-624.
[15] C.G. Zhu*, R.H. Wang, Some researches on real piecewise algebraic curves, Journal of Mathematical Research & Exposition, Vol.28, No.2, (2008), 287-296.
[16] 朱春鋼,李彩雲*, 王仁宏,異度隱函式樣條曲線曲面,彭群生等編,CAD/CG2008會議論文集,北京:電子工業出版社,2008,184-188.
[17] 朱春鋼*,王仁宏,擬貫穿剖分上分片代數曲線的Noether 型定理,中國科學 A輯:數學,Vol. 39, No.1, 2009, 27-33. 英文版:C.G. Zhu, R.H. Wang, Noether-type theorem of piecewise algebraic curves on quasi-cross-cut partition, Science in China Series A: Mathematics, Vol. 52, No.4,2009, 701-708.
[18] C.G. Zhu*, R.H. Wang, Numerical solution of Burgers' equation by cubic B-spline quasi-interpolation,Applied Mathematics and Computation,Volume 208, Issue 1, 2009, 260-272.
[19] 朱春鋼*,王仁宏, 擬貫穿剖分上二元樣條的Lagrange插值,數學年刊A輯, Vol.30A, No.2, 221-230. 英文版C.G. Zhu, R.H. Wang, Lagrange interpolation by bivariate splines over quasi-cross-cut partitions, Chinese J Consumption Mathematics, Vol.30, No.2.
[20] 李彩雲, 朱春鋼, 王仁宏, 參數曲線的分段近似隱式化, 高校套用數學學報, 2010, 25(2): 202-210.
[21] C.G. Zhu*, W.S. Kang, Numerical solution of Burgers-Fisher equation by cubic B-spline quasi-interpolation, Applied Mathematics and Computation 216 (2010) 2679–2686.
[22] C.G. Zhu*, R.H.Wang, Geometric interpolants with di?erent degrees of smoothness, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, Vol. 87, No. 9, 2010, 1907–1917.
[23] C.Y. Li, C.G. Zhu*, A multilevel univariate cubic spline quasi-interpolation and application to numerical integration, Mathematical Methods in Applied Sciences, Vol.33, Iss. 13, 2010, 1578-1586.
[24] C.G. Zhu*, W.S. Kang, Appling cubic B-spline quasi-interpolation to solve Hyperbolic Conservation Laws, University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest Scientific Bulletin Series Series D: Mechanical Engineering,Vol.72, Issue 4, 2010, 49-58.
[25] Zi-Wu Jiang*, Ren-Hong Wang, Chun-Gang Zhu,Min Xu, High Accuracy Multiquadric Quasi-interpolation,Appl. Math. Modeling, Vol. 35, 2011 , 2185-2195.
[26] M.L. Xiao, R.H. Wang, C.G. Zhu*, Applying multiquadric quasi-interpolation to solve KdV equation, Journal of Mathematical Research & Exposition, Vol. 31, No.2, 2011,191-201.
[27] K. Qu*, R.H. Wang, C.G. Zhu, Fitting C^1 Surfaces to Scattered Data with S^1_2 (\Delta^{(2)}_{m,n}), Journal of Computational Mathematics,Vol.29, No.4, 2011, 396–414.
[28] C.Y. Li, R.H. Wang, C.G. Zhu*, Parametric representation of a surface pencil with a common spatial line of curvature,Computer-Aided Design,Volume 43, Issue 9, (2011) 1110-1117.
[29] R.G. Yu*, R.H. Wang, C.G. Zhu, Curve interpolation with length constraint in a discrete manner,J. Information and Comput. Sci., 8(6) 2011, 859-868.
[30] 姚榮涵*,王鐵成,王建麗,朱春鋼, 協調信號交叉口間路段上的車輛排隊模型。吉林大學學報(工學版), 2011,41(6) 1585-1591.
[31] 姚榮涵*,王建麗,王鐵成,朱春鋼,左轉短車道長度與配時參數的協同最佳化模型,交通標準化, 第9期,總第244期,2011,167-171.
[32] Luis David Garcia-Puente, Frank Sottile*, Chungang Zhu, Toric degenerations of Bezier patches, ACM Transaction on Graphics, Volume 30 Issue 5, Article 110 (October 2011), 10 pages. Presented at SIGGRAPH 2013.
[33] C.G. Zhu*, Degenerations of toric ideals and toric varieties, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 386 (2012), 613-618.
[34] R.H. Wang, M. Li*, C.G. Zhu*, Some research on the relation among CSC method, box-spline and hyperplane arrangement, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 236 (5) (2011) 775-781.
[35] C.Y. Li, R.H. Wang, C.G. Zhu*, Design and G1 connection of developable surfaces through Bezier geodesics, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 218 (7) (2011) 3199-3208.
[36] C.-G. Zhu*,R.-H. Wang, The correspondence between multivariate spline ideals and piecewise algebraic varieties, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 236 (5) (2011) 793-800 .
[37] B. Guo, R.H. Wang, C.G. Zhu*, A note on multi-step difference scheme,Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 236 (5) (2011) 647-652.
[38] H.Y. Liu, C.G. Zhu*, C.Y. Li, Constructing N-sided toric surface patches from boundary curves, J. Information and Comput. Sci., 9 (3) (2012), 737-743.
[39] C.G. Zhu*, Some properties of the quasi-cross-cut partition and the dimension of bivariate continuous spline space, Ars Combinatoria, 105 (2012), 355-360.
[40] C.G. Zhu*, R.H. Wang, Algebra-geometry of piecewise algebraic varieties, Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series, 28(10)(2012) 1973-1980.
[41] C.Y. Li, R.H. Wang, C.G. Zhu*, An approach for designing a developable surface through a given line of curvature,Computer-Aided Design, 45 (3) (2013) 621-627.
[42] C.Y. Li, R.H. Wang, C.G. Zhu*, Designing approximation minimal surfaces with geodesics, Appl. Math. Model., 37 (9) (2013) pp. 6415-6424.
[43] R.G. Yu*, R.H. Wang, C.G. Zhu, A numerical method for solving KdV equation with multilevel B-spline quasi-interpolation, Applicable Analysis, 92 (8), 1682-1690.
[44] 朱春鋼*, 楊莉, 趙軒藝, 夏寶玉, 有理Bézier曲線的自交點, 計算機輔助設計與圖形學學報, 25 (5) (2013), 738-744.
[45] C.Y. Li, R.H. Wang, C.G. Zhu*, A generalization of surface family with common line of curvature, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 219 (17) (2013), 9500-9507.
[46] R.G. Yu*, R.H. Wang, C.G. Zhu, A numerical method for solving KdV equation with blended B-spline quasi-interpolation, Journal of Information & Computational Science 10:16 (2013), 5093–5101.
[47] R.H. Wang, Q.J. Guo*, C.G. Zhu, C.J. Li, Multivariate spline approximation of the signed distance function, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 265 (2014), 276-289..
[48] 錢江*, 王仁宏, 朱春鋼, 王凡, 二元三次樣條空間$S_{3}^{1,2}\Delta_{mn}^{(2)})$的樣條擬插值,《中國科學:數學》, 44(7)(2014), 769-778.
[49] C.G. Zhu*, X.Y. Zhao, Self-intersections of Rational Bezier Curves, Graphical Models(Proc. GMP 2014), 76(5) (2014) pp. 312-320.
[50] 韓曉旭, 孫蘭銀, 朱春鋼*, 構造多管道過渡曲面的toric曲面方法, 計算機輔助設計與圖形學學報, CAD/CG2014推薦, 2014,26(10):1639-1645.
[51] 孫蘭銀,朱春鋼*,數據擬合的toric曲面方法,數值計算與計算機套用,35(4) 2014, 297-304.
[52] 尹樂平, 張躍, 朱春鋼*, 二次NURBS 曲線的退化曲線, 圖學學報, 36(2)(2015), 186-192.
[53] C.G. Zhu*, B.Y. Xia, A family of bivariate rational Bernstein operators, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 258 (2015), 162-171.
[54] L.Y. Sun, C.G. Zhu*, G1 Continuity between Toric Surface Patches, Computer Aided Geometric Design (Proc. GMP 2015), 35-36 (2015), 255-267.
[55] X.Y. Zhao, C.G. Zhu*, Injecitivity conditions of rational Bézier surfaces, Computers & Graphics (Proc. SMI 2015), 51 (2015), 17-25.
[56] 李彩雲, 朱春鋼*, 王仁宏, 插值特殊曲線的曲面造型研究, 《中國科學:數學》,“慶賀徐利治教授95華誕專輯”,2015年,45卷,第9期,1441-1456。
[57] Cai-Yun Li; Chun-Gang Zhu*; Ren-Hong Wang, Spacelike developable surfaces through a common line of curvature in Minkowski 3-space, Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems, and Manufacturing, Vol.9, No.4, 2015: JAMDSM0050.
[58] 李彩雲*, 項昕,朱春鋼,一種插值曲率線的直紋面可展設計方法, 《中國圖像圖形學報》, 21(4) (2016), 527-531..
[59] 王慧,朱春鋼*,李彩雲, 六次PH曲線G2 Hermite插值, 《圖學學報》, 2016 Vol. 37 (2): 155-165.
[60] Xuan-Yi Zhao, Chun-Gang Zhu*, Injectivity of NURBS curves, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 302 (2016) 129-138.
[61] Lan-Yin Sun, Chun-Gang Zhu*, Approximation of Minimal Toric Bezier Patch, Advances in Mechanical Engineering, accepted.
[62] 張 驥, 朱春鋼*, 馮仁忠, 劉明明,張恆洋,一種改進的B樣條翼型參數化方法, 圖學學報。
[1] Cayley-Bacharach theorem of piecewise algebraic curves,International Symposium on Computational Mathematics and Applications (ISCMA) , 2002年8月29日-9月3日, 2002, Dalian.
[2] Real piecewise algebraic curves, International Symposium of Computing and Information 2004, Dalian, 2004.
[3] Noether-type theorem and its application,International Symposium on Information and Computational Science(ISICS) 2006, Dalian,August 15-18, 2006
[4] An Introduction to Piecewise Algebraic Variety,The 4th Algebraic Geometry and Geometric Modeling, July 21-26, 2009, Lijiang, China.
[5] Toric degenerations of Bezier patches, Algebraic Geometry Seminar, Department of Mathematics, Texas A&M University, 2010-3-22.
[6] The correspondence between multivariate spline ideals and piecewise algebraic varieties, The 7th International Conference on Scientific Computing and Applications,13-16 June, Dalian, 2010.
[7] Toric degenerations of Bezier patches,2011-4-14,中山大學信息學院,廣州。
[8] Injectivity of 2D Toric Bezier Patches, 12th International Conference on Computer-Aided Design and Computer Graphics, 15-17 September 2011, Jinan, China.
[9] 基於邊界曲線的N邊域Toric曲面片生成, 第五屆全國幾何設計與計算學術會議(GDC 2011), 廣州, 2011年11月12日-13日。
[10] Toric Degenerations of Bezier Patches,40分鐘邀請報告,中國數學會第11次全國代表大會暨2011學術年會,2011-11月13-17日, 成都。
[11] Toric Degenerations of Bezier Patches,2011-11-22, 大連海事大學數學系,大連。
[12] 有理Bézier曲線的自交點,第十七屆全國計算機輔助設計與圖形學學術會議,2012年7月19日-21日,中國,青島。
[13] Geometric Properties of Toric Bezier Patches,吉林大學-大連理工大學數學學術交流會,2012-11-10, 吉林大學數學學院,長春。
[14] Toric degenerations of Bezier patches, ACM SIGGRAPH 2013, 21-25, July, 2013, Anaheim, CA, USA.
[15] Self-intersections of Rational Bezier Curves, GMP 2014, 29, June-1, July 2014, NTU, Singapore.
[16] G1 Continuity between Toric Surface Patches, GMP 2015, 1-3 June 2015, USI, Lugano, Switzerland.
[17] Injecitivity conditions of rational Bézier surfaces, SMI 2015, 24-26 June, 2015. Télécom Lille, Lille , France.
[18] 一種插值曲率線的直紋面可展設計方法, 第八屆全國幾何設計與計算學術會議, 第八屆全國幾何設計與計算學術會議(GDC 2015), 杭州, 2015年8月22日-24日。
[19] 六次PH曲線G2 Hermite插值, 第八屆全國幾何設計與計算學術會議, 第八屆全國幾何設計與計算學術會議(GDC 2015), 杭州, 2015年8月22日-24日。
[20] 一種改進的B樣條翼型參數化方法, 第八屆全國幾何設計與計算學術會議, 第八屆全國幾何設計與計算學術會議(GDC 2015), 杭州, 2015年8月22日-24日。
[21] 張躍, 朱春鋼*, 郭慶傑, 具有指數函式形式權因子的有理Bézier曲線退化, 第九屆全國幾何設計與計算學術會議(GDC 2016), 2016年7月15-17日,合肥.
[22] 李彩雲,王仁宏,朱春鋼*,帶弧長約束的五次PH曲線插值, 第九屆全國幾何設計與計算學術會議(GDC 2016), 2016年7月15-17日,合肥
1、“Toric曲面研究”, 國家自然科學基金項目(面上項目),No. 11271060,2013.1.1-2016.12.31;
2、朱春鋼(負責人), 遼寧省高等學校優秀人才支持計畫(高等學校傑出青年學者成長計畫),批准號:LJQ2014010, 2014-01至2017-12.
3、朱春鋼(負責人), “計算幾何理論與套用研究”, 大連理工大學基本科研業務費專題項目(優秀青年人才科研專題), 批准號:DUT14YQ111,時間: 2014年1月-2015年12月。
4、“分片代數簇的理論與套用研究”, 教育部留學人員科研啟動基金,第44批,2012.01-2014.04;
5、“分片代數曲線曲面的理論與套用研究”, 國家自然科學基金項目(青年基金),No. 10801024,2009.1.1-2011.12.31;
6、“計算幾何中的若干問題及其套用研究”, 國家自然科學基金項目(數學天元青年基金),No. 10726068,2008.1.1-2008.12.31;
1、“數字幾何媒體智慧型處理與套用研究”,國家自然科學基金(NSFC-廣東省聯合基金,重點項目),No. U0935004,2010.01-2013.12;
2、“隱式曲面造型的理論和方法研究”,國家自然科學基金重點項目,No. 60533060,2006.01-2009.12;
指導博士生李彩雲獲得2011年教育部" 博士研究生學術新人獎"、"2012年大連理工大學優秀博士學位論文單項獎學金"、2012年"國家獎學金";


