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晏鵬,博士,副教授,博士生導師,國際水協會(IWA)會員,國際主流期刊“Environmental Science &Technology”、 “Water Research”等審稿人。


  • 中文名:晏鵬 
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢
  • 出生地:重慶
  • 職業:教師
  • 畢業院校:重慶大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:環境科學與工程




7)國家智慧型製造服務國際科技合作基地(開放基金),基於化學能定向轉化的市政污水綠色處理模式構建,KFJJ-2016037, 2017/01-2018/12,3萬,負責人。


Peng Yan, Rongcong Qin, Jinsong Guo*, Qiang Yu, Zhe Li, Youpeng Chen, Yu Shen, Fang Fang, Net-zero energy model for sustainable wastewater treatment, Environmental Science & Technology, 2017, 51, 1017−1023. (SCI/ 6.2,1區)
[2] Peng Yan, Jinsong Guo, Yufeng Xu, Youpeng Chen*, Jing Wang, Zhiping Liu, Fang Fang*, New insight into sludge reduction induced by different substrate allocation strategy between oxygen and nitrate/nitrite as terminal electron acceptor. Bioresource technology, 2018,257,7-16. (SCI/5.7,1區)
[3] Peng Yan, Jia-Shuai Xia, You-Peng Chena*, Zhi-Ping Liu, Jin-Song Guo, Yu Shen, Cheng-Cheng Zhang, Jing Wang, Thermodynamics of binding interactions between extracellular polymeric substances and heavy metals by isothermal titration microcalorimetry, Bioresource Technology, 2017, 232,354-363.(SCI/5.7,1區)
[4] Peng Yan, Jin-Song Guo*, Jing Wang, You-Peng Chen, Fang-Ying Ji, Yang Dong, Hong Zhang, Wen-juan Ouyang, Enhanced nitrogen and phosphorus removal by an advanced simultaneous sludge reduction, inorganic solids separation, phosphorus recovery, and enhanced nutrient removal (SIPER) wastewater treatment process, Bioresource Technology, 2015, 183,181-187. (SCI/5.7,1區)
[5] Peng Yan, Fangying Ji*, Jing Wang, Jianping Fan, Wei Guan, Qingkong Chen. Pilot-scale test of an advanced, integrated wastewater treatment process with sludge reduction, inorganic solids separation, phosphorus recovery, and enhanced nutrient removal (SIPER), Bioresource Technology, 2013,142,482-489. (SCI/5.7,1區)
[6] Peng Yan, Fangying Ji*, Jing Wang, Jianping Fan, Qingkong Chen, Wei Guan. Evaluation of sludge reduction and carbon source recovery from excess sludge by the advanced Sludge reduction, Inorganic solids separation, Phosphorus recovery, and Enhanced nutrient Removal (SIPER) wastewater treatment process, Bioresource Technology. 2013,150,344-351. (SCI/5.7,1區)
[7] Peng Yan, Jin-Song Guo, Jing Wang, Fang-Ying Ji, Cheng-Cheng Zhang, You-Peng Chen*, Yu Shen*,Enhanced excess sludge hydrolysis and acidification in an activated sludge side-stream reactor process with single-stage sludge alkaline treatment: A pilot scale study, Environmental Science & Pollution Research, 2016: 23. 22761–22770. (SCI/ 2.8,3區)
[8] Peng Yan, Jing Wang, You-Peng Chen, Fang-Ying Ji, Shen Yu, Fang Fang, Yu-lian Lin, Jin-Song Guo*, Hong Zhang, Wen-juan Ouyang, Investigation of microbial community structure in an advanced activated sludge side-stream reactor process with alkaline treatment, International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 2015,104, 365-362. (SCI/2.9,3區)
[9] You-Peng Chen, Jin-Song Guo, Jing Wang, Peng Yan*, Fang-Ying Ji, Fang Fang , Yang Dong,A grit separation module for inorganic matter removal from activated sludge: Investigation on characteristics of split sludge from the module, Environmental Technology, 2016, 37(24). 3168–3176. (SCI/ 1.8,4區)
[10] Peng Yan, Fangying Ji*, Jianping Fan, Shu-an Zong.Grit separation module performance and influencing factors for grit removal efficiency from activated sludge, Separation Science and Technology, 2014, 49(1),121-129. (SCI/ 1.2,4區)
[11] Peng Yan, Fang-Ying Ji, Jing Wang, You-Peng Chen, Yu Shen, Fang Fang, Jin-Song Guo*, Investigation on cyclic utilization of carbon source in an advanced sludge reduction, inorganic solids separation, phosphorus recovery, and enhanced nutrient removal (SIPER) wastewater treatment process, Water Science and Technology,2015, 72(9).1628-1634. (SCI/1.1,4區)
[12] Yun-Fang Ning*, Peng Yan,*, You-Peng Chen**, Jin-Song Guo, Yu Shen, Fang Fang, Ying Tang, Xu Gao, Development of a Pt modified microelectrode aimed for the monitoring of ammonium in solution, International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry,2017, 97(1)85–98. (SCI/ 1.4,4區)
[13] Cheng-Cheng Zhang, Jin-Song Guo, You-Peng Chen, Fang-Ying Ji, Jing Wang, Peng Yan, Yun Bai, Thermodynamics of the interaction between antibiotics and extracellular polymeric substances within activated sludge, Environmental Technology, 2016,DOI:10.1080/09593330.2018.1426635.


晏鵬, 郭勁松, 陳猷鵬, 申渝, 楊吉祥, 董陽. 基於污泥碳源和氮磷回收利用的污水處理系統及方法,發明專利,專利號, ZL201510678744.3(授權)
[2]晏鵬, 陳猷鵬, 郭勁松, 申渝, 楊吉祥. 一種以柑橘皮渣和城市污泥為主要原料製造有機肥的方法及有機肥,發明專利,專利號, ZL201510485314.X(授權)
[3] 申渝, 晏鵬, 郭勁松, 陳猷鵬,周月明. 一種回收利用柑橘皮渣和脫水污泥發酵生產沼氣的方法,發明專利,專利號, ZL201510436812.5
[4] 楊吉祥, 陳猷鵬, 晏鵬, 董陽, 郭勁松. 厭氧反應器的三項分離裝置,發明專利,專利號,ZL201410279296.5.
[6] 吉芳英,胡學斌,宗述安,徐璇,晏鵬,何小玲,陸磊,張軒. 一種適用於去除污水處理廠活性污泥中淤沙的分離器.發明專利,專利號:ZL201110159013.X(授權)


