



  • 書名:新編實用英語讀寫教程1
  • ISBN:9787040300413
  • 頁數:133
  • 出版社:高等教育出版社
  • 出版時間:2011年5月1日
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 開本:16


《新編實用英語讀寫教程1》(黑龍江版)共10個單元,每個單元除了“讀”(maintaining a sharp eye)和“寫”(trying your hand)2部分以外,還有一篇“黑龍江簡介”(glimpses of heilongjiang)的閱讀文章。


1 greeting and introducing people
section i maintaining a sharp eye
passage i the way americans greet
passage ii a little about me
section ii trying your hand
section iii glimpses of heilongjiang
2 giving thanks and expressing regrets
section i maintaining a sharp eye
passage i different attitudes towards gift-giving
passage ii thank-you notes are heart-warming
section ii trying your hand
section iii glimpses of heilongjiang
3 directions and signs
section i maintaining a sharp eye
passage i i hate flying
passage ii i'd been treated like a friend in need
section ii trying your hand
section iii glimpses of heilongjiang
4 timetables and schedules
section i maintaining a sharp eye
passage i punctuality and keeping promises
passage ii begin each day with a fresh plan of attacx
section ii trying your hand
section iii glimpses of heilongjiang
5 talking about the weather
section i maintaining a sharp eye
passage i is it going to be a fine day
passage ii british people like talking about the weather
section ii trying your hand
section iii glimpses of heilongjiang
6 sports events and outdoor activities
section i maintaining a sharp eye
passage i the triathlon's great attraction
passage ii foreigners also love chinese martial arts
section ii trying your hand
section iii glimpses of heilongjiang
7 celebrating holidays and making friends
section i maintaining a sharp eye
passage i thanksgiving day and christmas
passage ii when i was in america
section ii trying your hand
section iii glimpses of heilongjiang
8 invitations
section i maintaining a sharp eye
passage i are you really being invited?
passage ii an invitation letter
section ii trying your hand
section iii glimpses of heilongjiang
9 emails
section i maintaining a sharp eye
passage i online growth continued
passage ii pros and cons of "chatroom"
section ii trying your hand
section iii glimpses of heilongjiang
10 communication by phone
section i maintaining a sharp eye
passage i for conversation press # 1
passage ii communication by phone in the u.s.
section ii trying your hand
section iii glimpses of heilongjiang
new words and expressions
vocabulary and phrases


