

“天姥連天向天橫,勢拔五嶽掩赤城”天姥驛就位於李白夢遊處—天姥山的腳下,是一幢獨立的花園房根據房子本身和當地的特色,將“李白夢遊處”發揮得淋漓盡致。 玩在周邊:旅舍所在的新昌地區歷史悠久,風光秀麗,文化底蘊豐厚,名勝古蹟燦若群星。曾多次被作為影視拍攝基地。橫空拔岳的天姥山,晨鐘悠遠的大佛寺,瑰瑋奇麗的十九峰,山靈水秀的沃洲湖,鬼斧神工的國家地質公園,這個“天地神明之境”被演繹成唐詩之路和佛教之旅的精華。


  • 中文名:新昌天姥驛國際青年旅舍
  • 位置:天姥山的腳下
  • 服務:自助廚房,自助洗衣,書吧
  • 優點:遠離喧囂,睡到自然醒




Tianmuyi a brandnew independent villa Hostel in china and the one that you don’t want to miss. Our house located at the foot of Tianmu mountain where the most famous Tang Dynasty poet Libai tour in his dream.
Tourism place nearby: Xinchang, where the hostel located, has a long history, is a famous film shooting place. Towering Tianmu mountain, the largest and most famous Buddhist temple in china, magic 19 summites(we have only 18 summites here,and the last one is inside the linyin temple in hangzhou), vast peaceful Wozhou lake, National geological parks, for all the places above above Xingchang was interpreted as the trip of Tang poetry and the essence of buddhism. The famous local snack in Xinchang was also showed on CCTV.
Enjoy staying at the hostel: living in a villa away from the nosiy city, sweet sleep,enjoy good music and food, pick a bottle from the lager cellar, playing snooker with friend, watching a film in our own theater, having beer and chat with friends around the world in the open bar, see stars from the attic skylight…… we also provide self-catering kitchen, self-service laundry, book bar, free Internet, air-con and 24hrs hot water everyroom.


