



  • 書名:我們的根
  • 作者:黎東方
  • 原版名稱:China'Roots:A Brief Introduction to Chinese Civilization
  • ISBN:9787208088832
  • 頁數:247
  • 定價:48.00元
  • 出版社:上海人民出版社
  • 出版時間:2010-1
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 開本:32開
  • 副標題:簡說五千年中國文明史
  • 叢書名:發現中國


I assigned one chapter to geography, another to archaeology, and seven more to the ups and downs of politics, the cycles of unions and divisions of China's realms, the prosperity and decline of the central region as well as the upsurging and decadence of certain particular spots.


As the title suggests, the book describes how China and the Chinese people came to be what they are today through a chronological retelling of China's development from prehistoric to contemporary times.
It presents a broad framework of the nation's transition through various periods of history. Above this frame, the author selectively adds more detailed descriptions of the most notable events, persons. and cultural aspects, offering insight into things that have come to define China and the Chinese people. There are twelve chapters, including about 50 thousand words and 100 pictures in the book.


Chapter 1 A Big and Beautiful Country
Chapter 2 China During Stone Ages
Chapter 3 From Cla and Tribes to Tribal Kingdoms
Chapter 4 Vassal States during Middle Chou and Independen Kingdoms during Late Chou
Chapter 5 A Great Empire under Ch'in and Han
Chapter 6 Warlords,Minority Chiefs,and Co-Existence of the South and the North
Chapter 7 The Second Great Empire under Sui and T'ang
Chapter 8 A Divided China during the Five Short Dynasties and the Two Sung Dynasties
Chapter 9 Yuan,Ming,and Ch'ing. The Republic
Chapter 10 Attainments in Technology and Science
Chapter 11 Achievements in theArts
Chapter 12 Masterpieces in Literature


