



  • 軟體名稱:德克斯特遊戲
  • 軟體平台:IOS
  • 軟體大小:397.32MB
  • 支持版本:iOS3.1及以上
8.0/10——令人印象深刻的 IGN,利瓦伊·布坎南 從海上獲得追捧的益智遊戲,線描克隆,車手,當前填充應用程式商店……節目的冬粉們將會有一個偉大的時間與這個遊戲. .。專家的娛樂不僅僅是人物和地點,但也一般的德克斯特氣氛……巧妙結合了談話,隱形,警察工作,偷偷溜出殺死。”——IGN 德克斯特遊戲具有較高的生產價值,整合各種具有挑戰性的任務好和迷你謎題……如果你是一個幸運的球迷,這個遊戲是一個堅實的冒險遊戲,令人欽佩地抓住了精神的系列。“——接觸街機 德克斯特的視頻遊戲是一個堅實的整體經驗亮相……無論你是一個風扇的顯示與否,德克斯特:遊戲提供了一個良好的品種加上一個激動人心的故事。遊戲達到成熟的程度,很少出現在iPhone的冠軍,是值得嘗試的。”——Joystiq 德克斯特遊戲做一個偉大的工作,指導你告訴整個德克斯特主題。這種孤獨,遊戲成功,絕對值得購買。”——APPERA (Dexter遊戲)提供了一個更深層的體驗比絕大多數的遊戲平台。這包五加小時值得玩的時間,噸配音,和大量的高質量的CG製作。任何玩家,是一個大風扇的德克斯特會發現很多樂趣在這裡。“幻燈片打 德克斯特遊戲殺手3 d iPod / iPhone遊戲基於Showtime原創系列。德克斯特摩根是一個連環殺手。由他需要殺死,維護他的普通人fa嗎艾德從來都不是件容易的事。他把他的時間作為一個血飛濺分析師在邁阿密警局,但數小時後當幸運的能夠滿足他的需求,嚴格自己黑暗的乘客品牌的正義在那些罪犯真的值得去死。 在遊戲中,幫助德克斯特選擇他下一個受害者雖然總是保護他的身份。犯罪現場分析,揭示證據和使用隱形戰術莖你的獵物。情況最好採用法院或黑暗的乘客嗎每個選擇的結果和行動圍繞代碼哈利:只有殺死有罪,維持面具,和最重要的是,不要讓她的老公! 特點: 小時的遊戲與緊張的行動在3 d環境中作為德克斯特跟蹤了他的獵物。 在1100行對話,包括原始畫外音從麥可·c·霍爾。 包括一個原創的故事情節和寫作的Schlattmann系列製片人蒂姆。 新一代3 d引擎允許多個攝像機:第一人,第三人;捏螢幕完全定製你的視圖在第一和第三人稱。 多種控制方式:傾斜移動,雙軛、單軛、多點觸控。你所希望的方式玩德克斯特! 先進的動態音頻的支持,包括閃避和3 d音效。 獨家血跡分析遊戲Dexter一樣它是否在電視系列。 上下文敏感的控制允許您執行複雜的操作和螢幕的水龍頭。規模圍欄,和解碼開鎖密碼。 開發利用簽名功能,如觸控螢幕,加速度計和最近的iPhone 3.0添加。 8.0/10 - Impressive IGN, Levi Buchanan A welcome respite from the sea of puzzle games, line-drawing clones, and racers that currently populate the App Store... Fans of the show will have a great time with this game.. .Expert recreations of not just characters and locations, but also the general Dexter atmosphere... Smartly combines conversation, stealth, police work, and creep-out kills." - IGN Dexter the Game has high production values that incorporate a good variety of challenging tasks and mini-puzzles... If you're a Dexter fan, the game is a solid adventure game that admirably captures the spirit of the series." - TOUCH ARCADE Dexter's video game debut is a solid overall experience... Whether you're a fan of the show or not, Dexter: The Game offers a good variety coupled with an exciting story. The game achieves a level of maturity rarely seen in iPhone titles, and is worth taking a stab at." - JOYSTIQ Dexter the game does a great job in telling and guiding you to the whole Dexter theme. To this alone, the game succeeds and is definitely worth the purchase." - THE APPERA (Dexter the Game) delivers a much deeper experience than the vast majority of games on the platform. It packs five plus hours' worth of play time, tons of voice acting, and lots of high quality CG cutscenes. Any gamer who's a big fan of Dexter will find plenty of enjoyment here." SLIDE TO PLAY Dexter the Game is the killer 3D iPod Touch / iPhone game based on the Showtime Original Series. Dexter Morgan is a serial killer. Driven by his need to kill, maintaining his average-guy faade has never been easy. He spends his days as a blood spatter analyst for the Miami police department, but it’s after hours when Dexter is able to fulfill the needs of his dark passenger, exacting his own brand of justice on those criminals who truly deserve to die. In the game, help Dexter choose his next victims while always protecting his identity. Analyze crime scenes, uncover evidence and use stealth tactics to stalk your prey. Is the case best served by the courts or the Dark Passenger The outcome of every choice and action revolves around the Code of Harry: only kill the guilty, maintain the mask, and above all, don’t get caught! FEATURES: Hours of gameplay with tense action in 3D environments as Dexter stalks his prey . Over 1100 lines of dialogue, including original voiceovers from Michael C. Hall. Includes an original storyline with writing by series producer Tim Schlattmann. Next-Gen 3D engine allows for multiple cameras: first person, 3rd person; pinch the screen to fully customize your view between First and 3rd person. Multiple control modes: tilt to move, Dual yokes, single yoke, multi-touch. Play Dexter the way you want! Advanced dynamic audio support, includes ducking and 3D sound. Exclusive Blood Spatter analysis game just like Dexter does it on the TV series. Context sensitive controls allowing you to perform complex actions with a tap of the screen. Scale fences, pick locks and decode passwords. Developed to take advantage of signature features such as the touch screen, accelerometer and recent iPhone 3.0 additions.


