

徐衛紅博士,教授、博士研究生導師。武漢大學環境科學博士。西南大學農業資源與環境博士後。國家大宗蔬菜現代農業產業技術體系栽培與營養研究室崗位科學家。中國植物營養與肥料學會施肥技術專業委員會副主任委員。教育部、農業部首批農科教合作人才培養基地“重慶大宗蔬菜農科教合作人才培養基地” (農業部、教育部共建)負責人。澳大利亞悉尼大學國家公派訪問學者。先後在澳大利亞西澳大學、新南威爾斯大學、美國加州大學、明尼達州大學、西班牙瓦倫西亞大學、英國愛丁堡、劍橋大學等知名大學進行短期學術交流和訪問,並與澳大利亞悉尼大學、西澳大學、加拿大國際植物營養研究所開展國際合作研究。主持國家科技、省部級等項目12項。公開發表SCI等三大檢索收錄論文48篇。獲省部級科技進步三等獎3項,出版專(編)著7部。獲得國家發明專利5項(第一發明人)。


  • 中文名:徐衛紅
  • 國籍:中國
  • 出生日期:1969年
  • 性別:女
  • 職稱:教授






  1. 國家大宗蔬菜產業技術體系研發(“十三五”),品質調控技術研發(Nycytx-25),國撥經費350萬元,2016-2020。
  2. 國家大宗蔬菜產業技術體系研發(“十二五”),栽培與營養研究室崗位科學家經費(CARS-25- C-05),國撥經費350萬元,2011-2015。
  3. 國家大宗蔬菜產業技術體系研發(“十一五”),新型肥料研發(Nycytx-35- gw16),國撥經費210萬元,2008-2010。
  4. "沿三峽庫區農田水肥高效利用技術研究與示範",國家科技支撐計畫項目“沿湖地區農業面源污染防控與綜合治理技術研究”子課題(2007BAD87B10),國撥經費60萬元,2007-2010。
  5. 中國持續農業中的養分管理(NMS)(Sichuan200201),國際合作項目(IPNI資助項目),經費8萬元,2008-2009。
  6. 油菜體內鋅素利用效率的生理基礎研究,重慶市自然科學基金項目(CSTC, 2009BB0008),經費3萬元,2009-2012。



1.Li N N, Xie W W, Zhou X B, Chai Y R*,Xu W H*. Comparative effects on nutritional quality and selenium metabolism in two ecotypes of Brassica rapa exposed to selenite stress. EnvironmentalandExperimentalBotany, 2018, 150: 222–231.
2.Qin Y L, Li X C,Xu W H*, Chai Y R, Chi S L, Wang W Z, Li T, Huang C R, Zheng Y H. Effects of exogenous cadmium on activity of antioxidant enzyme, Cd uptake and chemical forms of ryegrass. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 2018, 16(2):1019-1035.
3.Wang W Z, Chi S L,Xu W H*, Zhang C L. Effects of Long-Term Application of Chicken Manure on Content of Tetracycline Antibiotics and Change of Resistant Bacteria in Soil. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 2018, 16(2):1143-1153.
4.Li Y H,Xu W H*, Xie W W, Zhao W Y, Li T, Zhou X B Effect of Exogenous Selenium on Activity of GSH-px and Uptake and Conversion of Selenium in SeveralBrassicaVegetables, International Journal of Agriculture & Biology, 2018, 20(2): 463-470.
5.Li T, Chen X G,Xu W H*,Chi S L, Li Y H, Zhang C L, Wang Z Y. Effects of Coated Slow-release Fertilizer with Urease and Nitrification Inhibitors on Nitrogen Release Characteristic and Uptake and Utilization of Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium in Cabbage. International Journal of Agriculture & Biology, 2018, 20(2): 422-430.
6.Wang W Z, Li X C,Xu W H*, Chi Y X,Zhou K, Chai Y R*, Zhang C L, Zheng Y H.Effect of iron on forms and concentration of cadmium and expression of cd-tolerance related genes in tomatoes. International Journal of Agriculture & Biology, 2017, 19(6): 1585-1592.
7.Chi S L,Xu W H*, Liu J, Wang W Z, Xiong Z T.Effect of exogenous selenium on activities of antioxidant enzymes, cadmium accumulation and chemical forms of cadmium in tomatoes. International Journal of Agriculture & Biology, 2017, 19(6): 1619-1622.
8.Li Tao,Xu W H*, Chai Y R, Zhou X B, Wang Z Y, Xie D T. Differences of Cd uptake and expression of Cd-tolerance related genes in two varieties of ryegrasses, Bulgarian Chemical Communications, 2017, 49( 3): 697-705
9.Zhao W Y,Xu W H*, Chai Y R*, Zhou X B, Zhang M Z, Xie W W. Differences in selenium uptake, distribution, and expression of selenium metabolism genes in tomatoes, International Journal of Agriculture & Biology, 2017, 19(3): 528-534
10.Zhou X B,Xu W H*, Chen G Q, Xiong Z T. Effect of zinc on photosynthesis characteristics, root cell ultrastructure and zinc accumulation in different genotypes of Brassica.International Journal of Agriculture & Biology, 2017, 19(2): 282-290
11.Zhou X B, Zhang C M, Wang Y K,Xu W H*. Differences in selenium accumulation in grains of two rice cultivars. Bangladesh J. Bot. 2016, 45(4): 811-818
12.Xiong B L, Zhou A H, Zheng G C, Zhang J Z*,Xu W H. Photocatalytic degradation of endosulfan in contaminated soil with the elution of surfactants. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 2015, 15(9): 1909-1918
13.Wang W Z,Xu W H*, Zhou K, Xiong Z T. Research progressing of present contamination of Cd in soil and restoration method. Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences, 2015, 20(5):430-444.
14.Xie W W, Xiong S J,Xu W H*, Chen R, Zhang J Z, Xiong Z T. Effect of exogenous lanthanum on accumulation of cadmium and its chemical form in tomatoes. Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences, 2014, 19(3): 221-228.
15.Wang C L,Xu W H*, Li H, Zhou K, Liu J, Zhang M Z. Effects of Zinc on Physiologic Characterization and Cadmium Accumulation and Chemical Forms in Different Varieties of Pepper. Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences, 2013, 18(6): 541-548.
16.Xu W H, Kachenko A G, Singh B. Arsenic hyperaccumulation inPteris vittataandPityrogramma calomelanosvar.austroamericanain three different soils. International Journal of Phytoremediation, 2010, 12(2): 174-187.
17.Xu W H, Li Y R, He J P, Ma Q F, Zhang X J, Chen G Q, Wang H X, Zhang H B. Cd uptake in rice cultivars treated with organic acids and EDTA. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2010, 22(3): 441-447.
18.Xu W H, Li W Y, Singh B, Xiong Z T. Effects of insoluble Zn, Cd and EDTA on the growth, activities of antioxidant enzymes and uptake of Zn and Cd inVetiveria zizanioides. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2009, 21(2): 186–192.
19.Xu W H, Liu H, Ma Q F. Effects of soil Zn levels on root exudates, rhizosphere Zn fractions and plant Zn accumulation of heavy metal enriching ryegrass. Pedosphere, 2007, 17(3): 389-396.
20.Xu W H, Huang H, Xiong Z T. Effects of Zn on Zn Accumulation and Antioxidant Enzymes Activity in Four Varieties of ryegrass. Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences, 2005, 10(6): 1051-1056.
21.Xu W H, Wang Z Y, Jia Z Y, et al. Use of Several Plant Materials and Chemicals to Inhibit Soil Urease Activity to Increase Nitrogen Recovery Rate of Urea by Plant. Pedosphere, 2002, 12(3): 275-282.



1. 一種大頭菜專用肥料及其製備方法,專利號201110096088.8
2. 一種優質大頭菜有機無機復混肥及其製備方法,專利號201310719120.2
3. 茄子專用緩/控釋肥及其製造方法,專利號201310471098.4
4. 辣椒專用緩/控釋肥及其製造方法,專利號201310471100.8
5. 蔬菜重金屬污染的葉面控制技術,專利號201410272115.6


