



  • 中文名:張田余
  • 畢業院校:香港科技大學
  • 職業:教學科研工作者
  • 職稱:講座教授 


張田余教授現任香港中文大學(深圳)校長講座教授、深高金制度與資本市場研究中心主任、會計理學碩士項目主任。曾就職於香港城市大學香港中文大學。張教授長期致力於會計和財務領域的研究,特別是通過文本分析等新興技術分析中國資本市場中制度和治理問題的相關議題。他的相關研究成果在經濟、金融及會計國際高水平期刊發表。他的研究同時還吸引了諸如《華爾街日報》、美聯社、《財新周刊》等海內外媒體的關注。他現任The Accounting Review和Contemporary Accounting Research編委會成員。


1. “Political Bias of Corporate News in China: Role of Commercialization and Conglomeration Reforms”,with Joseph Poitroski D. and T J Wong,Journal of Law and Economics,2017
2. “Political Connection of Financial Intermediaries: Evidence from China’s IPO Market”,with Donghua Chen, Yuyan Guan, and Gang Zhao,Journal of Banking and Finance,2016
3. “The Effect of Audit Adjustments on Earnings Quality: Evidence from China”,with Clive Lennox and Xi Wu,Journal of Accounting and Economics,2016
4. “Political Incentives to Suppress Negative Financial Information: Evidence from State-controlled Chinese Firms”,with Joseph Poitroski D. and T J Wong,Journal of Accounting Research,Vol. 53, 405–459,2015
5. “Mixing Business with Politics: Political Participation by Entrepreneurs in China”,with Xunan Feng and Anders C. Johansson,Journal of Banking and Finance,Vol. 59, 220–235,2015
6. “Politicians and the IPO Mechanism: The Impact of Impending Political Promotions on IPO Activity in China”,with Joseph Piotroski,Journal of Financial Economics,Vol. 111, 111–136,2014
7. “Does Mandatory Partner Rotation Improve Audit Quality?”,with Clive Lennox and Xi Wu,The Accounting Review,Vol. 89, 1775–1803,2014
8. “Political Participation and Entrepreneurial Initial Public Offerings in China”,with Xunan Feng and Anders C. Johansson,Journal of Comparative Economics,Vol. 42, 269–285,2014
9. “Politically Connected CEOs, Corporate Governance, and the Post-IPO Performance of China's Partially Privatized Firms”,with Joseph Fan and TJ Wong,Journal of Applied Corporate Finance,Vol. 26, 85–95,2014
10. “Institutions and Organizational Structure: The Emergence of Corporate Pyramids in China”,with Joseph Fan and TJ Wong,Journal of Law, Economics and Organization,Vol. 29, 1217–1252,2012
11. “Political Considerations in the Decision of Chinese SOEs to List in Hong Kong”,with Mingyi Hung and TJ Wong,Journal of Accounting and Economics,Vol. 53, 435–449,2012
12. “Why Does the Law Matter? Investor Protection and its Effects on Investment, Finance, and Growth”,with David McLean and Mengxin Zhao,Journal of Finance,Vol. 67, 313–350,2012
13. “Founder Succession and Accounting Properties”,with Joseph Fan and TJ Wong,Contemporary Accounting Research,Vol. 29, 283–311,2012
14. “Executive Perks: Compensation and Corporate Performance in China”,with Ilan Alon and Pattarin Adithipyangkul,Asia Pacific Journal of Management,Vol. 28, 401–425,2012
15. “Political-connected CEO and Post IPO Performance of China Listed Companies”,with Joseph Fan and TJ Wong,Journal of Financial Economics,Vol. 84, 330-357,2007


