


  • 中文名:張方方
  • 國籍:中國
  • 職業:副研究員
  • 性別:女
  • 職 務:副研究員






19. H. Li,Y. Zhao, S. Pan*, H. Wu, H. Yu, F. Zhang, Z. Yang, K. R. Poeppelmeier, Synthesis and structure of KPbBP2O8: A new kind of congruent melting borophosphate with nonlinear optical properties, Eur. J. Inorg. Chem
18. L. Zhou, S. Pan*, X. Su, H. Yu, Z. Yang, F. Zhang, Z. Zhou, S. Han, Synthesis, crystal structure and optical properties of a new lithium dilead pentaborate, LiPb2B5O10, J. Mol. Struct., 2013, 10.1016/j.molstruc
17. Y. Wang, S. Pan*, H. Yu, X. Su, M. Zhang, F. Zhang, J. Han*. Cs4Mo5P2O22: A first strandberg-type POM with 1D straight chains of polymerized [Mo5P2O23]6- units and moderate second harmonic generation response, Chem. Commun
16. F. Zhang, K. Li, D. Xue*, S. Pan*, Hydrogen bonding behaviors in inorganic solids, Rev. Adv. Sci. Eng.,
15. F. Zhang, J. Wu, K. Li, D. Xue*, Spatial distribution of O−H∙∙∙O systems in inorganic crystals: a distance correction and a visualization method, Mater. Focus
14. H. Yu, S. Pan*, H. Wu, W. Zhao, F. Zhang, H. Li, Z. Yang*, A new congruent-melting oxyborate, Pb4O(BO3)2 with optimally aligned BO3 triangles adopted layered-type arrangement, J. Mater. Chem
13. H. Yu, H. Wu, S. Pan*, Z. Yang, F. Zhang, A novel deep UV nonlinear optical crystal Ba3B6O11F2, with a new fundamental building block, B6O14 group, J. Mater. Chem.
12. Y. Shi, S. Pan*, X. Dong, Y. Wang, M. Zhang, F. Zhang, Z. Zhou, Na3Cd3B(PO4)4: A new noncentrosymmetric borophosphate with zero-dimensional anion units, Inorg. Chem
11. H. Wu, S. Pan*, H. Yu, D. Jia, A. Chang, H. Li, F. Zhang, X. Huang, Growth, thermal and optical properties of a novel nonlinear optical material K3B6O10Cl, CrystEngComm
10. J. Li, S. Pan*, X. Tian, F. Zhang, W. Zhao. Dipotassium sodium niobium dioxide tetrafluoride, K2NaNbO2F4, crystal structure and characterization, J. Phys. Chem. Solids
9. H. Wu, S. Pan*, H. Yu, Z. Chen, F. Zhang, Synthesis, crystal structure and properties of a new congruently melting compound, K3ZnB5O10, Solid State Sci
8. S. Chen, S. Pan*, H. Wu, J. Han, M. Zhang, F. Zhang, Synthesis, crystal structure and optical properties of a new orthorhombic phase, Na3ZnB5O10, J. Mol. Struc
7. 張敏, 潘世烈*, 王穎, 楊雲, 張方方,K3B6O10Br非線性光學晶體的生長及性質研究, 人工晶體學報
6. 陳兆慧, 潘世烈*, 趙文武, 楊雲, 吳紅萍, 張方方, Ba2B5O9Cl非線性光學晶體的生長及性質研究, 人工晶體學報
5. F. Zhang, K. Li, H. Ratajczak, and D. Xue*. Hydrogen bonds in inorganic crystals: A microscopic study on the valence electron distribution of hydrogen in O−H∙∙∙O systems, J. Mol. Struct
4. F. Zhang, K. Li, and D. Xue*. Hydrogen bonding characteristics of crystalline water in inorganic crystals, Mod. Phys. Lett.
3. F. Zhang, and D. Xue*. Structural implications of O−H∙∙∙O hydrogen bonds in inorganic crystals, Mod. Phys. Lett
2. F. Zhang, and D. Xue*. Chemical bonding behaviors of N−H∙∙∙O hydrogen bonds of NH4+∙∙∙O systems in inorganic crystals, Mod. Phys. Let
1. K. Li, X. Wang, F. Zhang, and D. Xue*, Electronegativity identification of novel superhard materials, Phys. Rev. Lett
2. Effect of hydrogen bonding on functional materials design, 第三屆國際稀土資源利用會議暨第三屆功能材料進展研討會,中國長春青年學者分會邀請報告.
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  1. 2. 2011年3月-今 Reviews in Advanced Sciences and Engineering副主編
  2. 1. 2010年11月-今 The Journal of Crystallization Physics and Chemistry編委


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1. 潘世烈,吳紅萍,張敏,張方方,楊志華,韓健,侯雪玲,楊雲,崔旺誠,周忠祥,韓樹娟,田雪林,“新型鹵素硼酸鹽K3B6O10Cl紫外非線性光學晶體材料研究”,新疆維吾爾自治區科技進步一等獎,新疆維吾爾自治區人民政府,2012年


