



姓 名: 孫曉霞
性 別: 女
研究方向: 海洋生態
職 稱: 研究員/博導
部 門: 膠州灣海洋生態系統國家野外研究站




l “973”課題“陸坡浮游生物群落分布與功能”,負責人
l 中國科學院戰略先導科技專項子課題“熱帶西太平洋典型區域生物多樣性與生物生產過程”,負責人
l 中科院“海洋生物資源”重要方向群項目“我國近海基礎生產力分布格局及關鍵控制過程”,負責人
l 中國科學院戰略先導科技專項子課題“黃東海生物固碳速率研究”,負責人
l 國家自然科學基金面上項目“營養鹽結構失衡對海洋浮游生物群落的影響機制”,負責人
l 國家自然科學基金面上項目“生物表面活性劑槐糖脂在有害赤潮治理中的環境生態效應研究”,負責人
l 973項目“中國近海水母暴發的關鍵過程、機理及生態環境效應”子課題“浮游植物群落演替與水母暴發的相互影響”負責人
l 國家海洋局公益項目子課題“海洋生態風險評價”,負責人


l S. Sun, A. Adrianov, K. Lutaenko, X. Sun, 2014. Marine Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics of the Northwest Pacific Ocean, Science Press, Beijing.
l Xiaoxia Sun, Eunki Kim, Song Sun, 2010, Laboratory study on ecological impact of sophorolipid used for harmful algae elimination, Chinese Journal of Oceanology & Limnology
l Xiaoxia SUN, Shiwei WANG, Song SUN, 2011. Introduction to the China Jellyfish Project, Chinese Journal of Oceanology & Limnology
l Xiaoxia Sun, Joongki Choi, Eunki Kim, 2004, A preliminary study on the mechanism of harmful algal bloom mitigation by use of sophorolipid treatment, Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology
l Xiaoxia Sun, Joongki Choi, 2004, Recovery and fate of three species of marine dinoflagellates after yellow clay flocculation, Hydrobiologia
l Xiaoxia Sun, Youngju Lee, Joongki Choi, Eunki Kim, 2004, Synergistic effect of sophorolipid and loess combination in harmful algal blooms mitigation, Marine Pollution Bulletin
l Xiaoxia Sun, Kyeongnam Han, Joongki Choi, Eunki Kim, 2004, Screening of surfactants for harmful algal blooms mitigation, Marine Pollution Bulletin
l Seunghak Baek, Xiaoxia Sun, et al, 2003, Mitigation of harmful algal blooms by sophorolipid, Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology
l Xiaoxia Sun, Zhang Bo, Yu Zhiming, 2001, Toxicity study of anti-HABs agents on Chinensis Penaeus
l Sun Song, Li Yinghong, Sun Xiaoxia*,2012, Changes in the small jellyfish community in recent decades in Jiaozhou Bay, China,Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology
l Pieter Vandromme, Lars Stemmanna, Carmen Garcìa-Comas, Léo Berline, Xiaoxia Sund, Gaby Gorsky, 2012. Assessing biases in computing size spectra of automatically classified zooplankton from imaging systems: A case study with the ZooScan integrated system


