



  • 中文名:威靈頓莊園
  • 莊園故事:致求勝利的精神
  • 屬於:澳大利亞的酒莊
  • 源自於:著名歷史人物威靈頓公爵


精湛的釀酒技術在威靈頓莊園世代相傳。2010 年威靈頓莊園系列葡萄酒在中國市場隆重上市,向世人展示百年葡萄佳釀的非凡魅力,世界知名酒評家以 98 分的高分對莊園釀酒師給予高度評價,這是對莊園追求卓越品質的認同。
威靈頓莊園的成功源於培育並選用世界上最優質的葡萄品種:設拉子、赤霞珠、梅洛和歌海娜。1860 年的植株病害幾乎橫掃整個歐洲,很多酒莊不得不根除大部分葡萄藤,重新種植新株。幸運的是,位於澳洲的酒莊免受其害,經過對莊園的悉心照料,部分酒莊成為世界上最古老的酒莊。更為重要的是,澳洲的葡萄植株都為自根株而非嫁接株,威靈頓莊園很幸運地擁有這些葡萄植株,莊園採用傳統的釀酒技術,推出 2007 年限量版珍藏設拉子紅葡萄酒,展示澳洲葡萄酒的珍藏潛力和巔峰品質。


麥克拉倫的葡萄園裡,保存有超過 100 年株齡的葡萄老藤,在最佳的成熟收穫期,利用手工逐串採摘葡萄,經過 2 周緩慢的低溫發酵,再轉儲法國橡木桶陳釀 3 年,經過釀酒師安東尼奧調配,釀出的葡萄酒果香高度集中、酒體複雜多變,口感令人讚不絕口、心神嚮往。


安東尼奧·德·里西奧是麥克拉倫山谷知名的釀酒師,澳洲一些極具盛名的葡萄酒就出自他手。安東尼奧從事葡萄酒釀造多年,得到美國著名酒評家羅伯特·帕克的欣賞,曾在 2003 年獲得 98 分的高度評價。
吉奧·迪發比歐是家族第二代的釀酒師和葡萄種植專家,有著 25 年的相關工作經驗,在多次釀酒師大賽中獲獎。知名酒評家詹姆士·霍利德給予 4-5 星的評價。
威靈頓莊園,傳承百年經典。酒莊坐擁優越的產區位置,選用世界上最優質的葡萄品種,並堅持純手工逐串採摘葡萄,其館藏作品“威靈頓珍藏設拉子”,採用超過 100 年株齡產的葡萄精釀而成,世界知名酒評家給予 96 分的高度評價,其上乘的品質實屬罕見。威靈頓莊園致力於傳承致求勝利的精神,向世人展示百年葡萄藤孕育的精品佳釀!
About Grandeur Wellington Estate
History of the Estate: the spirits of pursuing victory Grandeur Wellington Estate is a famous Australian estate. It has been inspired by history and famous events between the British colonies and the French; it represents a famous victory of courage and leadership and finally a grand victory. The Battle of Waterloo was the most inspired victory for the Duke of Wellington who defeated Napoleon and was thought to be invisible. Hence the battle for wine supremacy continues to this very day between the British colony Australia and the French for wine dominance and prestige.Grandeur was Wellington in 1815 just as Grandeur Wellington is successful in 2010 showcasing the world its finest wine made from 100 year old vines. Years of tradition and wine making skills have been passed on from father to son in the spirit of Wellington to achieve greatness and victory against other wine makers from around the world. This greatness has been endorsed by the worlds famous wine critics through their high points scoring 98 to our wine makers.
Grandeur Wellingtons success is attributed to growing and sourcing the worlds finest fruit, Shiraz, Cab Sauvignon, Merlot and Grenache. From 1860, disease wiped out the European vineyards making some vineyards in Australia the oldest in the world. The important part of this is having vines that are on ''own roots'' and not grafted. Grandeur Wellington is privileged to have such vines and with traditional wine making methods has produced a wine of distinction ''Reserve Shiraz 2007'' which are limited.
Grandeur Wellington Estate owns vineyards throughout famous regions in South Australia including Adelaide Hills, Barossa Valley, Coonawarra and McLaren Vale. Each unique vineyard has its own footprint and character, each region has its own micro climate, soil condition and management requirements. Our older vines are all hand pruned and the grapes handpicked and sent to the wine makers in a whole state. The grapes are only picked once the flavors are fully developed, most of our older vines are dry grown with no water irrigation hence there is intense flavor and colour.
The vineyards located in the central McLaren have good drainage with clay and bisques soil. Cool sea breezes can relieve hot summer days producing slow ripening of fruit. This helps fruit reach full flavor before harvest. McLaren Vale produces one of the worlds best Shiraz wines.
The vineyard in Coonawarra located in the south-east corner of South Australia has a unique red limestone soil and with a cool climate producing a high-quality Cabernet Sauvignon with complex intense flavor.
Barossa Valley just like McLaren Vale has very old vines and was one of Australia first vine growing areas to be famous for its Shiraz.
The older the vines the more complex the fruit flavours become and by controlling the yield grape production we can usually produce premium wines from such vines. These vines are treated very carefully with no machine allowed to harvest or prune. These old vines, as each arm that might brake we lose 100 years of growth. Each vine is carefully pruned and handpicked by hand.
Our oldest McLaren Vale vineyard has vines over 100 years old. The grapes are hand-picked in the optimum harvesting period, then fermented in low temperature conditions for two weeks and aged in the French barrels for up to three years. The aroma is concentrated and the body is rich and complex.
Antonio De Lisio is a renowned wine maker in McLaren Vale for many years and has made some of Australia highest awarded wines. He is an experienced winemaker and was praised by wine critic Robert Parker. Received 98 points 2003.
Geo Difabio wine maker and vine grower second generation 25 years experience, won many awards for his wine making around the world. 4 and 5 star rating James Holliday wine critic.
A vinicultural expert and professional vineyard manager Peter Nicolaidis in the McLaren Vale manages Grandeur Wellington Estate has worked for some of Australia leading estates Penfolds, Rosemount and Wolf Blass.
Celebrating a moment in time will make you a LEGEND.
It is the classic that Granduer Wellington Estate has inherited for over one century. It is located in the excellent areas and select the finest grape varieties in the world and insist on handpicking grapes one by one. The icon wine Granduer Wellington Reserve Shiraz is made from the grapes over 100 years old. World famous wine critic scored 96 points to the wine. Granduer Wellington Estate is committed to the spirits of pursuing the victory and showcasing the fine wines from the over 100 years old vines.


