

固溶退火亦即碳化物固溶退火, 一種將成品件加熱至1850 deg F(攝氏1010度)以上而脫除碳化物沉澱(即從不鏽鋼固體溶液中逃逸的碳)的工藝,此後將其迅速降溫,通常是用水淬火, 所含碳化物返回不鏽鋼固體溶液中。


  • 中文名:固溶退火
  • 解釋:碳化物固溶退火
  • 套用範圍:銹鋼鑄件的固溶處理能產
  • 容器:在非常壓批式爐進行熱處理
固溶退火處理可套用於一系列的合金鋼與不鏽鋼成分中. 對於300系列不鏽鋼鑄件的固溶處理能產生一種沒有碳化物雜質的均一的顯微結構. 對於沉澱硬化合金鑄件及鍛件的固溶退火能產生較軟的顯微結構,更適於精密公差的機加工.這些合金在以最小畸變的精密公差機加工之後,有著時效硬化的潛在傾向.這些材料及工藝對有中等強度要求的車削或螺旋機件上有著普遍的套用. 這種熱處理可以依照部件所需的尺寸,幾何形狀與表麵條件,成批的在大氣爐,非常壓爐或真空爐中進行.小型部件也可以在連續氫氣帶式爐中熱加工.
固溶退火與時效硬化也可用於鋁合金的衝壓件和鑄件. 通常是在非常壓批式爐進行熱處理,在固溶退火之後用水對部件淬火.時效硬化則在大氣中用電爐或燃氣爐成批操作.
SOLUTION ANNEALED (same as CARBIDE SOLUTION ANNEALED) : A process of heating and removing carbide precipitants (carbon that has broken loose from its stainless steel solution) by heating a finished fitting to over 1,850 degrees F. and cooling it quickly, usually in water, so carbon content goes back into the stainless solution.
Solution annealing treatments are applied to a series of alloy steel and stainless steel compositions. Solution annealing of 300 series stainless steel castings produces a uniform microstructure free of carbides in the microstructure. Solution annealing of precipitation hardening cast and wrought alloys produces a soft microstructure suitable for machining to close tolerances. These alloys have the potential for Age Hardening after machining with minimal distortion of close dimensional tolerances. These materials and processes are generally applied to medium strength requirements on turned or screw machine parts. The heat treatments may be performed in batch atmosphere furnaces, non-atmosphere furnaces, and vacuum furnaces, depending on the part size, geometry, and surface condition required. Small parts may also be treated in continuous hydrogen belt furnaces.
Solution annealing and age hardening may also be applied to aluminum alloy stampings and castings. These treatments are usually performed in non-atmosphere batch furnaces with water quenching of the parts after solution annealing, and age hardening in electric or gas fired batch furnaces in air.


