
卜東波,中科院計算所生物信息學研究組,承擔科研項目:863課題“功能基因組” NSFC課題“基於隨機場的蛋白質結構預測新算法” NSFC重大課題“非規範知識處理”子課題 973生物信息學課題等。


  • 中文名:卜東波
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 畢業院校山東大學
  • 性別:男
  • 政治面貌:民眾


1990年9月—1994年7月 山東大學計算機科學系軟體專業,獲工學學士學位
1994年9月—1997年7月 中國科學院計算技術研究所,國家智慧型計算機研究開發中心,師從白碩研究員,獲工學碩士學位碩士論文題目《SAT問題理論分析及快速求解算法》獲得中國科學院院長獎學金
1997年9月—2000年11月 中國科學院計算技術研究所,師從李國傑院士和白碩研究員,攻讀博士學位博士論文題目《聚類/分類理論研究及其在文本挖掘中的套用》
2001年4月至今 於中科院計算所生物信息學研究組


SAT問題,NP完全問題快速算法,算法設計和複雜性,聚類/分類算法,信息檢索及Text Mining,網路套用,信息安全,統計分析,生物信息學




863課題“功能基因組” NSFC課題“基於隨機場的蛋白質結構預測新算法” NSFC重大課題“非規範知識處理”子課題 973生物信息學課題等
學科類別: 計算機套用
所屬部門: 前瞻研究實驗室
其他備註: 博導計算機軟體與理論


Articles Published or Accepted in Refereed Journals and Conferences
* Improving consensus contact prediction via server correlation reduction, BMC structural biology
* FragQA: predicting local fragment quality of a sequence-structure alignment. In The 18th International Conference on Genome Informatics
* Fragment-HMM: A new approach to protein structure prediction, Protein Sci
* Deriving the probabilities of water loss and ammonia loss for amino acids from tandem mass spectra, J. Proteome Res
* Finding Largest Well-Predicted Subset of Protein Structure Models
* Designing succinct structural alphabets
* A Fragmentation Event Model for Peptide Identification by Mass Spectrometry博導計算機系統結構
* FlexStem: improving predictions of RNA secondary structures with pseudoknots by reducing the search space
* Finding Compact Structural Motifs
* An Iterative Algorithm to Quantify Factors Influencing peptide Fragmentation during Tandem Mass Spectrometry
* Improving locality of nonserial polyadic dynamic programming
* Faster and more accurate global protein function assignment from protein interaction networks using the MFGO algorithm, FEBS Letters
* A novel scoring schema for peptide identification by searching protein sequence databases using tandem mass spectrometry data
* Improvement of Performance of MegaBlast Algorithm for DNA Sequence Alignment. J. Comput. Sci. Technol
* An Iterative Algorithm to Quantify the Factors Influencing Peptide Fragmentation for MS/MS Spectrum
* An Optimized Algorithm of High Spatial-temporal Efficiency for MegaBlast
* NONCODE: an integrated knowledge database of non-coding RNAs. Nucleic Acids Research 33(Database-Issue)
* The interactome as a tree--an attempt to visualize the protein-protein interaction network in yeast. Nucleic Acids Res
* A Note on the Single Genotype Resolution Problem. JCST
* LSA: More Accurate DNA Fragment Assembly. RECOMB 2003 Satellite meeting at Stanford
* Topological structure analysis of the protein-protein interaction network in budding yeast Nucleic Acids Research
* TREC-10 Experiments at CAS-ICT: Filtering, Web and QA. TREC 2001
* Implementation of Text Categorization System Based on VSM. Application Research of Computers
* Modeling the Phase Transition Phenomena of Satisfiability Problem, Proceeding of International Conference for Young Computer Scientist
* Consensus Approaches to Protein Structure Prediction. Chapter 5 in the book Machine Learning in Bioinformatics


