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劉飛,男, 2009年6月獲華中科技大學機械工程學士學位,2014年1月獲清華大學機械工程博士學位,2012.9~2013.8赴美國麻省理工學院(Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT)聯合培養。2014年3月加入重慶大學機械電子系,主講課程:流體傳動與控制,工程基礎。2014年6月遴選為碩士生導師。

現主持國家科技重大專項子項1項,中央高校業務費重點項目1項,新進優秀青年教師項目1項、機械傳動國家重點實驗室自主基金項目1項。先後參與了國家863重點項目,國家自然基金面上項目,摩擦學國家重點實驗室重點項目,企業合作項目等課題,針對特種機器人、噴塗機器人工藝、四足機器人行走步態、蛋白質微陣列晶片製備系統、細胞顯微注射等領域展開研究,發表SCI/EI 論文10餘篇,授權發明專利6項,參加國際會議3次。



劉飛 出生年月: 1986.4 學歷學位: 研究生/博士//碩士生導師 專業技術職務: 講師。


1. 機器人及其自動化;
2. 機電一體化系統;
3. 生命體微納操作技術;


[1] Liu Fei; Wu Dan; Wu Xiaoyong; Chen Ken, 2015, Analyses of the cell mechanical damage during microinjection, Soft Matter, 11 (7), pp 1434-1442. (EI, SCI)
[2] Liu, Fei; Wu, Dan; Chen, Ken, 2014, A Zebrafish Embryo Behaves both as a "Cortical Shell - Liquid Core" Structure and a Homogeneous Solid when Experiencing Mechanical Forces, Microscopy and Microanalysis, 20(6), pp 1841-1847 (EI, SCI)
[3] Liu, Fei; Wu, Dan; Chen, Ken, 2014, Ligands influence a carbon nanotube penetration through a lipid bilayer, Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 16(11), pp 1-10 (EI, SCI)
[4] Liu, Fei; Wu, Dan; Chen, Ken, 2013, Mechanical behavior of cells in microinjection: A minimum potential energy study, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 24, pp 1-8(EI, SCI)
[5] Liu, Fei; Wu, Dan; Kamm, Roger D.; Chen, Ken, 2013, Analysis of nanoprobe penetration through a lipid bilayer, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Biomembranes, 1828(8), pp 1667-1673(EI, SCI)
[6] Liu, Fei; Wu, Dan; Chen, Ken, 2013, The simplest creeping gait for a quadruped robot, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers - Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 227(C1), pp 170-177(EI, SCI)
[7] Li, Zhonghui; Yan, Ming; Li, Zhoumin; Vuki, Maika; Wu, Dan; Liu, Fei; Zhong, Wenying; Zhang, Luyong; Xu, Danke, 2012, A multiplexed screening method for agonists and antagonists of the estrogen receptor protein, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 403(5), pp 1373-1384 (EI, SCI)
[8] Wu, Dan; Song, Libin; Chen, Ken; Liu, Fei, 2012, Modelling and hydrostatic analysis of contact printing microarrays by quill pins, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 54(1), pp 206-212 (EI, SCI)
[9] 劉飛;吳丹;陳懇;宋立濱;潘玉龍, 2011, 微陣列製備機器人分向前饋誤差補償控制, 清華大學學報(自然科學版), (05), pp 582-586 (EI)
[10] Liu, Fei; Wu, Dan; Chen, Ken; Song, Libin, 2011, The continuous dipping criteria of the contact printing for the microarray manufacturing with a slot pin, 30th Chinese Control Conference, CCC 2011, 2011/7/22-2011/7/24, pp 6072-6077, 中國Yantai, China (EI)


