

《保護特雷斯》是由克里斯·雷納德 、凱爾·巴爾達 執導的劇情片,Bruno SX、Sonia, Titof、J.P. X參加演出。此片講述了塞巴斯蒂安一邊隱瞞他老闆埃里克的妻子的婚外情,一邊掌握著埃里克誘惑數位年輕小姐的姦情證據。


  • 中文名:保護特雷斯
  • 外文名: Rapprochee
  • 其它譯名:保鏢.
  • 出品公司:Marc Dorcel
  • 製片地區:美國
  • 導演:克里斯·雷納德 、凱爾·巴爾達 
  • 類型:劇情
  • 片長:118分鐘
  • 上映時間:2007年


【英文譯名】:Protection tres rapprochee (Video 2004)
【影片又名】: Sleeping with the Enemy /
【影片尺度】:無碼 (Class: All Sex)
【影片演員】:Bruno SX, Sonia, Titof, J.P. X, Dark Angel, Electra Angel,Sebastien Barrio, Sharka Blue, Mya Diamond, Lauro Giotto, Alexa May, David Perry, Nina Roberts, Sandra Shine, Thomas Stone, Victoria Swinger, Judy White.
【語種發音】:法語發音. 簡體中文字幕.


索尼婭,是一個年輕工人階級的匈牙利姑娘,與剛剛獲得大獎的埃里克結婚,埃里克是上流法國階層,給她很多禮物。摩登者-唐璜.埃里克利用他的贈送禮物與社會地位,凡他會見的性感美艷女孩,他必定要得到她,與每一個女人上床作愛。他有時甚至自己掏錢,來得到性的歡樂快感:包括秘書,實習,應召女郎... ...而索尼婭什麽都不知道,她的善變的丈夫,真是一個非常嫉妒的人。事實上,他已經要求他的一個員工,塞巴斯蒂安,跟隨她的妻子行蹤,監視並提供他每日報告。塞巴斯謊報其妻索尼婭,一切正常未紅杏出牆,隱瞞她的婚外情。儘管他是一個不願意做間諜,但塞巴斯蒂安在威脅下勉強答應,直到他掌握到他的無恥老闆埃里克,有許多誘惑數位年輕小姐的姦情證據!
Sonia, a young working class Hungarian girl has just won the jackpot by getting married to Eric, an upper class Frenchman who showers her with gifts. A modern Don Juan, Eric takes advantage of his social status to get it on with every woman he meets. He sometimes even pays for his sexual pleasure: a secretary, a trainee, call girls...What the angelic Sonia does not know is that her fickle husband is also a very jealous man. In fact he has asked one of his employees, Sebastian, to follow her and to provide him with a daily report. Despite being a reluctant spy, Sebastian does what his boss asks until he is seduced by the innocence of the young lady. From then on, he becomes her acco (more)


