Without the 2 of us


  • 外文名稱:Without the 2 of Us
  • 所屬專輯:《Lessons》
  • 歌曲原唱:林子祥 
  • 歌曲語言:英語


I want to see the pyramids of Egypt! Sail in the Mediterean sea!
I like the feel of silk upon me skin while growing old so gracefully.
I want to lie on the beach at Malibu! I want to wear Italian shoes!
I wouldn’t want to work if I had to choose,
but it won’t mean a thing without you!
Without the 2 of us!
Without the 2 of us!
Who would be left to pay the bills?
I could be flying a plane, I could be riding a train, but I would still be standing still!
I want to loiter in the streets of London town, go to his for the carnival!
Take the orient Express I might request if just to see you a while!
Won’t you travel with me on my fantasies, would you promise to be my guide!
We could make believe and sail the seven seas together side by side


林子祥(George Lam,1947年10月12日出生),暱稱阿Lam,香港出生,是香港著名歌手和演員林子祥曾就讀於拔萃男書院及英國Dover College,學生時期曾組織樂隊,1980年,他憑《在水中央》及《分分鐘需要你》兩首歌曲在第三屆十大中文金曲頒獎音樂會連獲兩個金曲獎,成為當年的大贏家。而在1994年舉行的香港電台第十七屆《十大中文金曲頒獎音樂會》上,林子祥獲頒“香港樂壇最高榮譽──金針獎”。2003年,林子祥獲得CASH音樂成就大獎,是首位唱作人獲得此殊榮


