Noel Gallagher\x27s High Flying Birds

Noel Gallagher\x27s High Flying Birds

Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds是一支成立於2010年的英國樂隊。


  • 中文名:Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds
  • 成立時間:2010年
  • 簡介:來自英國的樂隊
  • 核心主唱:Noel Gallagher
從這個略帶偏執的名字中不難發現其亮點所在——Noel gallagher.作為樂隊冠名權擁有者,Noel Gallagher曾是前英倫搖滾班霸Oasis(現已解散)的lead guitarist和songwriter,在Oasis期間肩負著樂隊絕對強權領袖和無與倫比天才雙重任務,一直為客群所津津樂道. 在Oasis解散兩年後,Noel Gallagher自組樂隊 Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds 再次衝擊英倫樂壇,發行了首張同名大碟《Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds》(album).
Noel Gallagher's High Flying BirdsNoel Gallagher's High Flying Birds
Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds除核心主唱Noel gllagher外,另有四名成員:前Oasis錄音鋼琴伴奏Mike Rowe擔任鋼琴手,The Zutons 樂隊的Russell Pritchard負責貝斯,主音吉他Tim Smith,鼓手則是來自The Lemon Trees的Jeremy Stacey. 自2009年8月,Noel gallagher正式宣布脫離Oasis以來,關於他可能發行Solo album的傳聞就甚囂塵上.2011年7月,Noel gallagher舉行新聞發布會確認“Solo album即將面市”,並告訴記者第二張專輯將與Amorphous Androgynous合作,最遲在2012年發行;關於其胞弟Liam gallagher指責“自己聽過Solo album裡面大部分歌曲,並曾經試唱”,Noel gallagher笑稱純屬謠言.
《Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds》(album) 中,"The Death of You and Me", "If I Had a Gun...", "AKA... What a Life!"以及"Dream On"四首作為獨立單曲發售,其中"AKA... What a Life!" 作為Vauxhall的廣告曲首次面市. Noel gallagher表示,專輯發布後的一個星期,Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds將會開始巡迴演出;他解釋道:“We're going to go out on tour a week after the album is out. We're going to start off slow in small theatres. If it's good enough to get bigger than that then it'll get bigger than that. I don't think there'll be a huge great big tour this year. I think this year it'll be a quick whizz around the world and try and do the major cities and then it will probably be a bigger tour next year ”.
在參加電視節目The Jonathan Ross Show 中Noel gallagher談到Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds名字由來時說,有兩個緣由激發了他的靈感:一是有天在刷盤子時候聽到了Peter Green's Fleetwood Mac這張專輯,覺得也許把Noel gallagher作為前綴加在樂隊名字前很有意思;而名字後半部分的則是來源於Jefferson Airplane歌曲"High Flying Bird" .


