傑森·康納利(Jason Connery)


Jason Connery一般指本詞條

姓名: Jason Connery

性別: 男 星座: 摩羯座 出生日期: 1963-01-11 出生地: 英國,倫敦 職業: 演員 / 導演 / 製片 / 編劇 更多外文名: Jason Joseph Connery (本名) 更多中文名: 傑森·康納瑞 imdb編號: nm0001064


  • 中文名:傑森 康納利
  • 外文名:Jason Connery
  • 性別:男
  • 星座:摩羯座
  • 出生日期:1963-01-11
  • 出生地:英國
  • 職業:演員/導演/編輯


惡魔的墳墓 The Devil's Tomb (2009)
Pandemic (2006)


鬼屋魔影2/鬼屋魔影2:地獄的廚房 Alone in the Dark II (2009)
Penance (2009)
勇者斗惡龍 Dragonquest (2009)
Chinaman's Chance (2008)
線人 Linea, La (2008)
Wired (2008)
夜空/血色天空 Night Skies (2007)
嗜血兄弟 Brotherhood of Blood (2007)
Velocity (2007)
浩劫餘生 The Far Side of Jericho (2006)
The Thirst (2006)
光速俠 Lightspeed (2006)
World of Robin Hood (2006)
Private Moments (2005)
Hoboken Hollow (2005)
Amateur (2005)
"Shoebox Zoo" (2004)
"Liberty's Kids: Est. 1776" (2002)
Screen Tests of the Stars (2002)
Nicolas (2001)
惡魔咆哮3/還願大師3/破繭天魔3 Wishmaster 3: Beyond the Gates of Hell (2001)
超人前傳 "Smallville" (2001)
"Mary-Kate and Ashley in Action!" (2001)
Requiem (2001)
上海正午/西域威龍/贖金之王/龍旋風 Shanghai Noon (2000)
Urban Ghost Story (1998)
Merlin (1998)
Macbeth (1997)
Sean Connery, an Intimate Portrait (1997)
特工風雲/特務風雲 Midnight in Saint Petersburg (1996)
The Successor (1996)
Bullet to Beijing (1995)
Jamila (1994)
Aladdin (1992)
The Other Side of Paradise (1992)
The Sheltering Desert (1992)
Mountain of Diamonds (1991)
佛萊明的秘密/諜海奇才 The Secret Life of Ian Fleming (1990)
拯救首相/卡薩布蘭卡快車/綁架邱吉爾 Casablanca Express (1989)
Tank Malling (1989)
親親寶貝 Bye Bye Baby (1988)
Cannon Movie Tales: Puss in Boots (1988)
少婦安吉娜/毛皮里的維納斯 Venexiana, La (1986)
The First Olympics: Athens 1896 (1984)
The Boy Who Had Everything (1984)
Nemo (1984)
拒絕文憑的官校畢業生 The Lords of Discipline (1983)
"Doctor Who" (1963)


Wired (2008)
Pandemic (2006)


