as love begins to mend

《as love begins to mend》是由中國台灣的王若琳創作的一首原創性歌曲。


  • 中文名稱:當愛開始修補
  • 外文名稱:as love begins to mend 
  • 歌曲原唱王若琳


it's almost morning now
should I be going
it's so cold walking to your car
the yellow highway lights
the darkened blue sky
oh how they fly by
who says you've got to be strong
just to keep on holding on
love's here my fears are gone
makes me brave enough knowing I belong perhaps we're just really lonely deep inside
I know I felt so cold before
I was looking for someone just like me
who wants to love again
believe impossibilities
in times of bittersweet
to shed this false pretense
as love begins to mend
the cold and silent walls
my stifled heartbeat
oh it's best to leave the tv on
your scent still lingers
so near yet so far
so another day begins


中國台灣的王若琳。 出一張中英文的唱片是需要很大勇氣的, 一聽到她的聲音,就知道這是一位胸有成竹的歌手。 在流行曲調里加入jazz元素已經不是什麼新鮮事, 在一片翻唱成瘋的時候英文原創性實屬難得,更為可貴在於聲音的慵懶而感性,溫暖似這大冬日裡若有若無的陽光。讓人賴在沙發上不願起來。


