


  • 中文名:魯家棟
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:電氣工程-電機與電器,電氣工程-電力電子與電力傳動
  • 任職院校:西北工業大學


工作經歷 Work Experience
2018.07至今 西北工業大學自動化學院 副研究員(自然科學類) 碩士生導師
教育經歷 Education Experience
2014.09 - 2018.06 西北工業大學 電氣工程 工學博士(西北工業大學優秀博士畢業生)
2017.01 - 2018.02 University of Liverpool 電氣工程 國家公派聯合培養博士研究生
2012.09 - 2015.03 西北工業大學 電機與電器工學碩士
2008.09 - 2012.07 西北工業大學 電氣工程及其自動化 工學學士
社會兼職 Social Appointments
本領域國際頂級學術會議 - IEEE IECON'2019分會組織者、分會主席;
IEEE member (94540902);
多個國際著名期刊的審稿人,如IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics(JCR 1區,TOP期刊);IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics(JCR 1區,TOP期刊);IEEE-ASME Transactions on Mechatronics(JCR 2區,TOP期刊);IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion(JCR 2區);IEEE Access(JCR 2區);IET Renewable Power Generation(JCR 3區);IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification等。




[1] 主持國家自然科學基金青年基金項目:多/全電飛機電傳動系統感測器精度不確定及誤差相互校正策略研究,51907161,2020.1.1~2022.12.31
[2] 主持中央高校基本科研業務費項目:多/全電飛機電作動驅動系統智慧型老化監測與性能最佳化控制研究,3102019ZDHQD02,2019.1.1~2020.12.31
學術成果 Academic Achievements
[1] Jiadong Lu, Yihua Hu, Jinglin Liu, Huiqing Wen. Self-calibration of phase current sensors with sampling errors by multipoint sampling of current values in a single PWM cycle [J]. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2020, Accepted. (中科院JCR一區, TOP期刊)
[2] Jiadong Lu, Yihua Hu, Guipeng Chen, Zheng Wang, Jinglin Liu. Mutual calibration of multiple current sensors with accuracy uncertainties in IPMSM drives for electric vehicles [J]. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2020, 67(1): 69-79. (中科院JCR一區, TOP期刊)
[3] Jiadong Lu, Yihua Hu, Jinglin Liu, Kai Ni, Huiqing Wen. Detrimental effect elimination of current sensor accuracy uncertainty for high-precision position sensorless control of IPMSM drives [J]. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2019, Accepted. (中科院JCR一區, TOP期刊)
[4] Jiadong Lu, Yihua Hu, Jinglin Liu, Zheng Wang. All current sensors survivable IPMSM drive with reconfigurable inverter [J]. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2019, Accepted. (中科院JCR一區, TOP期刊)
[5] Jiadong Lu, Yihua Hu, Jinglin Liu. Analysis and compensation of sampling errors in TPFS IPMSM drives with single current sensor [J]. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2019, 66(5): 3852-3855. (中科院JCR一區, TOP期刊)
[6] Jiadong Lu, Yihua Hu, Jinglin Liu, Xiaokang Zhang, Huiqing Wen, Zheng Wang. Position sensor fault detection of IPMSM using single DC-bus current sensor with accuracy uncertainty [J]. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 2019, 24(2): 753-762. (中科院JCR二區, TOP期刊)
[7] Jiadong Lu, Xiaokang Zhang, Yihua Hu, Jinglin Liu, Chun Gan, Zheng Wang. Independent phase current reconstruction strategy for IPMSM sensorless control without using null switching states [J]. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2018, 65(6): 4492-4502. (中科院JCR一區, TOP期刊)
[8] Jiadong Lu, Yihua Hu, Xiaokang Zhang, Zheng Wang, Jinglin Liu, Chun Gan. High frequency voltage injection sensorless control technique for IPMSMs fed by a three-phase four-switch inverter with a single current sensor [J]. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 2018, 23(2): 758-768. (中科院JCR二區, TOP期刊)
[9] Jiadong Lu, Jinglin Liu, Yihua Hu, Xiaokang Zhang, Kai Ni and Jikai Si. A sensorless rotor position estimation scheme for IPMSM using HF signal injection with frequency and amplitude optimization [J]. Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology, 2018, 13(5): 1945-1955. (中科院JCR四區)
[10] 魯家棟, 劉景林. 內置式永磁同步電機低速無位置感測器控制 [J]. 電機與控制學報, 2018, 22(3): 88-94. (EI收錄)
[11] Jiadong Lu, Kai Ni, Yihua Hu, Xinhua Li. Three-phase four-wwitch inverter fed IPMSM sensorless control scheme using sine-wave HF voltage injection [C]. 2018 IEEE International Conference on Electrical Systems for Aircraft, Railway, Ship Propulsion and Road Vehicles & International Transportation Electrification Conference (ESARS-ITEC), U.K. Nottingham, 2018: 1 - 5. (EI收錄)
[12] Jiadong Lu, Jinglin Liu, Yihua Hu, Kai Ni, Sen Song. Three-phase four-switch inverter fed IPMSM initial position estimation based on HF method [C]. 2017 IEEE 26th International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE), U.K. Edinburgh, 2017: 2081 - 2085. (EI收錄)
[13] 劉景林, 魯家棟(通訊作者). 基於相電流正負序分量相角差的高精度內置式永磁同步電機轉子初始位置檢測方法 [J]. 電工技術學報, 2016, 31(23): 63-69. (EI收錄,劉景林為博士期間導師)
[14] 魯家棟, 劉景林, 衛麗超. 永磁同步電機轉子初始位置檢測方法 [J]. 電工技術學報, 2015, 30(7): 105-111. (EI收錄)


