


  • 書名:轉機:中國企業如何轉危為機
  • 作者:徐志毅 盛煥燁
  • 出版日期:2010年6月1日
  • 語種:簡體中文
  • ISBN:7313065817, 9787313065810
  • 品牌:上海交通大學出版社
  • 外文名:Favourable Turn:How Chinese Enterprises Turn Adversity into Opportunity
  • 出版社:上海交通大學出版社
  • 頁數:226頁
  • 開本:16
  • 定價:32.00




Value and Strategic Practice of Modern Enterprises underthe Guidance of Oriental Management Philosophy
Enterprise Technological Innovation
Crisis Management and Essential Qualities forProfCSSional ManagerS
Favourable Turn_Reflections Made One Yearafter thC FinanCial Crisis
A CroSS-country Comparison and Views on TransformationOf ChinesC Econmy in Post-crisis Era
Acceleration of Enterprise Economy Transition
Make Provision for Rainy Days While Resting Secure 7urn Adversity into Opportunity in Hard Times
Chance Favors Only the Prepared Mind
"Smiling Curve''in Financial Crisis
How a Tourism Enterprise Thrives in the Current Economic Crisis
StriVing tO be a Vital Force in New Energy with Technology-leading Strategy
Accelerate Product Development by Market and Technology Linkage MeChaniSm
Inn0Vative Marketing Strategy:Cultural Marketing
——How Chinese Enterprises Turn Adversity into Opportunity
Improving Self-Directed Innovation Capability & Promoting the Enterprise's New Development Zhang Yaozhang b- Shi Lian
Seize the Opportunity in the Process of Development Strive for Innovation in the Management of Logistics
Transformation and Changing Energize the Business
Recreation of the Value through Adjustment and Integration
Technology Innovation and Management Elevation
Opportunity——Holding to Going Global
Stick to Energy Conservation & Emission Reduction,Say Hello to "Low Carbon Time"


In September 2008, the worldeconomy plunged into the severestfinancial crisis ever since the GreatDepression. The crisis is unprecedentedlyshocking in terms of its size, extem andscope. Surely, Chinese economy mainlyweighed down by reduction in demand,overcapacity, some struggling companies and industries, a sharp rise in theunemployed and the slack economic growth was not exempted from the impact. TheChinese government took decisive action just in time to adjust the macro-economicpolicies featuring expanding the internal demand particularly consumption demandso as to strike a balance between speed and structure, quality and efficiency. Apackage of policies, stimulated by the government control and the market, wereimplemented and constantly refined in the hope that relationship between theeconomic growth and well-being of the people would be promoted. As a result,the economic downturn was drastically reversed. China is a responsible country,making its due contribution to recovery of the global economy.


