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副教授,畢業於大連理工學院數學科學學院,獲得學士學位 碩士學位 博士學位。


  • 中文名:趙鳳珍
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 畢業院校河北大學




● 1985年9月至1989年7月在河北大學數學系學習,獲得學士學位;
● 1989年9月至1992年7月在大連理工大學套用數學系學習,獲得碩士學位;
● 2000年9月至2004年7月在大連理工大學套用數學系攻讀在職博士,獲得博士學位。
● 2002年11月至今,大連理工大學套用數學系副教授;
● 1994年12月至2002年10月,大連理工大學套用數學系講師;
● 1992年7月至1994年11月,大連理工大學套用數學系助教。




● 烏雲高娃(內蒙古大學)、趙鳳珍等,“漸近計數方法的套用”,國家自然科學基金(2011-01至2013-12,批准號為11061020)。
● 趙鳳珍,“漸近方法在組合計數中的套用”,大連理工大學理科基金(2009-01至2010-12,4萬元)。
● 趙鳳珍、王穎,“組合恆等式與李超代數的研究”,大連理工大學青年教師培養基金(2003-01至2004-12,2萬元)。




● Takao Komatsu and Feng-Zhen Zhao, The log-convexity of the poly-Cauchy numbers, Quaestiones Mathematicae, 2017, Vol.40(1): 39—47.
● Feng-Zhen Zhao, The log-behavior of the partial sum for the tribonacci numbers, The Journal of the Indian Mathematical Society, 2017, Vol.84(1--2): 143—149.
● Ting-Ting Zhang and Feng-Zhen Zhao, Some sufficient conditions for the log-balancedness of combinatorial sequences,Journal of Integer Sequences, 2016, Vol.19(6), Article 16.6.8.
● Feng-Zhen Zhao and Chun Wang,On monotonicity of some sequences related to hyperfibonacci numbers and hyperlucas numbers, Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing, 2016, Vol.97: 155-172.
● Feng-Zhen Zhao, Some results for the inverse moment of the $n$-fold convolution of the zero-truncated negative binomial distribution, The Journal of the Indian Mathematical Society, 2016, Vol.83(1—2), 199—208.
● Feng-Zhen Zhao,The log-convexity of Genocchi numbers and the monotonicity of some sequences related to Genocchi numbers, Journal of Mathematical Inequalities,2016,Vol.10(2). 541--550.
● Feng-Zhen Zhao, The log-balancedness of combinatorial sequences, Sarajevo Journal of Mathematics, 2015, Vol.11(2): 141--154.
● Feng-Zhen Zhao, Log-convexity of some recurrence sequences,The Journal of the Indian Mathematical Society (New Series), 2015, Vol.82(1--2): 207--224.
● Feng-Zhen Zhao, The log-behavior of the Catalan-Larcombe-French sequence, International Journal of Number Theory, 2014,Vol.10(1):177--182.
● Li-Na Zheng,Rui Liu, and Feng-Zhen Zhao, On the log-concavity of the hyperfibonacci numbers and the hyperlucas numbers,Journal of Integer Sequences, 2014, Vol.17(1), Article 14.1.4.
● Feng-Zhen Zhao, The log-convexity of Cauchy numbers, Journal of Indian Mathematical Society (New Series), 2013, Vol.80(3-4): 395--403.
● Feng-Zhen Zhao,Some recursive formulas related to inverse moments of the random variables with binomial-type distributions, Statistics and Probability Letters, 2012, Vol.82(7): 1290-1296.
● Feng-Zhen Zhao, On log-concavity of a class of generalized Stirling numbers, The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 2012, Vol.19(2): P11.
● Rui Liu(研究生) and Feng-Zhen Zhao, On the sums of reciprocal hyperfibonacci numbers and hyperlucas numbers, Journal of Integer Sequences, 2012, Vol.15(4): Article 12.4.5.
● Feng-Zhen Zhao and Wuyungaowa, Some results on a class of generalized harmonic numbers, Utilitas Mathematica, 2012, Vol.87: 65-78.
● Jin-Hua Yang(研究生) and Feng-Zhen Zhao, Values of a class of generalized Euler and Bernoulli numbers, Ars Combinatoria, 2011, Vol.98: 25-32.
● Ning-Ning Cao(研究生) and Feng-Zhen Zhao, Some properties of hyperfibonacci and hyperlucas numbers, Journal of Integer Sequences, 2010, Vol.13(8): Article 10.8.8.
● Feng-Zhen Zhao and Wuyungaowa, Some identities for Leibniz numbers, Ars Combinatoria, 2010, Vol.97: 225-239.
● Feng-Zhen Zhao, Some results for generalized Cauchy numbers, Utilitas Mathematica, 2010, Vol.82: 269-284.
● Jin-Hua Yang and Feng-Zhen Zhao, The asymptotic expansions of certain sums involving inverse of binomial coefficient, International Mathematical Forum, 2010, Vol.5(no.13-16): 761-768.
● Chun-Xue Zhao (研究生) and Feng-Zhen Zhao, Asymptotic expansions of certain sums involving powers of binomial coefficients, Journal of Integer Sequences, 2010, Vol.13(4): Article 10.4.1.
● Cong-Jiao Feng (研究生) and Feng-Zhen Zhao, Some results for generalized harmonic numbers, Integers, The Electronic Journal of Combinatorial Number Theory, 2009, Vol.9(5): 605-619.
● Feng-Zhen Zhao, Sums of products of Cauchy numbers, Discrete Mathematics, 2009, Vol.309(12): 3830-3842.
● Feng-Zhen Zhao, Some properties of associated Stirling numbers, Journal of Integer Sequences, 2008, Vol.11(1), Article 08.1.7.
● Feng-Zhen Zhao and Ting Chen, The bounds of certain sums involving the degrees of a graph, Journal of Combinatorics, Information & System Sciences, 2007, Vol.32, No.1-4: 1-16.
● Jin-Hua Yang (研究生) and Feng-Zhen Zhao, Certain sums involving inverse of binomial coefficients and some integrals, Journal of Integer Sequences, 2007, Vol.10(8): Article 07.8.7.
● Jin-Hua Yang (研究生) and Feng-Zhen Zhao, Sums involving the inverses of binomial coefficients, Journal of Integer Sequences, 2006, Vol.9(4): Article 06.4.2.
● Feng-Zhen Zhao and Tianming Wang, Errata for: "Some identities involving the powers of the generalized Fibonacci numbers" [Fibonacci Quart. 41 (2003), no. 1, 7--12; MR1962275.], Fibonacci Quarterly, 2006, Vol.44(1): 3--6.
● Feng-Zhen Zhao and Tianming Wang, The values of certain polynomials, Utilitas Mathematica, 2005, Vol.68: 63--70.
● Feng-Zhen Zhao and Tianming Wang, The values of a class of series involving generalized Fibonacci and Lucas numbers, International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 2005, Vol.36(1): 43--47.
● Feng-Zhen Zhao and Tianming Wang, Some results for sums of the inverses of binomial coefficients, Integers, Electronic Journal of Combinatorial Number Theory, 2005, Vol.5(1): A22.
● Feng-Zhen Zhao and Tianming Wang, Values of Norlund Euler polynomials and Norlund Bernoulli polynomials, Comptes rendus mathématiques: Mathematical Reports, Canada, 2004, Vol.26(4): 97—101.
● Feng-Zhen Zhao and Tianming Wang, Some new Rogers-Ramanujan type identities, Bulletin of the Allahabad Mathematical Society, 2004, Vol.19: 1--8.
● B. Sury, Tianming Wang, and Feng-Zhen Zhao, Identities involving reciprocals of binomial coefficients, Journal of Integer Sequences, 2004, Vol.7(2): Article 04.2.8.
● Feng-Zhen Zhao and Tianming Wang, A note on summation of certain reciprocals series involving the generalized Fibonacci and Lucas functions, The Fibonacci Quarterly, 2004, Vol.42(1): 66--69.
● Feng-Zhen Zhao and Tianming Wang, Notes on a Rogers-Ramanujan type identity, The Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 2004, Vol.35(2): 177--182.
● Feng-Zhen Zhao and Tianming Wang, Some identities involving the generalized Fibonacci and Lucas numbers, Ars Combinatoria, 2004, Vol.72: 311--318.
● Feng-Zhen Zhao and Tianming Wang, Some results on generalized Fibonacci and Luacs numbers and Dedekind sums, The Fibonacci Quarterly, 2004, Vol.42(3): 250--255.
● Feng-Zhen Zhao and Tianming Wang, The integrity of certain series, International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 2003, Vol.34(6): 913--919.
● Feng-Zhen Zhao and Tianming Wang, Notes on some Rogers-Ramanujan type identities, Journal of Indian Mathematical Society, 2003, Vol.70: 33--39.
● Feng-Zhen Zhao and Tianming Wang, Some identities involving the powers of the generalized Fibonacci numbers, Fibonacci Quart., 2003, Vol.41(1): 7--12.
● 趙鳳珍,Notes on certain series involving generalized Fibonacci and Lucas numbers, 套用數學,2003, 16(3): 99--103.
● 趙鳳珍,王天明,A note on the integrity of certain series, 數學研究與評論,2003, 23(1): 28--32.
● Zhao Fengzhen, Errata for: "The approximate values of certain series involving the powers of generalized Fibonacci and Lucas numbers" [J. Math. Study 35 (2002), no. 2, 158--161; MR1918911 (2003h: 11163a)], J. Math. Study 35 (2002), no. 3, 342.
● 趙鳳珍, The approximate values of certain series involving the powers of generalized Fibonacci and Lucas numbers, 數學研究,2002,35(2): 158--161.
● Feng-Zhen Zhao and Tianming Wang, Errata for: "Generalizations of some identities involving the Fibonacci numbers" [Fibonacci Quart. 39 (2001), no. 2, 165--167; 1829527]. Fibonacci Quart., 2001, Vol.39(5): 408.
● Feng-Zhen Zhao and Tianming Wang, Some identities for the generalized Fibonacci and Lucas functions, The Fibonacci Quarterly, 2001, Vol.39(5): 436--438.
● Feng-Zhen Zhao and Tianming Wang, Summation of certain reciprocal series related to the generalized Fibonacci and Lucas numbers, The Fibonacci Quarterly, 2001, Vol.39(5): 392--397.
● Fengzhen Zhao and Tianming Wang, Generalizations of some identities involving the Fibonacci numbers, The Fibonacci Quarterly, 2001, Vol.39(2): 165--167.
● 趙鳳珍,A note on certain series related to generalized Fibonacci and Lucas numbers, 數學研究,2000,33(3): 261--264.
● 趙鳳珍,與廣義Fibonacci-Lucas數有關的一些級數的近似值,大連理工大學學報,2000,40(5): 512--514.
● Feng-Zhen Zhao, The integrity of some infinite series, The Fibonacci Quarterly, 2000, Vol.38(5): 420--424.
● Feng-Zhen Zhao, Notes on reciprocal series related to Fibonacci and Lucas numbers, The Fibonacci Quarterly, 1999, Vol.37(3): 254--257.
● 趙鳳珍,一類q-級數恆等式的新證法,數學研究與評論,1998, 18(3): 402--404.
● 趙鳳珍,牛鳳文,兩個Rogers-ramanujan恆等式的新證法,純粹數學與套用數學,1997, 13(1): 121-123.
● 趙鳳珍,一類正定矩陣的性質,工科數學,1996, 12(1): 140--143.
● 趙鳳珍,一些Rogers-Ramanujan恆等式的廣義形式,數學研究,1996, 29 (1): 84--86.
● 趙鳳珍,q-級數恆等式的一些註記,大連理工大學學報,1995, 35(3): 286--289.


