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  • 中文名:王芳
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職稱:教授
  • 性別:女





·2014.2至今, 武漢光電國家實驗室(籌)信息存儲與光顯示功能實驗室副主任。
·2012.2-2014.2, 武漢光電國家實驗室(籌)信息存儲與光顯示功能實驗室主任助理。


[1]*Fang Wang,Yinliang Yue,Dan Feng,Juan Wang,Peng Xia,“High Availability Storage System Based on Two-Level Metadata Management”,in Proceedings of the 2007 Japan-China Joint Workshop on Frontier of Computer Science and Technology (FCST’2007),Nov. 1-3,pp.41-48,Wuhan,China,2007。
[2]YinliangYue,*Fang Wang,Dan Feng,“iOSDC: A Novel Autonomous Intelligent OSD Cluster”,in Proceeding of the 2007 International Conference on Convergence Information Technology (ICCIT’2007),Nov. 21-23,pp.1547-1552,Gyeongju,Korea,2007。
[3]YinliangYue,*Fang Wang,Dan Feng,“iRBO: Intelligent Role-Based Object for Object based Storage Device”,in Proceeding of the 2007 International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security (CIS’2007),Dec. 15-19,pp.257-261,Harbin,China,2007。
[4]Yinliang Yue,*Fang Wang,Dan Feng,“DS-MOSD:A Dynamic Selectable Master OSDModel for Large-scale Object-Based Storage System”,in Proceeding of the 22nd International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshop(AINAW’2008),Mar. 25-28,pp.127-132,Ginowan,Okinawa,Japan,2008。
[5]*Fang Wang,YinliangYue,Quan Zhang,Lei Tian,Dan Feng,“Reliability Modelingof Energy Efficient Logging Architectures based on RAID10 Systems”,in Proceedingof the 5th International Conference on Frontier of Computer Science and Technology(FCST’2010),Aug. 18-22,pp.57-62,Changchun,China,2010。
[6]Quan Zhang, Feng Dan,Fang Wang.Courier: Multi-dimensional QoS Guarantees for Consolidated Storage System. Future Generation Computer Systems,DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.future.2013.06.013。
[7]Quan Zhang, Feng Dan,Fang Wang, et al. An Efficient, QoS-aware I/O Scheduler for SSD. in: The 15th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications.Zhangjiajie. November 13-15, 2013,pp.1408-1415。
[8]Quan Zhang, Dan Feng,Fang Wang. Metadata performance optimization in Distributed File System. In Proceedings of the 11th IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Science (IEEE/ACIS’12). May, 2012, Shanghai, China,476-481。
[9]Quan Zhang, Dan Feng,Fang Wang. An Interposed Scheduling Framework for Latency and Throughput Guarantees. In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Frontier of Computer Science and Technology (FCST’12). November,2012, Suzhou, China, 1-9。
[10]Yong Wan, Dan Feng,Fang Wang, Tingwei Zhu, A Dedicated Serialization Scheme in Homogeneous Cluster RPC Communication, The 8th International Conference on Grid and Pervasive Computing, 2013,pp.403-412。
[11]*Yong Wan,Dan Feng,Fang Wang,Liang Ming,An In-depth Analysis of TCP and RDMA Performance on Modern Server Platform Metadata Management in Ultra Large-scale File Systems,Proceedings of the 7th IEEE International Conference on Networking,Architecture,and Storage,June 2012,pp 164 -171,Ximen,China 2012。
[12]Yinliang Yue,Lei Tian,Hong Jiang,*Fang Wang,Dan Feng,Quan Zhang,Pan Zeng,RoLo: A Rotated Logging Storage Architecture for Enterprise Data Centers,Proceedings of ICDCS,2010,pp.293-304,Genova,Italy,2010。
[13]*Juan Wang,Dan Feng,Fang Wang,Chengtao Lu. MHS: A Distributed Metadata Management Strategy. The Journal of Systems and Software,Vol.82,No.12,pp.2004-2011,2009。
[14]Peng Xia,*Dan Feng,Hong Jiang,Lei Tian,andFang Wang,FARMER: a novel approach to file access correlation mining and evaluation reference model for optimizing peta-scale file system performance,Proceedings of the 17th International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing (HPDC),2008,pp. 185-196,New York,NY,2008。
[15]邱麗娜王芳李楚.一種容三盤失效糾刪碼的單數據盤失效快速重建方法.計算機學報. 2013, vol.36(10):2041—2052.




