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王勇,中國科學院三亞深海科學與工程研究所研究員,海洋微生物宏基因組與分子進化研究組學科帶頭人。先後在香港大學、沙特阿卜杜拉國王科技大學、香港科技大學從事基因組學和環境微生物學的研究工作,2013年入選中科院“百人計畫”A類。在深海鹽滷池微生物生態特徵、深海環境微生物代謝機理、比較基因組學等研究方面取得了一些具有創新性的研究成果。已在環境微生物學領域的國際主要雜誌《ISME J》等發表了27餘篇SCI論文 。


  • 中文名:王勇
  • 職業:研究員
  • 畢業院校:蘭州大學,浙江大學,香港大學
  • 工作單位:中國科學院三亞深海科學與工程研究所


2001/1 - 2004/1,香港大學生物信息與分子進化學專業,博士
1997/9 - 2000/6,浙江大學海洋生物技術專業,碩士
1993/9 - 1997/6,蘭州大學生物化學專業,國家首屆生物學理科基地班,學士


2004.05—2007.12 香港大學,博士後
2008.01—2008.10 香港大學和瑪麗醫院,高級助理研究員
2009.02—2012.02 阿卜杜拉國王科技大學,沙烏地阿拉伯,博士後
2010.02—2013.08 香港科技大學,博士後訪問學者
2013.08-至今 中國科學院三亞深海科學與工程研究所(籌),深海科學研究部,研究員


1.Tian RM, Lee OO, Wang Y, Cai L, Bougouffa S, Chiu JMY, Wu RSS , Qian PY*, 2015. Effect of polybrominateddiphenylether (PBDE) treatment on the composition and function of the bacterial community in the sponge Haliclona cymaeformis. 5: 799.
2.Wang Y, Gao ZM, Xu Y, Li GY, He LS, Qian PY*. 2015. An evaluation of multiple annealing and looping based genome amplification using a synthetic bacterial community.ACTA Oceanol Sin, In press.
3.Lee OO, Chung HC, Yang J, Wang Y, Wang H, Qian PY*. 2014. Molecular techniques revealed highly diverse microbial communities in natural marine biofilms on polystyrene dishes for invertebrate larval settlement. Microb Eco. 68: 81-93.
4.Wang Y, Lee OO,Tian RM, Zhang WP, Shek CS, Bougouffa S, Al-Suwailem A, Batang ZB, Xu W, Wang GC, Zhang XX, Lafi FF, Bajic VB, Qian PY*, 2014. In situ environment rather than substrate type dictates microbial community structure of biofilms in a cold seep system. Sci Rep. 4: 3587 (co-first author)
5.Wang Y, Zhang WP, Cao HL, Shek CS, Tian RM, Wong YH, Batang Z, Al-Suwailem A, Qian PY*. 2014. Diversity and distribution of eukaryotic microbes in and around a brine pool adjacent to the Thuwal cold seeps in the Red Sea. Front Microbiol. 5:37
6. Cao HL, Wang Y, Lee OO, Zeng X, Shao ZZ, Qian PY*. 2014. Microbial Sulfur Cycle in Two Hydrothermal Chimneys on the Southwest Indian Ridge. mBio 5(1):e00980-13.
7.Wang Y, Tian RM, Gao ZM, Bougouffa S, He LS, and Qian PY*. 2014. Optimal eukaryotic 18S and universal 16S/18S ribosomal RNA primers and their application in a study of symbiosis. PLoS ONE 9: e90053.
8.Gao ZM, Wang Y, Tian RM, Wong YH, Batang ZB, Al-Suwailem AM, Bajice VB, Qian PY*. 2014. Symbiotic adaptation drives genome streamlining of the cyanobacterial sponge symbiont candidatus Synechococcus spongiarum. mBio. 5(2): e00079.
9.Wang Y, Tian RM, Bougouffa S, Gao ZM, Cai L, Bajic V, Qian PY*. 2014. Genomic analysis reveals versatile heterotrophic capacity of a potentially symbiotic sulfur-oxidizing bacterium in sponge. Environ. Microbiol. 16: 3548-3561. (co-first author).
10.Zhang P, Wang Y, Tian RM, Bougouffa S, Yang B, Cao HL, Zhang G, Wong YH, Xu W, Batang Z, Alsuwailem A, Zhang XX, Qian PY*. 2014. Species sorting during biofilm assembly by artificial substrates deployed in a cold seep system. Sci. Rep. 4:6647.
1. Wang, Y and Pei-Yuan Qian. 2014. Conserved regions in 16S ribosome RNA sequences and primer design for studies of environmental microbes. Encyclopedia of Metagenomics.
2. Wang, Y and Pei-Yuan Qian. 2014. Phylogenetic relationships among Acidobacteria subdivisions reconstructed using conservative sites in 16S rRNAgenes. Encyclopedia of Metagenomics.




