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  • 中文名:王俊
  • 教育經歷:工學博士,醫學碩士,工學學士
  • 研究領域:藥物生物合成與分離工程
  • 主要講授課程:高等生化分離技術(研究生)



工學博士, 2006.09~2009.12,南京工業大學(製藥工程專業)。
醫學碩士, 2000.09~2003.06,江蘇大學(生藥學專業)。
工學學士, 1996.09~2000.07,安徽農業大學(農產品貯藏與加工專業)。









[1] Jun Wang, Meng Wang, Guo-Xia Sun, Yan Zhang, Xie Xie, Fu-An Wu, Zhong-Li Chen, Shi-Ming Cui. Directionally enzymatic hydrolysis of rutin for biosynthesis of quercetin. Journal of Medicinal Plant Research. 2011, in press.
[2] Jun Wang*, Shuang-Shuang Gu, Lei-Xia Zhang, Fu-An Wu and Xi-Jie Guo. Pentyl (E)-3-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl) acrylate. Acta Crystallographica, Section E: Structure Reports Online. 2011, E67 (11):O2871.
[3] Jun Wang, Lu-Lu Zhao, Guo-Xia Sun, Yao Liang, Fu-An Wu, Zhong-Li Chen, Shi-Ming Cui. A comparison of acidic and enzymatic hydrolysis of rutin [J].African Journal of Biotechnology. 2011, 10(8): 1460-1466.
[4] Jun Wang, Ning Qiu, Huan Wu, Fu-An Wu. Preparation of Pruning Mulberry Shoot-based Activated Carbon by ZnCl2 Activation. Advanced Material Research, 2011, 282-283: 407-411.
[5] Jun Wang, Ding-Qiang Lu, Hui Zhao, Jia-Li Wang, Ben Jiang, Xiu-Quan Ling, Hong Chai, Ping-Kai Ouyang. Discrimination and classification tobacco wastes by identification and quantitation of polyphenols with LC-MS/MS. Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society.2010, 75(7): 875-891.
[6] Jun Wang, Fu-An Wu, Yao Liang, Meng Wang. Process optimization for the enrichment of α-linolenic acid from silkworm pupal oil using response surface methodology. African Journal of Biotechnology. 2010, 9(20): 2956-2964.
[7] Jun Wang, Fu-An Wu, Meng Wang, Ning Qiu, Yao Liang, Shui-Qing Fang, Xing Jiang. Preparation of activated carbon from a renewable agricultural residue of pruning mulberry shoot. African Journal of Biotechnology. 2010, 9(19): 2762-2767.
[8] Hui Zhao, Jun Wang, Xiu-Quan Ling, Ji Liu, Xiu-quan Ling, Ding-Qiang Lu. Enrichment and purification of chlorogenic acids from tobacco waste extract with macroporous resins. Separation Science and Technology. 2010, 45 (6): 794-800.
[9] Jun Wang, Ben Jiang, Ting Xia, Ding-Qiang Lu, Yao Liang, Xiu-Quan Ling, Fu-An Wu*. Continuous enzymatic synthesis of caffeic acid phenethyl ester in column fixed-bed bioreactor, In: Ke-Xiao Zhu (eds.). Proceedings of 2010 International Conference of Natural Products and Traditional Medicine. Scientific and Technical Development Press. 2010, pp. 165-169.
[10] Jun Wang, Rong-Bin Lv, Fu-An Wu, Yao Liang, Yan Zhang, Tao Wu, Qiu-Sheng Wu. Principal component and hierarchical cluster analysis for discrimination and classification of mulberry tree varieties and cultivation zones, In: Yong Jiang, Hongguang Bao (eds.).Proceedings of theThird International Conference on Modelling and Simulation. Volumn 4: Modelling and Simulation in Biology, Ecology and Environment. Liverpool: World Academic Press. 2010, pp. 276-280.
[11] Jun Wang, Ding-Qiang Lu, Jia-Li Wang, Hong-Qun Qiao, Xiu-Quan Ling, Ping-Kai Ouyang. Simultaneous determination of four active components in tobacco wastes by LC. Chromatographia, 2009, 69(5-6): 561-566.
[12] Jun Wang, Ding-Qiang Lu, Hui Zhao, Xiu-Quan Ling, Ben Jiang, Ping-Kai Ouyang. Application of response surface methodology optimization for the production of caffeic acid from tobacco waste. African Journal of Biotechnology, 2009, 8(8): 1416-1424.
[13] Jun Wang, Fu-An Wu*, Lu-Lu Zhao, Tao Wu, Qing Yang, Yao Liang, Shui-Qing Fang, Xin Jiang, Meng Wang. HPLC in reversed phase mode: tool for investigation of isoquercitrin from enzymatic biosynthesis products of rutin, In: Ke-Xiao Zhu (eds.). Proceedings of 2009 International Conference of Natural Products and Traditional Medicine Berlin-Herdelberg: Springer Press. 2009, pp. 548-552.
[14] Jun Wang, Fu-An Wu, Hui Zhao, Li Liu, Qiu-Sheng Wu. Isolation for total flavonoids from mulberry (Morus alba L.) leaves with macroporous resins [J]. African Journal of Biotechnology. 2008, 7(13): 2147-2155.
[15] Jun Wang, Ding-Qiang Lu, Hong-Qun Qiao, Xiu-Quan Ling, Hui Zhao, Ping-Kai Ouyang. HPLC-PAD-ESI/MS/MS: Tool for investigation of kinetics of enzymatic hydrolysis of mono-caffeoylquinic acids from tobacco waste. Journal of Biotechnology, 2008, 136 (S1): 369-369.




(5)指導學生課外學術科技作品獲第十一屆“挑戰杯”全國大學生科技作品競賽三等獎(2009),該項目創業作品獲第七屆 “挑戰杯”全國大學生創業計畫競賽銀獎(2010)和第六屆“挑戰杯”江蘇省大學生創業計畫競賽特等獎。(2010)。


