




  • 中文名:梁美兒
  • 職業:教授
  • 畢業院校:哈佛大學、牛津大學、麻省理工學院
  • 主要成就:香港物流及運輸協會院士




梁教授的研究領域主要包括組合最佳化物流學。她對公共運輸調度、供應商選擇、物料運輸、路由和分配計畫、設施布局、生產調度和時間表制定的相關問題也深有研究。梁教授在多所周刊發表過文章,其中包括Mathematical Programming、Management Science、Operations Research、IIE Transactions、Discrete Optimization、Journal of Combinatorial Optimization、INFOR、IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation、OR Letters、Discrete Applied Mathematics等等。她的研究更得到了香港研究資助局美國國家科學基金會的肯定。


梁美兒教授在歐洲日報的物流運輸(2011)、運輸科學(2009)、工業工程師協會彙刊(2001)、計算機與運籌學研究(2005) 和海軍物流研究(2001)擔任編輯委員。梁教授是運籌學和管理學研究協會的資深會員,曾於2002年擔任管理科學或運籌學女性論壇的董事長,2000至2004年期間擔任學生事務委員會的主席。在2011年墨爾本舉辦的19屆IFORS會議中,梁教授擔任了科學項目主席一職。


1. “Improving the efficiency of a hospital emergency department: a simulation study with indirectly imputed service-time distributions”, Y.H. Kuo, O. Rado, B. Lupia, J.M.Y. Leung and C.A. Graham, Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal, published online (2014).
2. “Scheduling of Multi-skilled Staff Across Multiple Locations”, Y.H. Kuo, J.M.Y. Leung and C.A. Yano, Production and Operations Management 23:4, (2014) 626-644.
3. “From Preparedness to Recovery: A Tri-level Programming Model for Disaster Relief Planning”, IROHARA Takashi; KUO Yong Hong and LEUNG J.M.Y., in D. Pacino, S. Voss, R.M. Jensen (eds.) Computational Logistics, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8197, pp.213-228. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer Verlag, 2013.
4. “A Polytope for a Product of Real Linear Functions in Zero-One variables”, O. Gunluk, J. Lee and J. Leung, in J. Lee and S. Leyffer (Eds), Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Programming (The IMA Volumes in Mathematics and its Applications, vol. 154, Springer), 2012.
5. S.C.Ho and J.M.Y. Leung, “Solving a manpower scheduling problem for airline catering using metaheuristics”, European Journal of Operational Research, 202:3, 903-921 (2010).
6. R. Wong, T. Yuen, K.W. Fung, J. Leung, “Optimizing time-table synchronisation for rail mass transit”, Transportation Science, 42:1, 57-69 (2008).
7. J.C.F. Wong, P.T.W. Fung, C.H. Cheng, J. Leung, “A map-based decision-support system for delivery planning”, International Journal of Services Operations and Informatics, 2:1, 1-17 (2007).
8. J. Leung, G. Zhang, X. Yang, R. Mak, K. Lam, “Optimal cyclic multi-hoist scheduling: A mixed integer programming approach”, Operations Research, 52:6, 965-976 (2004).
9. A.S.F. Ng, T. Sastry., J. Leung, X. Cai, “On the Uncapacitated K-commodity Network Design Problem with Zero Flow-costs”, Naval Research Logistics, 51:8, 1149-1172 (2004).
10. J. Hardin, J. Lee and J. Leung, “On the Boolean-quadric packing uncapacitated facility-location polytope”, Annals of Operations Research, 83, 77-94 (1998).
11. P.A. Mullaseril, M. Dror and J. Leung, “Split-delivery Routing Heuristics in Livestock Feed Distribution”, Journal of the Operational Research Society, 48, 107-116 (1997).
12. K. Aardal, M. Labbe, J. Leung and M. Queyranne, “On the Two-level Facility Location Problem”, Informs Journal on Computing, 8, 289-301 (1996).
13. R.A. Russell and J. Leung, “Devising a Cost-Effective Schedule for a Baseball League”, Operations Research, 43, 614-625 (1994).


