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  • 中文名:張偉
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 職業:教師
  • 畢業院校:上海交通大學 
  • 學位:博士 


2007年於上海交通大學電子工程系獲得博士學位,2007年至2011年在加拿大溫莎大學(University of Windsor)從事博士後研究工作,並於2010年加入華中科技大學。





W. Zhang, Q. M. Jonathan Wu, X. K. Yang, and X. Z. Fang, “Multilevel framework to detect and handle vehicle occlusion,” IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol. 9, pp. 161-174, 2008. (SCI EI)
W. Zhang, X. Z. Fang, and X. K. Yang, “Moving vehicles segmentation based on Bayesian framework for Gaussian motion model,” Pattern Recognition Letters, vol. 27, pp. 956-967, Jul, 2006. (SCI EI)
W. Zhang, X. Z. Fang, X. K. Yang, and Q. M. Jonathan Wu, "Moving cast shadows detection using ratio edge," IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, vol. 9, pp. 1202-1214, 2007. (SCI EI)
W. Zhang, Q. M. Jonathan Wu, and X. Z. Fang., “Moving Cast Shadow Detection,” in “Vision Systems-Segmentation and Pattern Recognition” edited by Goro Obinata, ProLiteratur Verlag, Germany and Institute for Robotics and Automation, INRA, Vienna, 2007 (Book chapter)
W. Zhang, Q. M. Jonathan Wu, and Guanghui Wang, “Tracking and Paring Vehicle Headlight in Night Scenes,” IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. (In Press)
W. Zhang, X. Z. Fang, X. K. Yang, and Q. M. Jonathan Wu ,“Spatiotemporal Gaussian mixture model to detect moving objects in dynamic scenes,” Journal of Electronic Imaging , SPIE, vol. 16, 2007. (SCI EI)
Wei Zhang, Q. M. Jonathan Wu, Guanghui Wang, and Haibing Yin "An Adaptive Computational Model for Salient Object Detection ," IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, vol. 12, Jun. 2010. (SCI EI)
Wei Zhang, Q. M. Jonathan Wu, and Haibing Yin "Moving Vehicles Detection Based On Adaptive Motion Histogram," Journal of Digital Signal Processing, vol. 20, pp. 793-805, May, 2010. (SCI EI)
W. Zhang, X. Z. Fang, and Y. Xu, “Detection of moving cast shadows using image orthogonal transform,” in Proc. IEEE Int'l Conf. Pattern Recognition(ICPR), vol. 1, pp. 626-629, 2006. (EI)
W. Zhang, X. Z. Fang, and W. Y. Lin, “Moving vehicles segmentation based on Gaussian motion model” in Proc. Int’l Conf. Visual Communications and Image Processing(VCIP), SPIE, vol. 5960, pp. 141-148, 2005. (ISTP EI)
Wei Zhang, Q. M. Jonathan Wu, Xinge You, and Yongfang Wang "Image Matching Using Enclosed Region Detector," Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, vol. 21, May, 2010. (SCI EI)
W. Zhang, X. Z. Fang, and X. K. Yang, “Moving cast shadows detection based on ratio edge,” in Proc. IEEE Int'l Conf. Pattern Recognition(ICPR), vol. 4, pp. 73-76, 2006. (EI)
W. Zhang, Q. M. Jonathan Wu, and Guanghui Wang, “Adaptive Semantic Bayesian Framework for Image Attention,” in Proc. IEEE Int'l Conf. Pattern Recognition(ICPR), pp. 1-4, 2008. (EI)
W. Zhang, Q. M. Jonathan Wu, and Guanghui Wang, “Vehicle Headlights Detection using Markov Random Fields,” Asian Conference on Computer Vision(ACCV), vol. 5994, pp. 169-179, 2009. (ISTP EI)
W. Zhang and Q. M. Jonathan Wu, “Moving shadow detection based on normalized eigenvalue of Wishart matrix,” in Proc. IEEE Int'l Conf. Mechatronics and Automation (ICMA), pp. 645-650, 2010. (EI)
先後在IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems,ACCV等著名國際刊物及會議發表論文20餘篇,其中SCI收錄10餘篇,參與合作撰寫英文著作1部。


在加拿大期間,先後作為共同負責人 (Co-PI) 參與並完成包括Auto21及NSERC (加拿大自然科學基金) 等項目。目前主持國家自然科學基金項目2項。同時擔任IEEE Transactions on Multimedia、IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems、 IET Intelligent Transportation Systems、 Pattern Recognition Letters等多個國際期刊和會議的審稿專家。


