



  • 中文名:夏帆
  • 國籍:中國
  • 職業:華中科技大學教授
  • 性別:男


2012年-今 華中科技大學化學與化工學院(教授,博士生導師)。
2008-2012,美國加州大學聖塔巴巴拉分校,導師:Alan J. Heeger 教授(2000年諾貝爾化學獎獲得者)Kevin W. Plaxco 教授。
華中科技大學,獲得科技英語, 文學學士(通過專業英語八級考試)。




  1. 仿生流體可控輸運微/納米界面材料(973項目子課題 2013-2018)。
  2. 回響性脫氧核糖核酸分子設計與生物分子檢測 (青年千人計畫啟動基金)。
  3. 基於循環探針技術的乳腺癌早期檢測研究 (華中科技大學人才引進基金)。
本課題組從事生物感測器,回響性納米孔道,表面浸潤性和癌細胞早期臨床檢測的研究工作,內容涉及發展多種回響性核酸探針的製備方法,研究納米孔道材料結構和性能的關係,構築能夠進行早期癌症檢測的相關器件,以及探索核酸探針材料在生物分子計算領域的套用等。 迄今為止,已在國際核心期刊上發表SCI論文30餘篇,其中以第一作者或通訊作者發表Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America,Journal of the American Chemical Society, Angewandte Chemie International Edition,Advanced Materials共11篇。同時作為獨立審稿人審閱的期刊主要有:Chemical Society Reviews,Journal of the American Chemical Society,Angewandte Chemie International Edition,Advanced Materials,Advanced Functional Materials,Small,Chemistry-An Asian Journal,Chemistry-A European Journal, Analytical Chemistry。相關文章被Angewandte Chemie International Edition等選為封面文章,多篇文章被選為“Hot Article” 和“Top 10 Downloaded Articles”。發表的論文共被SCI刊物引用1400餘次(他引1350餘次),H因子為 20。
1、Nannan Liu, Yanan Jiang, Yahong Zhou,Fan Xia,* Wei Guo,* and Lei Jiang. “Two-Way Nanopore Sensing of Sequence-Specific Oligonucleotides and Small-Molecule Targets in Complex Matrices Using Integrated DNA Supersandwich Structures”Angew. Chem. Int. Ed, 2013, 52, 2007. (Inside Cover)。
2、Ruixue Duan, Xiaolei Zuo, Shutao Wang, Xiyun Quan, Fan Xia,* et al. “Lab in a tube: Ultra-sensitive detection of microRNAs at single cell level and in breast cancer patients using Quadratic Isothermal Am-plification” Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2013, published online on Feb. 27, 2013 (DOI: 10.1021/ja311313b)
3、Yanan Jiang, Nannan Liu, Wei guo,* Fan Xia,* et al. “Highly-Efficient Gating of Solid-State Nanochannels by DNA Supersandwich Structure Containing ATP Aptamers: A Nanofluidic IMPLICATION Logic Device” Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2012, 134, 37.。
4、Fan Xia, Xiaolei Zuo, Alexis Vallée-Bélisle, et al. “High Sensitivity Colorimetric Detection of DNA Sequences, Small Molecules, Proteins and Ions, using Unmodified Gold Nanoparticles and Conjugated Polyelectrolytes” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America: 2010, 107, 10837。
5、Fan Xia, Wei Guo, Youdong Mao, et al. “Gating of single synthetic nanopores by proton-driven DNA molecular motors” Journal of the American Chemical Society: 2008, 130, 8345。
6、Fan Xia, Xiaolei Zuo, Renqiang Yang, et al. “On the Binding of Cationic, Water-Soluble Conjugated Polymer to DNA: Electrostatic and Hydrophobic Interactions” Journal of the American Chemical Society: 2010,132, 1252。
7、Fan Xia, Xiaolei Zuo, Yi Xiao, et al. “Label-free, Dual-analyte Electrochemical Biosensors: A New Class of Molecular-Electronic Logic Gates”, Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2010, 132, 8557。
8、Fan Xia, Ryan White, Xiaolei Zuo, et al. “An electrochemical super-structure assay for sensitive and selective DNA detection in serum” Journal of the American Chemical Society: 2010,132, 14346。
9、Fan Xia, Lin Feng, Shutao Wang, et al. “Dual-Responsive-Switch Surfaces between Super-hydrophilicity and Super-hydrophobicity” Advanced Materials: 2006,18, 432。
10、Fan Xia, Hui Ge, Yi Hou, et al. “Multi-responsive change between Super-hydrophilicity and Super-hydrophobicity” Advanced Materials: 2007, 19, 2520。
11、Fan Xia and Lei Jiang “Bio-inspired smart multi-scale interfacial materials” Advanced Materials: 2008, 20, 2842。
12、Fan Xia, Lin Feng and Lei Jiang “Super responsive surfaces switching between super-hydrophobicity and super-hydrophilicity” Soft matter 2009, 5, 275。
13、Hongwei Xia, Fan Xia,* Yecang Tang, et al. “Tuning Surface Wettability through Supramolecular Interactions ” Soft Matter, 2011, 7, 1638。
14、Yongmei Jia, Ruixue Duan, Fan Hong, Boya Wang, Nannan Liu and Fan Xia*, “Electrochemical Biocomputing: A New Class of Molecular-Electronic Logic Devices” Soft matter 2013, accepted。
15、Di Kang, Ryan J. White, Fan Xia,* et al. “DNA biomolecular-electronic encoder and decoder devices constructed by multiplex biosensors” NPG Asia Materials,2012, 4, 15197。


  1. 入選中央組織部“青年千人”計畫(2012);
  2. 湖北省特聘專家。


