

夏奡,男,工學博士,重慶大學能源與動力工程學院研究員,博士生導師,中國科協“青年人才托舉工程”人選,重慶大學“百人計畫”學者。長期從事生物質能及節能減排相關領域的研究。在Trends in Biotechnology、Applied Energy、Energy、Bioresource Technology等國際SCI期刊上發表論文80餘篇,出版Springer Nature專著1部(ISBN 978-981-10-7676-3),合作撰寫國際能源署(IEA)生物天然氣出版物1部(ISBN 978-1-910154-18-2),應邀撰寫Springer重要參考書(Major Reference Works)1章。研究成果被引用1500餘次,6篇論文入選ESI高被引論文、1篇論文入選ESI熱點論文、1篇論文入選重慶市科協自然科學優秀學術論文,H-index為24。

作為課題負責人主持國家自然科學基金面上及青年項目、國家重點研發計畫子課題、重慶市留學人員回國創業創新支持計畫重點項目等多個科研項目。曾獲得國際SCI期刊Bioresource Technology最佳審稿人獎、Applied Energy、Energy Conversion and Management等7個SCI期刊傑出審稿人獎、浙江大學最高榮譽“竺可楨獎學金”、國際清潔能源會議“優秀論文獎”等榮譽和獎勵。


  • 中文名:夏奡
  • 畢業院校:浙江大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:生物燃氣轉化過程中的能質傳輸問題等
  • 職務:重慶大學能源與動力工程學院博士生導師






應邀擔任國家重點研發計畫、國家自然科學基金、波蘭科學基金評審專家,擔任教育部學位與研究生教育發展中心博士論文評審專家。擔任2個國際期刊客座編輯和編委、1個國際期刊副主編以及Applied Energy、Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews、Energy、Bioresource Technology、Algal Research、Energy & Fuels等36個SCI期刊評審專家。擔任APEC先進生物氫能研究中心重慶分會副主席。擔任國際學術會議組委會委員或分會主席3次、做特邀報告2次。







[1]Ao Xiaand Jerry Murphy*. Microalgal cultivation in treating liquid digestate from biogas systems.Trends in Biotechnology 2016; 34:264–275.
[2]Ao Xia, Jun Cheng* and Jerry Murphy. Innovation in biological production and upgrading of methane and hydrogen for use as gaseous transport biofuel.Biotechnology Advances 2016; 34:451–472.
[3]Chihe Sun,Ao Xia*, Qian Fu, Yun Huang, Richen Lin and Jerry Murphy.Effects of pre-treatment and biological acidification on fermentative hydrogen and methane co-production.Energy Conversion and Management 2019; In Press.
[4]Chihe Sun,Ao Xia*, Qiang Liao*, Qian Fu, Yun Huang, Xun Zhu, Pengfei Wei, Richen Lin and Jerry Murphy.Improving production of volatile fatty acids and hydrogen from microalgae and rice residue: Effects of physicochemical characteristics and mix ratios.Applied Energy 2018; 230:1082–1092.
[5]Pengfei Wei,Ao Xia*, Qiang Liao, Chihe Sun, Yun Huang, Qian Fu, Xun Zhu and Richen Lin. Enhancing fermentative hydrogen production with the removal of volatile fatty acids by electrodialysis.Bioresource Technology 2018; 263:437–443.
[6]Muhammad Rizwan Tabassum,Ao Xia* and Jerry Murphy. Biomethane production from various segments of brown seaweed.Energy Conversion and Management 2018; 174:855–862.
[7]Ao Xia, Ziming Hu, Qiang Liao*, Yun Huang, Xun Zhu, Wenfan Ye, Yahui Sun.Enhancement of CO2transfer and microalgae growth by perforated inverted arc trough internals in a flat-plate photobioreactor.Bioresource Technology 2018; 269:292–299.
[8]Muhammad Rizwan Tabassum,Ao Xia* and Jerry Murphy. Potential of seaweed as a feedstock for renewable gaseous fuel production in Ireland.Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews 2017; 68:136–146.
[9]Amita Jacob Guneratnam,Ao Xia*, Jerry Murphy. Comparative study of single- and two-stage fermentation of the brown seaweedLaminaria digitata.Energy Conversion and Management 2017; 148: 405-412.
[10]Muhammad Rizwan Tabassum,Ao Xia*, Jerry Murphy. Comparison of pre-treatments to reduce salinity and enhance biomethane yields ofLaminaria digitataharvested in different seasons.Energy 2017;140: 546-551.
[11]Ao Xia, Amita Jacob, Muhammad Rizwan Tabassum, Christiane Herrmann and Jerry Murphy*. Production of hydrogen, ethanol and volatile fatty acids through co-fermentation of macro-and micro-algae.Bioresource Technology 2016; 205:118–125.
[12]Ao Xia, Amita Jacob, Christiane Herrmann and Jerry Murphy*. Fermentative bio-hydrogen production from galactose.Energy 2016; 96:346–354.
[13]Muhammad Rizwan Tabassum,Ao Xia* and Jerry Murphy. Seasonal variation of chemical composition and biomethane production from the brown seaweedAscophyllum nodosum.Bioresource Technology 2016; 216:219–226.
[14]Muhammad Rizwan Tabassum,Ao Xia* and Jerry Murphy. The effect of seasonal variation on biomethane production from seaweed and on application as a gaseous transport biofuel.Bioresource Technology 2016; 209:213–219.
[15]Ao Xia, Jun Cheng*, Lingkan Ding, Richen Lin, Wenlu Song, Huibo Su, Junhu Zhou and Kefa Cen. Substrate consumption and hydrogen production via co-fermentation of monomers derived from carbohydrates and proteins in biomass wastes.Applied Energy 2015; 139:9–16.
[16]Ao Xia, Amita Jacob, Christiane Herrmann, Muhammad Tabassum and Jerry Murphy*. Production of hydrogen, ethanol and volatile fatty acids from the seaweed carbohydrate mannitol.Bioresource Technology 2015; 193:488–497.
[17]Ao Xia, Jun Cheng*, Wenlu Song, Huibo Su, Lingkan Ding, Richen Lin, Hongxiang Lu, Jianzhong Liu, Junhu Zhou and Kefa Cen. Fermentative hydrogen production using algal biomass as feedstock.Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews 2015; 51:209–230.
[18]Ao Xia, Christiane Herrmann and Jerry Murphy*. How do we optimise third generation algae biofuels?Biofuels Bioproducts & Biorefining-Biofprining 2015; 9:358–367.
[19]Ao Xia, Jun Cheng*, Lingkan Ding, Richen Lin, Wenlu Song, Junhu Zhou and Kefa Cen. Enhancement of energy production efficiency from mixed biomass ofChlorella pyrenoidosaand cassava starch through combined hydrogen fermentation and methanogenesis.Applied Energy 2014; 120:23–30.
[20]Ao Xia, Jun Cheng*, Lingkan Ding, Richen Lin, Wenlu Song, Junhu Zhou and Kefa Cen. Effects of changes in microbial community on the fermentative production of hydrogen and soluble metabolites fromChlorella pyrenoidosabiomass in semi-continuous operation.Energy 2014; 68:982–988.
[21]Ao Xia, Jun Cheng*, Richen Lin, Jianzhong Liu, Junhu Zhou and Kefa Cen. Sequential generation of hydrogen and methane from glutamic acid through combined photo-fermentation and methanogenesis.Bioresource Technology 2013; 131:146–151.
[22]Ao Xia, Jun Cheng*, Richen Lin, Hongxiang Lu, Junhu Zhou and Kefa Cen. Comparison in dark hydrogen fermentation followed by photo hydrogen fermentation and methanogenesis between protein and carbohydrate compositions inNannochloropsis oceanicabiomass.Bioresource Technology 2013; 138:204–213.
[23]Ao Xia, Jun Cheng*, Richen Lin, Lingkan Ding, Junhu Zhou and Kefa Cen. Combination of hydrogen fermentation and methanogenesis to enhance energy conversion efficiency from trehalose.Energy 2013; 55:631–637.
[24]Ao Xia, Jun Cheng*, Lingkan Ding, Richen Lin, Junhu Zhou and Kefa Cen. Improvement of the energy conversion efficiency ofChlorella pyrenoidosabiomass by a three-stage process comprising dark fermentation, photofermentation, and methanogenesis.Bioresource Technology 2013; 146:436–443.
[25]Ao Xia, Jun Cheng*, Wenlu Song, Cong Yu, Junhu Zhou and Kefa Cen. Enhancing enzymatic saccharification of water hyacinth through microwave heating with dilute acid pretreatment for biomass energy utilization.Energy 2013; 61:158–166.
[26]Truc TQ Vo*,Ao Xia, David M Wall, Jerry D Murphy. Use of surplus wind electricity in Ireland to produce compressed renewable gaseous transport fuel through biological power to gas systems.Renewable Energy 2017; 105:495–504.
[27]Truc TQ Vo*,Ao Xia, Fionn Rogan, David M Wall, Jerry D Murphy. Sustainability assessment of large-scale storage technologies for surplus electricity using group multi-criteria decision analysis.Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy 2017; 19:689–703.
[28]Amita Jacob,Ao Xia, Jerry D Murphy*. A perspective on gaseous biofuel production from micro-algae generated from CO2from a coal-fired power plant.Applied Energy 2015; 148:396–402.
[29]Richen Lin*, Chen Deng, Jun Cheng,Ao Xia, Piet Lens, Stephen Jackson, Alan Dobson and Jerry Murphy. Graphene facilitates biomethane production from protein-derived glycine in anaerobic digestion.iScience 2018; 10: 158–170.
[30]Lingkan Ding, Enrique Chan Gutierrez, Jun Cheng*,Ao Xia, Richard O’Shea, Amita Jacob Guneratnam, Jerry D Murphy. Assessment of continuous fermentative hydrogen and methane co-production using macro-and micro-algae with increasing organic loading rate.Energy 2018; 151:760–770.


[1]Qiang Liao, Jo-Shu Chang, Christiane Herrmann andAo Xia. Bioreactors for Microbial Biomass and Energy Conversion,Springer Nature 2018; ISBN 978-981-10-7676-3.
[2]Ao Xia*, Xun Zhu and Qiang Liao. Hydrogen Production from Biological Sources. In: Lipman T., Weber A. (eds) Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Production. Encyclopedia of Sustainability Science and Technology, Second Edition,Springer 2019, 833–863.
[3]Jerry Murphy*, Bernhard Drosg, Eoin Allen, Jacqueline Jerney,Ao Xiaand Christiane Herrmann. A perspective on algal biogas.IEA Bioenergy 2015; ISBN 978-1-910154-18-2


